IMC 2020: Sessions
Session 1436: Martial Culture through the Middle Ages, IV: A Round Table Discussion
Wednesday 8 July 2020, 19.00-20.00
Sponsor: | Society for Historical European Martial Arts Studies |
Organiser: | Jacob H. Deacon, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds |
Moderator/Chair: | Karen Watts, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds / Musée du Louvre, Paris |
Abstract | The phrase 'martial culture' is becoming increasingly used in relation to historical investigations of non-military activity and identity in late medieval and early modern Europe. Such a broad term invites interdisciplinary approaches and comparisons of how martial culture developed in different areas. The assembled participants in this round table reflect this approach, as the geographical frameworks they study includes England, France, Italy, the Holy Roman Empire, Switzerland, the Low Countries, and Iceland. Topics of conversation will relate to martial culture as it pertains to these distinct areas as well as the interactions between different martial cultures. Participants include Samuel Bradley (University of Leeds), Jacob H. Deacon (University of Leeds), Michael Depreter (University of Oxford), Chassica Kirchhoff (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York), Regula Schmid Keeling (Universität Bern), and Sixt Wetzler (Deutsches Klingenmuseum, Solingen). |