IMC 2019: Keywords
IMC 2019: Sessions tagged with Social History
- 19th-Century Medievalism: Artefacts and Anxieties (729)
- Ageing in Late Medieval Europe: A Gendered Perspective (613)
- A Global Trecento: Objects, Artists, and Ideas across Europe, the Mediterranean, and Beyond, II - Central Italy, France, and the Adriatic (1143)
- A Global Trecento: Objects, Artists, and Ideas across Europe, the Mediterranean, and Beyond, IV - Armenian and Indo-Mediterranean Trajectories (1343)
- Amicitia and Beyond: An Elite Culture of Gift-Exchange in the Later and Post-Roman West, 4th-6th Centuries (150)
- Anglo-Saxon Archaeology and Material Culture: Goods and Their Meanings (315)
- Approaches to Miscellaneous Religious Manuals: Religious Change and Pastoral Revolution in 15th-Century England (1323)
- Aspects of Medieval Urbanism (845)
- Assembling Things and Humans: On the Formation of Associations, Groups, and Societies, I (541)
- Assembling Things and Humans: On the Formation of Associations, Groups, and Societies, II (631)
- Bodies and Souls: Image, Text, Materiality (120)
- Borrowed, Traded, Loaned, Repossessed?: Debt, Object Exchange, and the Fluid Nature of Material Culture, I (125)
- Borrowed, Traded, Loaned, Repossessed?: Debt, Object Exchange, and the Fluid Nature of Material Culture, II (219)
- Byzantine Materialities, II: Ephemera and Iconoclasm (1140)
- Byzantine Materialities, IV: Workshops, Trade, and Manuscripts (1340)
- Castile and al-Andalus in the Early Middle Ages: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Expansion and Conflict (234)
- Castles and Cathedrals on the Frontiers of Latin Christendom (1114)
- Church, Poverty, and War: Case-Studies of Multiple Uses of Inventories amid Religious Orders in Medieval Portugal (1351)
- Cistercians, II: Aspects of Materiality in the Portuguese Cistercian Context (832)
- Conspicuous Consumption: The Display of Rank and Wealth through Material Objects in Courtly Literature (813)
- Consumption, Demand, and Material Culture in Late Medieval Catalonia, I: Sources (133)
- Counting Animals and Animals that Count (1131)
- Crime and Deviance, III: Legalism (1728)
- Debating Agency and Materiality in Medieval Central Europe (649)
- Defence of Rights and Expansion of Interests in the 14th-Century Church (648)
- Discussions of Church and Clergy in Medieval Central and Eastern Europe (847)
- Early Medieval Medicine: Manuscripts and Materials (247)
- Elites in the Small Towns of the Teutonic Order State and Royal Prussia (350)
- England under Strain in the Later 14th Century (706)
- Environment and Society in Rouen during the High and Late Middle Ages (604)
- Everyday Animal Materialities (1618)
- Galbert van Brugge: New Interpretations (603)
- Gendered Objects? (1619)
- Health in Medieval Urban Society (550)
- Hebrew Manuscripts: Between Structure and Social Meanings (1328)
- Historical European Martial Arts Studies, I: Martial Cultures before the Age of Fight Books (751)
- Historical European Martial Arts Studies, II: Martial Cultures after the Middle Ages (851)
- Honour in Medieval Culture, I (211)
- Honour in Medieval Culture, II (311)
- Horse History, I: Horses to the East (517)
- Horse History, II: Medieval Equestrian Equipment and Practice (617)
- Horse History, IV: The Horse in Law and Chronicle (817)
- Ill Will, Strife, and Bad Blood: The Religious Orders in the Late Middle Ages (253)
- Inside and Outside the Medieval European Castle (1305)
- Interpreting Landscape and Space (622)
- Italian Painting and Its Influences (1105)
- Lap of Luxury: Elites, Consumption, and Social Change (652)
- Late Antique and Early Medieval Networks, I: Exploring a Quantitative Approach - Projects and Tools (1012)
- Late Antique and Early Medieval Networks, II: Patterns of Dissemination (1112)
- Late Antique and Early Medieval Networks, III: Imagined Connections (1212)
- Late Antique and Early Medieval Networks, IV: Agency and Strategies (1312)
- Law and Legal Culture in Anglo-Saxon England, I: Royal Legislation, Power, and Authority (1001)
- Law as Social Practice (250)
- 'Living in a Material World': Mundane Properties and Spiritual Spaces for Hermitages and Eremitical Orders (1117)
