IMC 2019: Strands
IMC 2019: Sessions in strand Hagiography and Religious Writing
- Apocryphal Iconography: Integration and Adaptation (205)
- Approaches to Miscellaneous Religious Manuals: Religious Change and Pastoral Revolution in 15th-Century England (1323)
- Body Matters: Exploring the Materiality of the Medieval Human Body (218)
- Byzantine Hagiography and Material Culture (1638)
- Does Matter Matter to Medieval Mystics?, I: The Body and the Self (117)
- Does Matter Matter to Medieval Mystics?, II: Spatial and Material Metaphors in Mystical Texts (217)
- Does Matter Matter to Medieval Mystics?, III: Theoretical Approaches (317)
- Does Matter Matter to Medieval Mystics?, IV: A Round Table Discussion (417)
- Dressing the Shrine: Relics, Pilgrimage, and Display (339)
- Hrotsvitha of Gandersheim's Hagiographical Drama: Codicology, Quellenforschung, and Literary Strategies (232)
- Imparting Sanctity: The Usage of Different Materialities to Communicate a Saint in the Late Middle Ages (1538)
- It's Personal: The Impact of Lived Experience on the Conceptualization of the Sacred, I (553)
- It's Personal: The Impact of Lived Experience on the Conceptualization of the Sacred, II (653)
- It's Personal: The Impact of Lived Experience on the Conceptualization of the Sacred, III (853)
- Materiality and Sanctity: St Thomas Becket among the Saints, I - Objects and Iconography (238)
- Materiality and Sanctity: St Thomas Becket among the Saints, II - Healing, Cult Rivalries, and Pilgrims (338)
- Materiality and Sanctity: St Thomas Becket among the Saints, III - Politics and Patrons (738)
- Materiality and Sanctity: St Thomas Becket among the Saints, IV - The Post-Medieval Afterlife of St Thomas Becket (838)
- Materiality and Sanctity: St Thomas Becket among the Saints, V - A Round Table Discussion (938)
- Materiality and the Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, I: Locating and Enhancing Cult (538)
- Materiality and the Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, II: Focusing Cult (638)
- Miraculous Traditions and Thaumaturgical Beliefs in Early Medieval and Byzantine Texts and Material Culture (1247)
- Nordic Hagiography: Objects in Texts/Texts as Objects (1349)
- Power Matters: Hagiographic Rhetoric and Patronal Dynamics in Historiographical Sources - A Round Table Discussion (438)
- Religious Devotion and the Art of Late Gothic Manuscripts (1504)
- Sacred Remains, Material Concerns: Relics and Their Contexts, c. 800-1270 (1038)
- Saints' Cults and Their Afterlives (138)
- The Material and the Spiritual in Medieval Hagiography (535)
- The Monastic Dimension of Identity Politics: Hagiographical Rhetoric and the Construction of the Other, I (1253)
- The Monastic Dimension of Identity Politics: Hagiographical Rhetoric and the Construction of the Other, II (1353)
- The Oignies Treasure: Relics between East and West, I (1044)
- The Oignies Treasure: Relics between East and West, II (1144)
- The Oignies Treasure: Relics between East and West, III (1244)
- The Oignies Treasure: Relics between East and West, IV (1344)
- Transmitting Knowledge, I: Didactics and Canonisation (1548)
- Vernacular Devotion and Materiality (1217)
- Vessels of the Spirit: Recluses, Reliquaries, and Architecture (1338)
- 'Vitae Sanctorum Cambriae', I: Welsh Saints in Wales (102)
- 'Vitae Sanctorum Cambriae', II: Welsh Saints beyond Wales (202)
- 'Vitae Sanctorum Cambriae', III: Texts and Images (302)
- Writing Sermons in the Late Middle Ages (635)