Paper 743-a | A Catalan Medieval Translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in Its European Context (Language: English) Gemma Pellissa Prades, Department of the Classics, Harvard University Index terms: Language and Literature - Comparative, Language and Literature - Other, Learning (The Classical Inheritance), Pagan Religions |
Abstract | The academic world is living interesting times, specially on those places still struck by the crisis, like the Iberian peninsula. It comes to the young scholars, forced to emigrate, to make the most of the extremely rich sources held in the peninsula, while trying to regenerate the local historiography. In this session our main purpose is to show how extensive is the work of the new generations and how many unedited sources are yet to be researched. From literature through theology, including archival sources, all pieces are set for a new historiography.
Paper -a:
My paper deals with the Catalan 15th-century translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses by Francesc Alegre (1472-1482), which was printed in Barcelona in 1494 with an extraordinary print run of 1000 copies. And, still, it has not been published in a modern edition yet, although 20 of the incunabula have been preserved until today. I am currently preparing an edition of this work that includes Alegre’s translation together with his own glosses of the text. It will enable me to contextualize the Catalan translation in its European context, to compare this text with other medieval and early-modern versions and glosses of the work in romance languages and to evaluate the reception of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in the Crown of Aragon in the 15th century. Undoubtedly, it is an essential contribution to our comprehension of the cultural re-interpretation of the classics, Ovid in particular, in the Late Middle Ages.
Paper -b:
The three Iberian territories of the Crown of Aragon (the Kingdom of Aragon, the Kingdom of Valencia and the Principality of Catalonia) developed strong parliamentary systems between the 13th and 14th centuries. The Catalan one is the best known, as the Proceedings of the Parliament were published more than a century ago and they have been studied in depth. However, the Proceedings of the Aragonese and the Valencian Parliaments have not been edited until now (they are currently been published) and we have fewer information. This paper tries to make a first comparative approach between the medieval Parliaments of those 3 different political entities.
Paper -c:
Ramon Llull is one of the most interesting medieval authors regarding the projection of the own intellectual and missionary program. In order to make his message understandable for different audiences, Llull tried several strategies of production and dissemination of his texts. From the first manuscripts related to Llull’s time, the Lullian works were spread for centuries and through the whole Europe: the creation of some manuscript compilations, their form and the intention with which the texts were disseminated reveal a specific interpretation of Llull and his works related to a certain context. The Medicina de pecat is a representative case of a work mostly disseminated in parts; through this case, it is possible to identify different typologies of works’ compilations that can be found in the Lullian manuscript tradition, from the 14th century to the editing projects of Llull’s works.