- Magnificence, II (744)
- Magnificence, III (844)
- Margins: From Manuscript to the Early Printed Book (1103)
- Material Africa, II: Remains and Echoes of the Medieval (733)
- Material Concerns?: Kingship, Succession, and History in Beowulf (1502)
- Material Culture and Materialities, I: Symbols of Power and Legitimation (1036)
- Material Culture in Towns of East Central Europe, I: Material Signs of Identity and Authority (1145)
- Material Culture in Towns of East Central Europe, II: Religion - Between Spirituality and Materiality (1245)
- Material Culture in Towns of East Central Europe, III: Built Environment and Social Networks (1345)
- Materialities and the Built Environment of Italy, 800-1200 (1645)
- Materialities and the Crusades (1028)
- Materialities of Lordship in the Later Middle Ages, I: Qualitative Approaches (1037)
- Materialities of Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, I (743)
- Materiality and Medievalism, II: Heritage and Imagined Pasts and Places (1630)
- Materiality and Medieval Travels between Europe and Asia, II: Souvenirs and Gifts (235)
- Materiality and Medieval Travels between Europe and Asia, III: Religion (335)
- Materiality and the Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, II: Focusing Cult (638)
- Materiality of Identities in Capetian France, II (1633)
- Materializing Migration (243)
- Material Narratives of Late Antiquity, I: Elite Sites and New Datasets (1347)
- Material Narratives of Late Antiquity, II: Continuity and Change (1640)
- Material Objects in the Merovingian Age (340)
- Material Objects Teeming with Life (1336)
- Material Presence, Power, and Pain: Bodies in Transition (1515)
- Maternal Materialities: Objects and Practices in Medieval Childbirth, I (720)
- Maternal Materialities: Objects and Practices in Medieval Childbirth, II (820)
- Meaning Matter: From Everyday Life to the Spirituality - Material Objects as Communication Media (1518)
- Medieval Identities (1047)
- Middle English Letters, and Other Writing for and by Women (654)
- Middle English Poets on the Mind (248)
- Monarchy, Elites, and Influence in Medieval Western Europe (526)
- Monsters and Mental Health (347)
- Mortal Journeys and Journeys to Mortality (1550)
- Motivations to and for War (1151)
- Moving Byzantium, I: Materialities of Movement (536)
- Moving Byzantium, II: In and out of Byzantium (636)
- Moving Byzantium, III: Christianity on the Move - People, Texts, and Liturgy (736)
- Moving Byzantium, IV: Across Social Strata - From the Emperor to the Peasants (836)
- Moving Materials: Medium, Meanings, and Technique in Transit, I (543)
- Moving People, Goods, and Names across Medieval Europe (1750)
- My Precious: Precious Objects in the Middle Ages, III (705)
- Names in Sacred Spaces: Studying the Intentions and Effects of the Act of Writing One's Name, II - Who Is (Not) Named (645)
- National Identity and Medieval History Writing, I: Landscape and Climate (509)
- Network Analysis for Medieval Studies, I: Network Analysis of Medieval Charters (116)
- Network Analysis for Medieval Studies, III: Networked Texts (316)
- Networks and Materiality in the Angevin World, I (1033)
- New Voices in Anglo-Saxon Studies, II (801)
- Norse Society and Settlement (711)
- Oaths, I: Trust and Community (1224)
- Oaths, II: Loyalty and Authority (1324)
- Objects and Items as Statements about the Past (1531)
- Of Stone, Iron, and Wax: The Materiality of Medieval Synagogues (821)
- Ordered Universe, III: What Did the Planets Ever Do For Us? - Robert Grosseteste and the Appliance of Science (734)
- Outlawed Bodies (1615)
- Passed over Manuscripts and Forgotten Social Transformations during the Reigns of Edmund, Eadred, and Eadwig (741)
- Phenomenology of a Mendicant Order, I: Franciscan Ideals and the Challenges of the Late Medieval Society (1553)
- Precious Pastimes: Music and Entertainments for Regular and Secular Nobility (1744)
- Presenting Dress in the Public Sphere (732)
- Prosopography, Social Network, and Materialities (504)
- Queer Textures of the Past, II: Cross-Identities (325)
- Re-Instituting the Institutions, I: European Crisis, Corruption, and Entropy, c. 1250-1450 (1107)
