Abstract | Paper -a:
From 1606 to 1612 Leonardo Donà served as the 90th doge of Venice. In his youth, he had spent two years in Cyprus, while his father was the governor of the island in the 1550's. Due to his privileged status as the son of the governor, Leonardo had easy and unrestricted access to the Venetian government's archives kept on the island. He also was a keen observer and took extensive notes as he travelled the island and observed its affairs. This paper will focus on his observations on the Cypriot peasantry.
Paper -b:
As in all other districts, in Hungarian-Croatian Kingdom the Knights of St John were organised in their basic organisational units - the preceptories. Historical sources show several castellanies also appearing on the Croatian territory at the beginning of the 14th century. One of the former preceptories which was turned into a castellany was the preceptory in Bela, a fortified town in NW Croatia. The lecture discusses possible reasons for this transformation and shows its consequences, visible from the sources (giving of border properties to vassals for the better protection of the property) and archaeological research (the probable construction of the Gradišce fort, the fortification of the property's borders – the example of Ivanec).