IMC 2015: Keywords
IMC 2015: Sessions tagged with Administration
- 14th-Century England, II: Parliaments and Retinues (1638)
- Being Led Astray by Medieval Animals: Pharmaceutical Badgers, Hairy Bears, and Vanishing Elephants in Late Medieval Europe (309)
- Between Dubrovnik and Venice: Renewal of the Religious and Built Landscapes in Comparative Perspective (830)
- Between Worldly Objectives and Spiritual Renewal, II: Cloister Reform and Cloister Resistance in Late Medieval France (1137)
- Beyond Feudalism: Rethinking Normative Orders, I - Possession, Hierarchy, Habitus?: Creating Bonds with Armed Men in Early Medieval Europe (1521)
- Beyond Feudalism: Rethinking Normative Orders, II - Property, Tenure, and the Legal Revolution in Medieval Europe (1621)
- Boom or Bust?: Credit, Reputation, and Innovation in Late Medieval Towns - Papers in Honour of Richard Britnell and John Munro, I (538)
- Cartularies and Reform: Monastic Responses to Episcopal Threats in High Medieval Iberia (1616)
- Change and Renewal in Non-Muslim Communal Outlooks in the Classical Islamic Period, I (1623)
- Change and Renewal in Non-Muslim Communal Outlooks in the Classical Islamic Period, II (1723)
- Collective and Individual Renewals in Secular Contexts, II (320)
- Communication and the Exploitation of Knowledge, III (343)
- Cooperation amidst Conflict: Urban and Noble Relationships in the Iberian Peninsula in the Late Middle Ages, I - The Socio-Political Arena (544)
- God and the State: The Archdiocese of Nidaros and Temporal Power, 1430-1520 (1709)
- Human Migration and Displacement in the Medieval Mediterranean at the Time of the Holy Land Crusades, c. 1050 - c. 1300, III (334)
- Imagined Communities on the Baltic Rim, 11th-15th Centuries (1104)
- Keeping It in the Family: Intergenerational Relationships, Power, and the Control of Lands in Medieval Western Europe (1716)
- Landscapes/Seascapes, I: Shaping Territorial Identities (1505)
- Landscapes/Seascapes, II: Regional Landscapes (1605)
- Law and Lordship in England, c. 950 - c. 1200 (739)
- Merchants and Their Political Influence (726)
- New Perspectives on 15th-Century Scotland, III: The Urban Context (1207)
- New Power, State's Integration, Transforming Society: The Example of Medieval Poland (520)
- Power Elites in the Later Middle Ages, I: Financial Agents in the Royal Treasury in the Iberian Peninsula (1038)
- Power Elites in the Later Middle Ages, II: The Polities of the Low Countries (1138)
- Queens, Princes, and Favourites: Reformers from within the King's Circle, 12th-14th Centuries (621)
- 'Ravenna, better loved than all': Honouring Thomas S. Brown, II (612)
- Reform and Renewal in Burgundy, III (1726)
- Reform and Renewal in East and Central Europe: Law and Politics, I - Law and Local Customs (1022)
- Reform and Renewal in East and Central Europe: Law and Politics, III - Royal Power (1222)
- Reform and Renewal in East and Central Europe: Law and Politics, II – Diplomatic Activity (1122)
- Reform and Renewal in East and Central Europe: Law and Politics, IV - Practice and Political Thought (1322)
- Reform and Renewal in East and Central Europe: Law and Politics, V: Transylvania in the 13th Century - Archeology, Architecture, and Documents (1522)
- Reforming Secular Lordship (323)
- Reforming Social and Juridical Authority (1722)
- Religious Men and Reform, I: Diocesan Reform in Later Medieval England - Institutions and Identities (1217)
- Renewal, Reform, and Dynastic Legitimacy in Medieval Monarchy (721)
- Renovatio in the East Roman and Byzantine World, II: Emperors and Reform (1319)
- Rethinking the Medieval Frontier, I: Beyond the Reconquista (1630)
- Southern Italy in Context (10th-13th Centuries), II: Crossing Cultures (1225)
- Southern Italy in Context (10th-13th Centuries), V: Networks and Charters (1625)
- Supplicatory Cultures, I: Petitions and Legal Strategy in Medieval Britain (110)
- The Early Islamic World, V: Writing, Administration, and Taxation (633)
- The King's Judges and the Local Communities, 1450-1521 (1539)
- The Long Arm of the Law?: The Role of Church and State in Law Enforcement in 12th- and 13th-Century England (1611)
- The Peace of God Revisited (310)
- The Resolution of Conflict and Dispute in the Middle Ages, I: Reconciliation in the Earlier Middle Ages (212)
- The Resolution of Conflict and Dispute in the Middle Ages, II: Negotiating Power in Judicial Frameworks (312)
- The Role of the Individual in the Medieval Hospital: History, Administration, and Care (509)
- The Rule of Lords in Times of Change, 1300-1500: Papers in Honour of Richard Britnell and John Munro, II (638)
- The Transformation of the Roman World: Sessions in Honour of Ian N. Wood, IV (1314)
- The Yorkist Renewal, II: The Limitations of Reform (324)
- Transformation and Renewal in Post-Roman and Early Medieval Societies, II: The Roman and Post-Roman Western Mediterranean (1120)
- Transformation and Renewal in Post-Roman and Early Medieval Societies, III: Late Roman and Early Medieval Leadership (1320)
- Transformation and Renewal in Post-Roman and Early Medieval Societies, IV: Early Medieval Governance (1520)
- Writing History in the Anglo-Norman World: Cartularies as History? (839)
- Writing History in the Urban World: The Low Countries and the North of France, 1100-1600, II (338)