IMC 2019: Strands
IMC 2019: Sessions in strand Anglo-Saxon Studies
- Alfredian Voices, I: Alfredian Kingship (501)
- Alfredian Voices, II: Alfredian Audiences (601)
- Anglo-Saxon Archaeology and Material Culture: Goods and Their Meanings (315)
- Animals on the Edge, I: Texts (229)
- Bodies and Souls: Image, Text, Materiality (120)
- Care of the Past and Care of the King in the Reigns of Edmund, Eadred, and Eadwig (602)
- Early Medieval Riddles (1302)
- English Exceptionalism?: The Late Anglo-Saxon Church in Post-Carolingian Context, I - Wulfstan in Context (1501)
- English Exceptionalism?: The Late Anglo-Saxon Church in Post-Carolingian Context, II - The Long Arm of Rome (1601)
- English Exceptionalism?: The Late Anglo-Saxon Church in Post-Carolingian Context, III - Clerical and Monastic Communities, Cross-Channel and Cross-Conquest (1701)
- Esoteric Knowledge in Anglo-Saxon England, I: Imagining and Creating (101)
- Esoteric Knowledge in Anglo-Saxon England, II: Transforming and Divining (201)
- Esoteric Knowledge in Anglo-Saxon England, III: Adaptation and Transmission (301)
- Ireland in the Age of Bede, I: Manuscript Culture (1023)
- Ireland in the Age of Bede, II: Networks and Connections (1101)
- Ireland in the Age of Bede, III: Memory and Monastic Culture (1301)
- Kings and Saints in Early Britain (702)
- Law and Legal Culture in Anglo-Saxon England, I: Royal Legislation, Power, and Authority (1001)
- Law and Legal Culture in Anglo-Saxon England, II: Anglo-Saxon Laws - Language of Authority (1201)
- Linguistic Artefacts of a Physical World: Place-Names and the Materiality of Early Medieval England (228)
- Literary Linguistic Approaches to Old and Middle English Texts (502)
- Material, Metaphor, and Morality in the Genesis Poems of Bodleian Library, Junius 11 (225)
- Material Concerns?: Kingship, Succession, and History in Beowulf (1502)
- Minds and Matter, I: Landscapes of the Medieval Mind - Beyond Metaphor (1534)
- Minds and Matter, II: Medieval Minds and Materialities - New Approaches (1634)
- Names, Traces, Puzzles: Close Readings of Old English Texts and Manuscripts (1202)
- New Materialities in Old English Literature (127)
- New Voices in Anglo-Saxon Studies, I (701)
- New Voices in Anglo-Saxon Studies, II (801)
- Objects and Materialities in Old English Texts (327)
- Passed over Manuscripts and Forgotten Social Transformations during the Reigns of Edmund, Eadred, and Eadwig (741)
- Re-Reading Old English: New Perspectives and Provocations (227)
- Rematerializing Old English after 1500, I: Old English Translation in Theory and Practice (1602)
- Rematerializing Old English after 1500, II: New Old English in the 20th and 21st Centuries (1702)
- Selves, Others, Strangers: Reading Identities in Old English Poetry (1002)
- Sonic Materialities: Non-Human Soundscapes (1239)
- Stone and Sculpture in the Insular World: The Material and Immaterial, I - Histories (142)
- Stone and Sculpture in the Insular World: The Material and Immaterial, II - Materials (242)
- Stone and Sculpture in the Insular World: The Material and Immaterial, III - The Immaterial (342)
- Stone and Sculpture in the Insular World: The Material and Immaterial, IV - A Round Table Discussion (442)
- The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Tradition (1102)
- The Reign of King Æthelwulf of Wessex: New Insights and New Perspectives (802)