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IMC 2013: Sessions

Session 414: Teaching Pleasure: A Round Table Discussion

Monday 1 July 2013, 19.30-20.30

Sponsor:Institute of Humanities & Social Science Research, Manchester Metropolitan University / History Lab+, Institute of Historical Research, University of London
Organiser:Jason T. Roche, Department of History, Politics & Philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University
Moderator/Chair:Kimm Curran, History Lab+, Institute of Historical Research, University of London

The medieval attitude towards and experience of pleasure often took on very different forms to those recognisable to 21st-century students. Earthly pleasures were frequently associated with sin and damnation whilst spiritual pleasures were sought in the hope of salvation. Feasting and sexual acts, for example, may have been pleasurable, but each found its counterpart in chastity, celibacy, fasting, and abstinence. Bringing together a range of scholars at various stages of their careers, the Round Table aims to discuss how seemingly ambiguous and imperceptible experiences of medieval pleasure can be conveyed to undergraduate and public audiences alike in both innovative and traditional ways.

Participants include Liuzzo Scorpo Antonella (University of London), April Harper (State University of New York, Oneonta), Katherine J. Lewis (University of Huddersfield), Iona McCleery (University of Leeds), and Jason Roche (Manchester Metropolitan University).