IMC 2015: Strands
IMC 2015: Sessions in strand Language and Literature - Middle English
- Changing Arthurian Traditions (1244)
- Exemplarity and the Exemplum in Middle English (1144)
- Fresh Approaches to Rebirth and Renewal, Medieval and Neo-Medieval (240)
- Gender and Genre in Later Middle English (1344)
- Medicine of Words: Literature, Medicine, and Theology in the Middle Ages (109)
- Middle English Lyrics, I: Form, Focus, Function (1544)
- Middle English Lyrics, II: Form, Focus, Function (1644)
- Modelling Ethical Reform in Medieval Literature, I (131)
- New Directions in Manuscript Studies: Queer Readings, II (602)
- New Directions in Manuscript Studies: Queer Readings, I (502)
- New Perspectives on 15th-Century Scotland, II: Literature and Politics (1107)
- Performing Emotions (1331)
- (Re)Forming Women: Fluid Femininities and Socio-Religious Reform, I (731)
- Reading Chaucer Aloud at Leeds: A Workshop (1432)
- Reform, the Reader, and the Book: The Development of Reading Habits and Practices in Reformation England and Scotland (532)
- Reform and Renewal in 12th-Century English Vernacular Texts (1529)
- Reform and Renewal in Late Medieval Devotional Compilations, I (132)
- Reform and Renewal in Late Medieval Devotional Compilations, II (232)
- Reform and Renewal in Late Medieval Devotional Compilations, III (1645)
- Reforming Women: Impact of the Spirituality of Helfta Community after Arundel (616)
- Renewing and Reforming Chivalry in Arthurian Texts (729)
- Renewing Literary Traditions, I (1229)
- Robin Hood: Making an Old Legend 'New' (1044)
- Structures, Symbolic Architecture, and Medieval Theatre (305)
- Teaching Faith, Spreading Doubt: The Portrayal of Religion and the Church in Art, Drama, and Literature (704)
- 'The graves all gaping wide, every one lets forth his sprite […]': Depictions of the Dead in the Middle Ages and Beyond (609)
- The Reformative Power of Religious Literature, I (1531)
- The Reformative Power of Religious Literature, II (1631)
- Trading Insults: How to Rile with Style in Medieval England (1744)
- Writing Reform in Medieval Britain (329)