IMC 2019: Keywords
IMC 2019: Sessions tagged with Byzantine Studies
- A Chronicle in Code: The Digital Edition of the Chronicle of Matthew of Edessa (104)
- A Global Trecento: Objects, Artists, and Ideas across Europe, the Mediterranean, and Beyond, III - Encounters with Byzantium and Eastern Africa (1243)
- Apocryphal Iconography and Church Tradition (105)
- Byzantine Hagiography and Material Culture (1638)
- Byzantine Influences in Medieval Church Art in Eastern and Southeastern Europe (303)
- Byzantine Materialities, I: Textiles, Exchange, and Daily Life (1040)
- Byzantine Materialities, II: Ephemera and Iconoclasm (1140)
- Byzantine Materialities, III: Contemporary Approaches and Patronage (1240)
- Byzantine Materialities, IV: Workshops, Trade, and Manuscripts (1340)
- Caucasian Connections, I: Re-Interpreting Boundaries in the Caucasus (1015)
- Caucasian Connections, II: Global Armenian Culture and the Empires (1115)
- 'Deformis formositas ac formosa deformitas' / The Ugliness of Beauty and the Beauty of Ugliness, I: Ugliness and Deformity in Medieval Texts (520)
- Enhanced Access to Texts: Online Sources, Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and Multispectral Imaging (1203)
- Fashioning Imperial Authority: The Materialities of Power and the Constantinian Dynasty, 306-363 (1537)
- Games for Teaching, Impact, and Research, II: Creating Games about the Middle Ages (246)
- Gold, Coins, and Power in the Early Middle Ages (1509)
- Horse History, I: Horses to the East (517)
- Interpretations, Appropriations, Conceptions: Reading the Old Testament as Political Narrative, 13th-15th Centuries (348)
- Italian Painting and Its Influences (1105)
- Late Antique and Early Medieval Networks, I: Exploring a Quantitative Approach - Projects and Tools (1012)
- Late Antique Materialities, I: Imperial Materialities (540)
- Manuscripts: Iconography, Images, and Material Copies (805)
- Materialities and Religion in Medieval Byzantium (1738)
- Materialities at Birkbeck, I: Between Mind and Matter in Medieval Monetary Policy (119)
- Materiality and the Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, I: Locating and Enhancing Cult (538)
- Materiality of Death, I (515)
- Materializing an 'Augusta': Feminine Political Identity and Its Representations within the Byzantine Empire, I (1637)
- Materializing an 'Augusta': Feminine Political Identity and Its Representations within the Byzantine Empire, II (1724)
- Materializing Migration (243)
- Material Narratives of Late Antiquity, I: Elite Sites and New Datasets (1347)
- Material Narratives of Late Antiquity, II: Continuity and Change (1640)
- Material Objects Teeming with Life (1336)
- Material Presence, Power, and Pain: Bodies in Transition (1515)
- Maternal Materialities: Objects and Practices in Medieval Childbirth, II (820)
- Matters of Mind (1734)
- Medieval Art in American Museums: Collecting, Display, and New Directions (1230)
- Medievals' World View (707)
- Mining Georgian Manuscripts and Chronicles (547)
- Moving Byzantium, I: Materialities of Movement (536)
- Moving Byzantium, II: In and out of Byzantium (636)
- Moving Byzantium, III: Christianity on the Move - People, Texts, and Liturgy (736)
- Moving Byzantium, IV: Across Social Strata - From the Emperor to the Peasants (836)
- Penumbral Concerns in Warfare (529)
- Perception, Emotion, and States of Being in the Worlds of Medieval Literature (1522)
- Perspectives on Otherness in Christian-Muslim Encounters (1309)
- Reconstituting the Middle Ages: Using Medieval Sources to Recover the Material Past, I - The Problem of Reconstructing Lost Monuments (136)
- Rethinking the Medieval Frontier 2018, I: Iberian Spaces (530)
- Rethinking the Medieval Frontier 2018, II: Administration and Control (630)
- Rome in the Early Middle Ages, I (1549)
- Rome in the Early Middle Ages, II (1649)
- Royal Ceremony in the Middle Ages, II: Ceremony in Textual Sources (214)
- Royal Ceremony in the Middle Ages, III: Political Ceremony (314)
- Ruling Ravenna in the 750s (608)
- Sacred Remains, Material Concerns: Relics and Their Contexts, c. 800-1270 (1038)
- Saints' Cults and Their Afterlives (138)
- Structuring, Sharing, and Contesting Power: Elites in Byzantium and the Christian East, 11th-15th Centuries (304)
- The Impact of Ostrogothic Warfare on Late Roman Italy (508)
- The Materiality of Inter-Cultural Encounters in the Latin East (1317)
- The Monetary System and Currency in Eurasia in the Pre-Modern Era, I: Authority and Coinage in the Medieval Mediterranean Region (1552)
- The Oignies Treasure: Relics between East and West, IV (1344)
- Times of Gold and Iron: Ceremonies, Objects, and Meanings in the Medieval Mediterranean, 10th-13th Centuries, I (737)
- Times of Gold and Iron: Ceremonies, Objects, and Meanings in the Medieval Mediterranean, 10th-13th Centuries, II (837)
- Tracing Materialities in the Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Macedonia, 13th-14th Centuries (1116)
- Transport, Traders, and Trade Routes in Early Medieval Europe (1252)
- Tribute, Conquest, or Credit?: The Development and Management of Monetary Policy (1752)
- Using and Not Using the Past in the Transformation of the Carolingian World, III: Negotiating Communities (712)
- War, Peace, and Diplomacy, II: Trust in Treaties (251)
- Writing as Plan B: Creativity in Exile (204)
- Writing Stones: Describing Urban Materialities in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, II (345)