- Re-Using Material, II: Old Material, New Interpretation (819)
- Real and Unreal Materials in Late Medieval Art in Prussia (1136)
- Reconstituting the Middle Ages: Using Medieval Sources to Recover the Material Past, III - Vulnerable Materials (336)
- Recreating Medieval Material Objects (1030)
- Relics, Pilgrims, and the Military Orders in the Iberian Peninsula (139)
- Religious Dissent, Reform, and Repression, I: Rupture and Continuity in Dissident Theologies (1513)
- Religious Dissent, Reform, and Repression, II: Early Inquisitors in Context (1613)
- Religious Dissent, Reform, and Repression, III: Notaries and Records in the Inquisitorial Procedure (1713)
- Responses to Social Crises in Medieval Europe (750)
- Resurrecting Lost Medieval Garments (239)
- Rethinking the Medieval Frontier 2018, I: Iberian Spaces (530)
- Rethinking the Medieval Frontier 2018, IV: Dealing with Power on the Frontier (830)
- Rodrigo Díaz the Cid and Fernán González: Castilian Heroes and the (Re)Creation of Legends and Legacies (725)
- Rome in the Early Middle Ages, III (1749)
- Royal Ceremony in the Middle Ages, I: Materiality (137)
- Royal Ceremony in the Middle Ages, II: Ceremony in Textual Sources (214)
- Rulership in Medieval East Central Europe, I: Beginning and Development of the First Dynasties (1007)
- Rulership in Medieval East Central Europe, II: Established Structures and Rituals (1207)
- Rulership in Medieval East Central Europe, III: Influences from Outside (1307)
- Security Problems in the Late Middle Ages, I (209)
- Security Problems in the Late Middle Ages, II (309)
- Skin, II: Touching the Other (1639)
- Social and Cultural Dimensions of Exchange (852)
- Sparkling Brilliantly and Shining Brightly: The Role of Statement Jewellery and Material Objects (144)
- Spatiality and Perception in Old Norse Literature (249)
- Stranger Things, I: Interpreting the Uncanny (1511)
- Textual Thingness, III: The Power of Readable Objects (1741)
- The Pearl-Poet and Material Culture (1125)
- The Archbishops of York and Their Resources, 1100-1500 (1512)
- The Bits Between: Swords, Armour, Riding Tack, and Household Goods as Material Intermediaries (1729)
- The Economy of Salvation (1650)
- The Impact of Ostrogothic Warfare on Late Roman Italy (508)
- The Literary Heritage of Anglo-Dutch Relations, c. 1050 - c. 1600: Material Textualities (241)
- The Materiality of Credit across Europe: A Comparative Perspective (619)
- The Materiality of Everyday Life, I: Sources and Approaches (1218)
- The Materiality of Everyday Life, II: Possessions and Status (1318)
- The Materiality of Growing Up in Medieval Society (318)
- The Use and Construction of Place, Space, and Materiality in Late Antiquity (240)
- Things, Words, and Communities of Taste in the Long 12th and Long 15th Centuries (641)
- Tracing Materialities in the Byzantino-Serbian Border Zones in Macedonia, 13th-14th Centuries (1116)
- Trading Strategies and Religious Diversity in the Multi-Ethnic North (1152)
- Transmitting Knowledge, I: Didactics and Canonisation (1548)
- Transmitting Knowledge, II: Politics and Religion (1648)
- Transport, Traders, and Trade Routes in Early Medieval Europe (1252)
- Tribute, Conquest, or Credit?: The Development and Management of Monetary Policy (1752)
- Updating the Knight, I: Warriors, Service, and Reward (1551)
- Updating the Knight, II: Identity, Status, and Materialisation (1651)
- Updating the Knight, III: Chivalric Romance and Realia (1751)
- Using and Not Using the Past in the Transformation of the Carolingian World, III: Negotiating Communities (712)
- Using and Not Using the Past in the Transformation of the Carolingian World, IV: Negotiating Memory (812)
- Walls and Boundaries (704)
- Where the Sea Meets the Land: Social Networks and Exchanges in the Medieval Mediterranean (1352)
- Why Space Matters: Exploring the Space/Matter of the Premodern Urban Landscape (212)
- Wills, Women, Possessions, and Materiality in Late Medieval England (1519)
- Women, Agency, and Material Culture in the Mediterranean, II: Evidence from Notarial Records in Venice, Cyprus, and Genoese Chios (1620)