IMC 2020: Sessions
Session 1643: The Different Shapes of Burgundy, II
Thursday 9 July 2020, 11.15-12.45
Sponsor: | Universität Basel / Universität Zürich |
Organisers: | Johannes Luther, Historisches Seminar Universität Zürich Jessika Nowak, Historisches Seminar, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
Moderator/Chair: | Miriam Czock, Historisches Institut, Universität Duisburg-Essen |
Paper 1643-a | Reformers and Royalists: The Role of Burgundian Bishops during the Investiture Contest (Language: English) Index terms: Charters and Diplomatics, Ecclesiastical History, Politics and Diplomacy |
Paper 1643-b | Precious Gifts: Basel, Burgundy, and Henry II (Language: English) Index terms: Art History - Painting, Art History - Sculpture, Politics and Diplomacy |
Paper 1643-c | The House of Zähringen, the Hohenstaufen, and Burgundy (Language: English) Index terms: Charters and Diplomatics, Political Thought, Politics and Diplomacy |
Abstract | 'It would be hard to mention any geographical name which, by its application at different times to different districts, has caused, and continues to cause, more confusion than this name Burgundy' (James Bryce, 1871, Note A). Indeed, during the Middle Ages, there have been several configurations named Burgundy: quite a few kingdoms - e. g. the kingdom of the Burgundians, the legendary Nibelungs, the Frankish realm, the kingdom of Provence (= Lower Burgundy), the kingdom of Upper Burgundy, the kingdom of Arles -, but also the duchy of Burgundy and the county of Burgundy… Our two sessions aim to shed some light on some of these opaque configurations. |