IMC 2020: Keywords
IMC 2020: Sessions tagged with Administration
- 14th-Century England, I: Favourites, Authority, and Social Mobility in Late Medieval York and the North (550)
- 14th-Century England, II: Edward III - Sex, Death, and Constitutional Intrigue (650)
- 14th-Century England, III: Beyond Borders - The Boundaries of the State, the Army, and the Economy in 14th-Century England (750)
- 'Administrateurs sans Frontières': Transnational Governance and Administration in 13th-Century Britain and Ireland (1530)
- Administrative Practice and Institutional Borders: Royal, Seigneurial, and Episcopal Administration in England and Wales, 12th-14th Centuries, II (630)
- Administrative Practice and Institutional Borders: Royal, Seigneurial, and Episcopal Administration in England and Wales from the 12th to the 14th Century, I (530)
- Anglo-British Borders in the Early Middle Ages, II: The North West (358)
- A Scandinavian Sonderweg?, III: The Fiction of the 'State' (350)
- At the Frontiers of Great Powers (648)
- Beyond Borders in Middle Britain, c. 400-1200 (624)
- Borders and Boundaries in and around the Medieval Tower of London (808)
- Borders and Frontiers of the Kingdom of Sicily, 11th-15th Centuries, I: Political Borders and the State Building-Process (1526)
- Borders and Frontiers of the Kingdom of Sicily, 11th-15th Centuries, II: Trades and Political Patterns towards the Maritime Borders (1626)
- Borders and Limits in the Environmental History of Pre-Modern England (1718)
- Borders that Bind, I: Power and Peripheries in the Later Medieval Holy Roman Empire (1043)
- Borders that Bind, IV: Territories in the Later Medieval Holy Roman Empire (1343)
- Border Warfare in the Late Middle Ages (737)
- Boundaries in Document Preservation: Archives, Libraries, and Their Custodians (222)
- Boundaries of Acceptability: Physical, Moral, and Political Corruption in the Middle Ages, I (513)
- Boundaries of Acceptability: Physical, Moral, and Political Corruption in the Middle Ages, II (613)
- Bridging Borders, II: Cultural Interactions through Written Artefacts (1133)
- Byzantine Borders, II (1111)
- Comparative Approaches to Medieval Governance in Border Zones, I (730)
- Comparative Approaches to Medieval Governance in Border Zones, II (830)
- Crossing Urban Legal Boundaries in Northern Europe, I: Belonging and Otherness (505)
- Crossing Urban Legal Boundaries in Northern Europe, III: Across the Sea (705)
- Crusade and Authority in the Holy Land and in Europe (1305)
- Defending the Frontier(s) in the German Empire (237)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War in the Later Middle Ages, III (339)
- Frontiers of Late Antiquity, I: The Frontiers of Roman and Barbarian Identity (1029)
- Frontier Zones in the Mediterranean, I: Material and Immaterial Frontiers in Lombard Italy (521)
- Frontier Zones in the Mediterranean, III: Italy and the North (721)
- Getting the Message: Historians and Diplomats, c. 1100-1300 (1705)
- Going beyond Borders: Dimensions of a Medieval Concept - Perception of Borders from the Ottonian to Staufian Era, I (1023)
- Internal Borders of Kingdoms and Principalities (542)
- Later Medieval Urban Hinterlands and Economies (1334)
- Law and Legal Culture in Early Medieval England, I: Manuscripts and the Law (703)
- Law and Legal Culture in Early Medieval England, II: Law, Conflict, and Resistance (803)
- Legal Borders: Rights, Authority, and Jurisdiction (1630)
- Lending, Recording, and Collecting Debts in Medieval Europe, I: Private Credit (1206)
- Lending, Recording, and Collecting Debts in Medieval Europe, II: Public Credit (1306)
- Living in the Carolingian World, I: Intersections between Popular and Elite (1512)
- Living in the Carolingian World, II: Peasants and Boundaries of Power (1612)
- Maritime Linkages (331)
- Marking Rural Boundaries in the Early Middle Ages (134)
- Martial Culture through the Middle Ages, II: Within the Walls of the Medieval Town (1135)
- Medieval Generalship: Leadership, Authority, and Command (635)
- Medieval Papacy, c. 500-1500, II: Extra Urbem, the Papacy, and the World Elsewhere (1657)
- Medieval Papacy, c. 500-1500, III: In Rome or at the Curia - Knowledge, Information, and Representation (1757)
- Mike Clover and the World of Late Antiquity, I: We Remember Mike (206)
- Mike Clover and the World of Late Antiquity, II: The Vandals, North Africa, and Late Latin Literature (306)
- Military Leadership on the Frontiers (537)
- Moving Byzantium, I: Frontiers on the Move across Sea and Land (511)
- Nature or Nurture?: Creating and Contesting Political Borders in Medieval Europe (642)
- New Frontiers in Research on the Aristocracy in France in the Central Middle Ages, II: Aristocratic Networks (1646)
- New Frontiers in Research on the Aristocracy in France in the Central Middle Ages, III: Aristocrats Crossing Frontiers (1746)
- Noblewomen Pushing the Boundaries, III: Royal Women (1244)
- Orders at Borders: Monasteries, Convents, and the Organisation of Society at the Borders of the Crown of Aragon (1025)
- Overcoming Borders between Disciplines, I: Space, Conquest, and Migration Interpreted through Digital Means (1216)
- Petition and Response in the Late Antique West, I (1006)
- Petition and Response in the Late Antique West, II (1106)
- Quick! Hurry! Late!: Urgency in the Medieval World (854)
- Raised from the Dust: Social Mobility in 12th- and 13th-Century Europe (246)
- Reshaping Barbarian and Byzantine Boundaries (723)
- Seeking Justice at Westminster and Beyond, I: Management and Mercy at the Political Centre (1531)
- Seeking Justice at Westminster and Beyond, II: Bridging the Gap between Crown and Crowd (1631)
- Status, Rank, or Office?: Social Boundaries in England, 900-1100, II - Minor Officials (1650)
- Templar Activities on the Mediterranean Coast (1005)
- The Acts of the Ecumenical Councils, I: Language, Procedure, and Composition (207)
- The Acts of the Ecumenical Councils, II: The Proceedings in Context (307)
- The Caucasus as Borderland, II: Empires and Borders in the South Caucasus (240)
- The Many Beckets, II: The Cult of St Thomas Becket and Material Culture (1607)
- The Middle Ages in the New World (814)
- The Northern Way, I: (Arch)Bishops and the Anglo-Scottish Borders in the 14th Century (1239)
- The Northern Way, II: (Arch)Bishops and the Anglo-Scottish Borders in the 14th Century (1339)
- Transforming Borders: Constructing Identities in Late Antiquity, I (1523)
- War, Peace, and Diplomacy, III: Agency, Authority, and Practices Among State and Non-State Actors (1737)