IMC 2020: Sessions
Session 447: Hagiography and History: Where Do We Go from Here? - A Round Table Discussion
Monday 6 July 2020, 19.00-20.00
Sponsor: | Hagiography Society |
Organiser: | Samantha Kahn Herrick, Department of History, Syracuse University, New York |
Moderator/Chair: | Samantha Kahn Herrick, Department of History, Syracuse University, New York |
Abstract | Since c. 1900, scholars have recognized that hagiographical works, though 'embellished or distorted' by imagination (to quote Hippolyte Delehaye), are nevertheless valuable sources - if we ask good questions and employ sound methods. This round table invites six leading scholars of hagiography, all contributors to the recently published volume 'Hagiography and the History of Latin Christendom, 500-1500' (Brill, 2020), to share their strategies for using these notoriously tricky sources to investigate a wide range of topics beyond sainthood - and then to consider how such questions and methods have evolved, where the field stands now, and where we go from here. Participants include Helen Birkett (University of Exeter), Emma Campbell (University of Warwick), David Defries (Kansas State University), Albrecht Diem (Syracuse University, New York), Jamie Kreiner (University of Georgia, Athens), and Catherine Saucier (Arizona State University). |