IMC 2020: Sessions
Session 221: Medical Knowledge Crossing Boundaries, I: Reappropriating Medical Knowledge
Monday 6 July 2020, 14.15-15.45
Sponsor: | Medica (The Society for the Study of Healing in the Middle Ages) |
Organiser: | Anna Peterson, Independent Scholar, Valladolid |
Moderator/Chair: | Anna Peterson, Independent Scholar, Valladolid |
Paper 221-a | Manuscript to Print to Manuscript: Remaking Medical Knowledge across Temporal, Linguistic, and Material Boundaries (Language: English) Index terms: Manuscripts and Palaeography, Medicine, Printing History |
Paper 221-b | From the Printing Press to the Quill: The Reuse of von Gersdorff's Feldtbuch der Wundarzney in Manuscript Medical Collections (Language: English) Index terms: Manuscripts and Palaeography, Medicine, Printing History |
Paper 221-c | Stones, Saints, and Secrets: The Rebranding of Medieval Lapidary Knowledge for Early Modern Audiences (Language: English) Index terms: Manuscripts and Palaeography, Medicine, Printing History |
Abstract | This year Medica (the Society for the Study of Healing in the Middle Ages) will be sponsoring two sessions and a round table related to the movement and transfer of medical knowledge between and across different types of boundaries: geographical, societal, professional, religious, linguistic, material, chronological, etc. These sessions seek to examine various issues related to itineraries of medical knowledge, intended and unintended audiences, and the early modern reuse of medical manuscripts. |