IMC 2009: Keywords
IMC 2009: Sessions tagged with Language and Literature - Middle English
- Approaches to Magic and Literature (1027)
- Approaches to Saints and their Cults (1602)
- Attitudes towards Religion from the Anglo-Saxon Era to the Later Middle Ages, II: Orthodoxy, Heresy, and the Self (520)
- Authorship and Authority: Barking Abbey and its Texts (819)
- Babel and Cenacle: The Discourses of Heresiology in Text and Image (1018)
- Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Women Inhabiting the Grey Zone (1523)
- Crusades and the Enemy (311)
- Electronic Work on English Medieval Manuscripts, I (1029)
- Electronic Work on English Medieval Manuscripts, II (1129)
- Electronic Work on English Medieval Manuscripts, III (1229)
- English Civic Drama (1228)
- Gender and Authority (1224)
- Gender and Romance (1124)
- Gendering Heresy, II: Women and the Inquisition (509)
- Gendering Heresy, IV: Gender and Visual Representation (709)
- Heretical Cultures in England, I: Lollardy and Wycliffe (112)
- Heretical Cultures in England, II: Chaucer and Intellectual Culture (212)
- Heretical Cultures in England, III: Langland and Allegory (312)
- Heretical Cultures in England, IV: Langland, the Bible, and Liturgy (512)
- Identifying Holy and Transgressive Behaviour in Margery Kempe and Beatrice of Nazareth (609)
- Identity and Othering, III: Outlandish Practices and Theories (1011)
- Ideology and Practice in 14th-Century English Politics (307)
- John Wycliffe and the Intellectual History of Late Medieval England (818)
- Late Romantic Medievalism: Text and Scholarship (711)
- Magic and Divination (1316)
- Marking the Body: (Re)Defining Stigmata in Terms of Orthodoxy and Heresy in the Late Medieval Tradition (128)
- Medical Diagnoses and Cures (1607)
- Middle English Pseudo-Bonaventuran Lives of Christ: Geographies of Orthodoxy (521)
- Neo/Medieval Communities and Socio-Cultural Spaces of Resistance (1525)
- 'On the edge of a Grimpen': Arthurian Narrative and the Perilous Forest of Heterodoxy (1621)
- Orthodoxy and Heresy in Representation of the Holy Family, I: The Holy Family in Medieval England (1012)
- Pagans and Sexuality, II: Geographies (1601)
- Papers on the Culture of French Medieval Drama in Memory of Lynette R. Muir (1125)
- Priestly Piety in the Later Middle Ages (1624)
- Reasoning with Heretics (318)
- Religious Writing in Later Medieval England (and Spain) (127)
- Silent Speech on Medieval Misericords: Papers in Memory of Elaine C. Block (1127)
- Space, Performance, and Life-Cycle: Places of Transformation in Text and Culture (1207)
- The Devotional Self, II (822)
- The Language of Intercession in 14th-Century England (207)
- The Metre of Alliterative Verse (1104)
- The Representation of 'Other' in Medieval Spain, I (117)
- The Rhetoric of Gender (1324)
- The Sheer Cheek!: Three Perspectives on Youth and Rebellion (1122)
- Three Phases of the Wycliffite Controversies (1321)
- Unorthodox Beings, II: Inhabiting Liminal Moments and Spaces (715)
- Unorthodox Domesticity: Familial Relations in Middle English Romance (1004)
- Varieties of Violence (1507)
- Wycliffite Spirituality (1022)