IMC 2020: Strands
IMC 2020: Sessions in strand Theology & Biblical Studies
- Borders between Heresy and Orthodoxy in Early Christian Theology (1242)
- Communal Identity at the Borders of Faith (625)
- Constructing and Deconstructing Medieval Boundaries (619)
- (Crossing) Borders between Laity and Clergy, II: Monastic Traditions (1138)
- (Crossing) Borders between Laity and Clergy, III: Late Medieval Church Reform (1238)
- (Crossing) Borders between Laity and Clergy, IV: On the Eve of the Reformation (1338)
- Crossing Borders: Early Medieval Receptions of Augustine (1342)
- Crossing Borders in Episcopal Hagiography: How Borders and Their Transgression Defined Episcopal Authority and Activity (517)
- Crossing Borders in the Medieval Mystical Tradition, I: Philosophical Perspectives (1542)
- Crossing Borders in the Medieval Mystical Tradition, II: Friendship, Affectus, Union (1642)
- Crossing Borders in the Medieval Mystical Tradition, III: Manuscript Transmissions and Texts in Translation (1742)
- Crossing Perilous Borders: Preaching the Temporal and the Eternal Life (341)
- Erasure in Late Antiquity, III: Erasing the Dead (1007)
- Language and Apophaticism in 13th- and 14th-Century Theology (1221)
- Manuscript Heritage of Parshanut Literature in Western Europe (1127)
- Marriage in Medieval Theology around 1300 (1004)
- Medieval Knowledge Cultures: Intellectual Boundaries and Conceptual Borders (1510)
- Mystics without Borders: Texts, Transmission, and Transgression (742)
- Nicholas of Cusa, I: Nicholas of Cusa between Platonism and Aristotelianism (154)
- Nicholas of Cusa, II: Cusanus and the Mendicants (254)
- Nicholas of Cusa, III: Cusa's Influence on Pico della Mirandola and Early 16th-Century Thought (354)
- Old English Ecotheologies (118)
- Olivi Has Fallen: The Reception of Olivian Doctrines in the Early 14th Century (1121)
- Oratio Dominica: A Sacred Text at the Interface of Vernacular Languages and the Biblical Tradition (704)
- Papalism and Conciliarism: Two Fundamental Documents and their Impact (856)
- Pastoral Power from Augustine to Louis the Pious (347)
- Philosophical Boundaries (1142)
- Purgatory: The Medieval Border between Death and the Day of Final Judgment (1041)
- Reading the Bible and Biblical Apocrypha (855)
- Recognition across Borders, II: The Manipulation of Ideas (1113)
- Reconsidering the Boundaries of Religious Dissent in the Long 12th Century, I (1638)
- Reconsidering the Boundaries of Religious Dissent in the Long 12th Century, II (1738)
- Remembering the Ends of the World: The Geography of Memory, Monsters, and the Apocalypse (824)
- Representing the Ineffable (1309)
- Says Who?, II: Establishing Authority in Mystical Texts (654)
- Talking about the End: Graves, Death, and the Antichrist (1321)
- 'The boundaries of the whole world': Using Source Studies to Rethink Borders in Early Medieval English Homilies (632)
- The Electronic Corpus of Anonymous Homilies in Old English: Discoveries and Challenges (1203)
- The Limits of Gregory of Tours, II: Culture and Society (1622)
- Truth and Falsity in Late Medieval Thought (501)
- Virginity, Contemptus mundi, and the Fight against Temptations (1108)