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IMC 2013: Sessions

Session 1422: Ostriches: A Round Table Discussion

Wednesday 3 July 2013, 19.30-20.30

Sponsor:M(edieval) A(nimal) D(ata Network), Central European University, Budapest
Organiser:Alice Choyke, Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University, Budapest
Moderator/Chair:Gerhard Jaritz, Institut für Realienkunde, Universität Salzburg, Krems / Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University, Budapest

Following the discussions at the IMC in recent years always dealing with one animal (species), we will this year concentrate on the ostrich, the knowledge about it in medieval Europe, its use and by-products, its textual and visual representations, the disseminated stories about its nature and characteristics, and its symbolic attributes.

Participants include Thierry Buquet (Institut Français du Proche Orient, Beirut), Alice Choyke (Central European University, Budapest), Dragoş Gh. Năstăsoiu (Central European University, Budapest), and Mónica Ann Walker Vadillo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).