IMC 2020: Keywords
IMC 2020: Sessions tagged with Economics - Trade
- 14th-Century England, IV: The Late Medieval English Crown - Correspondence and Service (850)
- Administration in England and Scotland (1256)
- Administrative Practice and Institutional Borders: Royal, Seigneurial, and Episcopal Administration in England and Wales, 12th-14th Centuries, II (630)
- African Art across Borders (227)
- Anarchist Approaches to the Middle Ages, IV: Critical Approaches to the Ideology and Political Economy of the Medieval and Early Modern State (1352)
- Around and About: Diplomats and Businessmen in the Hispanic Kingdoms and the Mediterranean in the Late Middle Ages (304)
- Between Paganism and Christianity at the Eastern Border of Christendom, 8th-15th Centuries, IV (840)
- Bishops Pushing the Borders (729)
- Bordering the Islands, II: Maritime Networks, Economic Spaces, and Political Powers in the Middle Ages - The Japanese Archipelago (618)
- Borders and Boundaries in and around the Medieval Tower of London (808)
- Borders and Frontiers of the Kingdom of Sicily, 11th-15th Centuries, II: Trades and Political Patterns towards the Maritime Borders (1626)
- Borders beyond Borders, I: Byzantium (1516)
- Borders that Bind, II: Connected Cities in the Later Medieval Holy Roman Empire (1143)
- Byzantine Borders, II (1111)
- Changing Climates, Shifting Borders, II (1318)
- Crossing Urban Legal Boundaries in Northern Europe, I: Belonging and Otherness (505)
- Crossing Urban Legal Boundaries in Northern Europe, II: The Town and Beyond (605)
- Crossing Urban Legal Boundaries in Northern Europe, III: Across the Sea (705)
- DISTAFF, II: Textiles Crossing Borders (709)
- Erasure in Late Antiquity, IV: Erasure, Law, and the Late Roman Court (1107)
- Frontiers and Colonialism in Medieval Iberian Societies, III: 14th-16th Centuries (1725)
- Glass Networks: Tracing Early Medieval Long-Distance Trade, c. 800-1000 (819)
- Iceland: The Long Medieval Period, I (1545)
- Industries of Warfare in the Middle Ages (735)
- International Cultures of Horsemanship (355)
- Late Antique Frontiers, II: Frontiers on the Periphery of the Roman World (1629)
- Later Medieval Urban Hinterlands and Economies (1334)
- Lending, Recording, and Collecting Debts in Medieval Europe, II: Public Credit (1306)
- Lines in the Sand: Ecotones and Polity in Medieval Literature (718)
- Maritime Conflicts in the Borders of the Medieval Iberian Atlantic (626)
- Medical Knowledge Crossing Boundaries, II: The Movement and Transmission of Medical Knowledge (321)
- Medieval Ethiopian Frontiers (1214)
- Mighty Pillars for Bridging Borders: Networks and Cooperation in the Hanseatic World (749)
- Money without Borders? (108)
- Moving Byzantium, I: Frontiers on the Move across Sea and Land (511)
- Moving Byzantium, II: Trade and Arts on the Move across Borders and Routes (611)
- Power, Mobility, and Social Distinction: Crafts and Craftsmen in Medieval Iberia, 12th-15th Centuries (1150)
- Pushing the Boundaries: Normans across the Sea, III: Networking in the North Sea World (1739)
- Revisiting Borders: Identity, Trust, and Transgression in Commercial and Religious Practices in Latin Europe, South Asia, and East Asia during the 'Medieval' Period (714)
- Seeking Justice at Westminster and Beyond, II: Bridging the Gap between Crown and Crowd (1631)
- Templar Activities on the Mediterranean Coast (1005)
- The Borders of European-Asian / Asian-European Medieval Travels, I (114)
- The Borders of European-Asian / Asian-European Medieval Travels, II (214)
- The Caucasus as Borderland, I: Forming North Caucasian Identities in the Shadow of the Empires (140)
- To Europe and Back: The Portuguese Circulation of People, Goods, and Culture in the Late Middle Ages (1015)
- To Italy... and Beyond: Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in the Italian Peninsula and Its Near Neighbours, II (826)
- Town Courts and Urban Society in Late Medieval England (1131)
- Transgressing the Artistic Borders of Late Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe, I: Exported Altarpieces to Scandinavia (1009)
- Women versus Borders in Medieval Towns, II: Among Men or Together with Them (249)