Paper -a:
This paper will examine the relationship of St John of Beverley with King Aethelstan in the events surrounding his victory over the Scots in the Battle of Brunanburgh. John becomes a warrior's saint as a result of this battle. Aethelstan granted a charter creating collegiate status for John's church with accompanying rights and benefits. The right of sanctuary granted by the charter changed the role of the church and the development of the surrounding town of Beverley. The belief in the terms of the charter and in the power of John to intervene in earthly matters allowed for the early development of both a pilgrimage site and a sanctuary destination.
Paper -b:
How were the cities of Hildesheim, Paderborn, and Hamburg affected by the patronage of Mary the Virgin in their corresponding cathedrals? The questions is how the patronages, not only by the patronage of Mary, represented the relationship between the emperor and the imperial church in Salian times. How was Mary worshipped in the cathedrals? As the royal patronage of the Salians, as the Heavenly Queen or as the Mother of God? What were the differences and similarities? To clarify this it is necessary to study the Liber ordinarii of Hildesheim and Paderborn and the Missale for Hamburg and also the archaeological sources.
Paper -c:
Selon la 'Vieille chronique de Chartres', composée dans le milieu épiscopal ou des chanoines de la cathédrale vers 1389, la cathédrale de Chartres serait le plus ancien sanctuaire du culte de la Vierge dans la chrétienté. La première église mariale - la cathédrale de Chartres - aurait été prétendument consacrée lorsque Marie fut encore en vie par les disciples de saint Pierre et saint Paul, à la place d'un ancien temple druidique où les Gaulois païens adoraient une statuette de la "Vierge à donner naissance". La communication discute les origines effectives du culte de la Vierge à Chartres ainsi que l’émergence de son mythe historique.
English Title and Abstract
Chartres Cathedral as the Most Ancient Shrine of Saint Mary's Worship:
According to Vieille chronique de Chartres (1389), composed in the episcopal or canonical milieu of the City's Cathedral at around 1389, the Cathedral of Chartres is supposed to be the most ancient shrine of Our Lady's worship in Christianity. The first Marial church was supposedly consecrated - whilst Mary was still alive - by Saint Peter's and Saint Paul's disciples, in place of an ancient druidic temple where heathen Gauls used to worship a statuette of the 'Virgin to Give Birth'. The paper discusses the effective origins of Saint Mary's cult in Chartres as well as the emergence of its historical myth.