IMC 2015: Strands
IMC 2015: Sessions in strand Theology and Biblical Studies
- 14th-Century Theologians on Jews, Medicine, and correctio fraterna (540)
- Anti-Jewish Hostility in Art and Literature, 1066-1189 (1635)
- Apocalypse, Prophecy, and Reform, I (523)
- Apocalypse, Prophecy, and Reform, II (623)
- Apocalypse, Prophecy, and Reform, III (723)
- Apocalypse, Prophecy, and Reform, IV (823)
- Authority and Ethics (1339)
- Biblical Exegesis in Medieval Chronicles, I: The First Crusade and the Liberation of the Holy Land (734)
- Biblical Exegesis in Medieval Chronicles, II: Frontiers and Faith in the Baltic and Outremer (834)
- Canon Law, V: Theology and Political Theory in Canon Law (1509)
- Cistercians, V: Imagery and Conceptualisation in Cistercian Thought (637)
- Cross-Currents in Jewish Thought in the High Middle Ages (135)
- Demons in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, I (1612)
- Mappings, II: World Maps, (ii) (605)
- Messianic Redemption in Medieval Ashkenaz: Elijah and Jewish-Christian Polemic (235)
- Mysticism and Biblical Exegesis, I (1536)
- Mysticism and Biblical Exegesis, II: Renewing and Revealing the Word (1636)
- Mysticism and Biblical Exegesis, III: Reform and Revelation? (1736)
- Mysticism and Biblical Exegesis: Through a Glass Darkly - A Round Table Discussion (1431)
- Pseudo-Dionysius and the Arts, II: Ps-Dionysius and the Images (811)
- Quoting Authorities in Theology and History (640)
- Religious Nonconformism, IV: Back to Doctrine, or Beliefs and Biblical Exegesis in Medieval Dissident Movements (810)
- Spiritual Renewals, I (531)
- Teaching and Reading Theology: New Appoaches to Langton, Joachim, and Anselm (1740)
- The Christian Afterlife: Places of Reward, Redemption, and Punishment (1311)
- Theology in the Carolingian Renaissance (709)
- Wycliffe, Hus, and the Impact of Reform, I: The Puzzle of Transmission (522)
- Wycliffe, Hus, and the Impact of Reform, II: The Pitfalls of Learned Debate (622)