IMC 2013: Strands
IMC 2013: Sessions in strand Literacy and Communication
- Books Have Their Histories: Medieval Chronicles and Their Scribes, Manuscripts, and Early Editions, I (527)
- Books Have Their Histories: Medieval Chronicles and Their Scribes, Manuscripts, and Early Editions, II - Prose Brut Manuscripts (627)
- Books Have Their Histories: Medieval Chronicles and Their Scribes, Manuscripts, and Early Editions, III - Historical Texts and Their Authors, Audiences, and Printers (727)
- Books Have Their Histories: Medieval Chronicles and Their Scribes, Manuscripts, and Early Editions, IV - Beyond Brut History (827)
- Charters and Laypersons: Making, Using, and Keeping (1230)
- Digital Pleasures, I: Pleasing the Paleographer? - Examples of Automatic Writer Identification (530)
- Digital Pleasures, II: Tools for Dating and Describing Script (630)
- Digital Pleasures, III: Diplomatics and Editorial Practices in the 21st Century (730)
- Digital Pleasures, IV: Scholarly Editions, Data Formats, Data Exploitation (1030)
- Digital Pleasures, V: Automated Text Recognition, Text Annotation, and Scholarly Edition in the 21st Century (1130)
- Ideology of Translation, I: The Office of the Translators (130)
- Ideology of Translation, II: Politics of Translation (230)
- Ideology of Translation, III: Translation and the Cultural Dynamics (330)
- Manuscripts and Texts in Medieval Austria (326)
- Medieval Letters and Letter-Collections, 1000-1500: A Pleasurable Reading?! (112)
- Multilingualism and the Use of French beyond France, c. 1100 - c. 1300 (219)
- Negotiation and Transformation: Medieval Southern Italy, 12th-13th Century, II (1624)
- Negotiation and Transformation: Medieval Southern Italy, 12th-13th Century, III (1724)
- Pleasure by Learning and in the Law (814)
- Political Communication in the Carolingian World (1111)
- Reading for Pleasure?: Paratext and Literacy in Manuscripts and Early Printed Books (514)
- Space, Music, Text, and Praxis: Popular Belief and the Long Middle Ages in the North, 15th-17th Centuries, I (511)
- Space, Music, Text, and Praxis: Popular Belief and the Long Middle Ages in the North, 15th-17th Centuries, II (611)
- Space, Music, Text, and Praxis: Popular Belief and the Long Middle Ages in the North, 15th-17th Centuries, III (711)
- Space, Music, Text, and Praxis: Popular Belief and the Long Middle Ages in the North, 15th-17th Centuries, IV (811)
- Texts and Identities, I: Governing the Body - Governing the Soul: Christianity and Society in the Carolingian Period (1010)
- Texts and Identities, II: Early Medieval Episcopal Self-Fashioning (1110)
- Texts and Identities, III: Organising Knowledge and Constructing Communities (1210)
- The Pleasure and Pragmatics of Epistolary Exchange, I: Love, Friendship, and the Art of Letter Writing (212)
- The Pleasure and Pragmatics of Epistolary Exchange, II: Use of the Letter Form in Religious, Learned, and Political Interaction (312)
- The Rules of Debate in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, II (1303)
- The Transformation of the Book in the Long 12th Century (1720)