Paper 825-b | Political and State Borders through Institutional Correspondence from the Kingdom of Valencia, 15th Century (Language: English) Javier Fajardo Paños, Departament d'Història Medieval, Història Moderna i Ciències i Tècniques Historiogràfiques, Universitat de València Index terms: Charters and Diplomatics, Political Thought, Politics and Diplomacy |
Abstract | Paper -a:
In this report, I examine the letters of al-Qāḍī al-Fāḍil, Saladin's distinguished secretary. His letters were used as models later in bureaucratic manuals and many of them are extant in letter collections and quotations. Considering his letters, it is clear that titles and personal pronouns were adapted to reflect the sender's relationship with the addressee. In order to achieve smooth exchange in letters sent across social strata and national borders, he had to grasp the addressee's social situation and express the intention efficiently with wonderful rhetoric. I will confirm the format used for various social classes and governments, and analyze how he interacted with the addressee.
Paper -b:
This proposal paper addresses the study of the medieval borders and late medieval politics of the Kingdom of Valencia and the city of Valencia during the 15th century through the correspondence produced by the main political institutions of the country. These are the Diputació del General of Kingdom of Valencia, and the Jurats, the municipal government of the city of Valencia. Thanks to a quantitative and qualitative study on this source, we will understand much better how works the municipal and state government because we will compare the activity of each institution according to the correspondence. In this way, we will identify diplomatic relationships of the Kingdom of Valencia. On the one hand, beyond its borders: with other cities of the Crown of Aragon, other cities of the Mediterranean Sea and other states. On the other hand, inside of its borders. Finally, this analysis on the institutional correspondence will allow us to approximate to the study of the national communities.
Paper -c:
El enclave castellano del reino de Murcia se caracterizó durante los siglos de la Baja Edad Media por actuar como una múltiple frontera con la corona de Aragón, el reino de Granada y el mar Mediterráneo. Las continuas disputas territoriales que tuvieron lugar en este espacio condicionaron todos los aspectos de la vida pública en el reino. En este trabajo analizamos los efectos que tuvo la condición de territorio de frontera en la producción epigráfica del reino, estudiando y averiguando cómo influyó en los mensajes que se publicitaban a través de las inscripciones, el impacto que tuvo en la producción (centros de producción y talleres) y la forma de las inscripciones y en los propios autores morales de estos textos.