IMC 2009: Keywords
IMC 2009: Sessions tagged with Art History - General
- Art and Authority: The Use of Imagery to Establish Orthodoxy (1214)
- Art facing Heresy and Orthodoxy in East-Central Europe (1014)
- Babel and Cenacle: The Discourses of Heresiology in Text and Image (1018)
- Brick and Stone against Heresy and for Orthodoxy (814)
- Columbanus: Life and Legacy (120)
- Contexts of Crusade Christianity in the Medieval Prussian World (201)
- Crafts and Trades: The Power of Entrepreneurship (513)
- East and West in Conflict and Dialogue, II: Orthodoxy and its Discontents (810)
- For Earthly Kingship and the Realm of Heaven: Bishop Meinwerk of Paderborn (124)
- Gendering Heresy, IV: Gender and Visual Representation (709)
- Head of the World which is now its Tail: Rome in the 14th Century (525)
- Heresy and Bodily Practice, II: Sex, Dissidence, and Exclusion (1116)
- Heresy and Orthodoxy Images in the Medieval Hispanic World (1614)
- Heresy and Orthodoxy in Artistic and Architectural Expression, II: Haeresis and Self-Fashioning (214)
- How to Make Saints and Influence People: The Construction of Sanctity and its Relationship to Intercession and Pilgrimage in British Hagiography (1528)
- Iconography of the Episcopacy: Bishops and/in the Image (625)
- Identity and Othering, III: Outlandish Practices and Theories (1011)
- In Search of Contexts: The Bad Ones and the Good Ones in Late Medieval Religious Space, I (1521)
- In Search of Contexts: The Bad Ones and the Good Ones in Late Medieval Religious Space, II (1623)
- Know your Enemy, I: How to Spot a Heretic (511)
- Medieval French Arthurian Literature (728)
- Neo/Medieval Communities and Socio-Cultural Spaces of Resistance (1525)
- Orthodoxy and Heresy: Three Visual Manifestations (1114)
- Pagans and Sexuality, II: Geographies (1601)
- Patronage and Benefaction in Medieval England: Saints, Statues, and Seals (1502)
- Postcolonial Theory and Medieval Art: Heretical Approaches to an Orthodox Discipline (616)
- Religious Art Disputed (1516)
- Representations of Conformity and Dissent, I (817)
- Representations of Conformity and Dissent, II (1017)
- Secular Gift-Giving in the Medieval West, c. 1200-1400 (302)
- Shaping Reception of Medieval Sites: What Are We Doing?, I (702)
- Shaping Reception of Medieval Sites: What Are We Doing?, II (802)
- The Representation of 'Other' in Medieval Spain, I (117)
- The V&A at the IMC, I: Faiths and Empires, 300-1250 (1002)
- The V&A at the IMC, II: The Rise of Gothic, 1200-1350 (1102)
- The V&A at the IMC, III: Devotion and Display 1300-1500 (1202)
- The V&A at the IMC, IV: Noble Living 1350-1500 (1302)
- Wounds, I: Medieval World and Modern Medicine (226)
- Wounds, II: Judicial, Religious, and Surgical Sources (326)
- Writ Large: Heresy and Orthodoxy in the Decoration of Medieval Buildings (1314)