IMC 2015: Sessions
Session 403: Spaces and Places as Analytical Tools for Historical Research: A Round Table Discussion
Monday 6 July 2015, 19.00-20.00
Sponsor: | 'Cities of Readers: Religious Literacies in the Long 15th Century' Project, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen |
Organiser: | Felicitas Schmieder, Historisches Institut, FernUniversität Hagen |
Moderator/Chair: | Margriet Hoogvliet, Vakgroep Mediaevistiek, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen |
Abstract | The spatial turn in the social sciences is increasingly informing historical research. Recently several publications about the Middle Ages and Early Modern period have used the concepts of 'space' and 'place' as the theoretical basis of their research, including at times historical maps and modern maps of historical situations as visual tools. This theoretical 'Mapping' session aims at the exchange of theoretical approaches and the exploration of new ideas: where do we stand in the further elaboration of Braudel's, Lefebvre's, Deleuze's, and Guattari's ideas? How can we use lieux de mémoire and lieux de savoir in our research? Participants include Sabrina Corbellini (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), Paul D. A. Harvey (Durham University), Keith Lilley (Queen's University Belfast), Catrien Santing (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen), and Bogumil Szady (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin). |