IMC 2020: Strands
IMC 2020: Sessions in strand Special Thematic Strand: Borders
- 14th-Century England, III: Beyond Borders - The Boundaries of the State, the Army, and the Economy in 14th-Century England (750)
- 14th-Century Italy and England: Dialogue beyond Borders (615)
- A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry (CLASP) - A Round Table Discussion (1432)
- 'Administrateurs sans Frontières': Transnational Governance and Administration in 13th-Century Britain and Ireland (1530)
- Administrative Practice and Institutional Borders: Royal, Seigneurial, and Episcopal Administration in England and Wales, 12th-14th Centuries, II (630)
- Administrative Practice and Institutional Borders: Royal, Seigneurial, and Episcopal Administration in England and Wales from the 12th to the 14th Century, I (530)
- African Art across Borders (227)
- A Matter of Life and Death: Medieval Jewish Material Culture and Drawing the Borderline (127)
- Ambiguous Borders, I: (Im)Material Borders (536)
- Ambiguous Borders, II: Political and Disciplinary Disjunctions (636)
- A Mediterranean Borderland: Rethinking Southern Italy, I (1026)
- A Mediterranean Borderland: Rethinking Southern Italy, II (1126)
- A Mediterranean Borderland: Rethinking Southern Italy, III (1226)
- An Ever-Growing Relationship: Diplomatic Practice, Increase of Circulation, and Fluidity of Borders - The Portuguese Medieval Example (1115)
- Anglo-British Borders in the Early Middle Ages, I: The Welsh and the English (158)
- Anglo-British Borders in the Early Middle Ages, II: The North West (358)
- An Undetermined Border?: Water as a Permeable Frontier (1618)
- Approaching Medieval Networks, I: Interdisciplinary Methodologies (516)
- Approaching Medieval Networks, II: Visible and Invisible Women (616)
- Are We Done Talking about Ethnicity?, I: Recent Archaeological Approaches to Identities in the North (123)
- Are We Done Talking about Ethnicity?, II: Recent Approaches to Identities in Medieval Archaeology (223)
- Are We Done Talking About Ethnicity?, III: Recent Approaches to Borders in the North (323)
- Articulating Legal and Political Boundaries, 1050-1350, I: Jurisdiction and Community (1030)
- Articulating Legal and Political Boundaries, 1050-1350, II: Negotiating Legal Traditions (1130)
- Articulating Legal and Political Boundaries, 1050-1350, III: Legal Awareness (1230)
- Articulating Legal and Political Boundaries, 1050-1350, IV: Transplanting Practice (1330)
- Articulating Legal and Political Boundaries: How to Think through Legal Change in Europe during the Central Middle Ages - A Round Table Discussion (1430)
- A Saint beyond Borders: New Work on Birgitta of Sweden in Medieval England (1147)
- At the Borders of Genres, I: Articulating Perceptions of the Past in the Carolingian and Post-Carolingian World - The Library of Verona (i) (512)
- At the Borders of Genres, II: Articulating Perceptions of the Past in the Carolingian and Post-Carolingian World - The Library of Verona (ii) (612)
- At the Borders of Genres, III: Articulating Perceptions of the Past in Carolingian and Post-Carolingian World - Burgundy and Septimania (712)
- At the Borders of Genres, IV: Articulating Perceptions of the Past in the Carolingian and Post-Carolingian World in Northern France and Germany (812)
- At the Borders of Performance: Text, Art, and Theatre (1332)
- At the Frontiers of Great Powers (648)
- Between Paganism and Christianity at the Eastern Border of Christendom, 8th-15th Centuries, I (540)
- Between Paganism and Christianity at the Eastern Border of Christendom, 8th-15th Centuries, II (640)
- Between Paganism and Christianity at the Eastern Border of Christendom, 8th-15th Centuries, III (740)
- Between Paganism and Christianity at the Eastern Border of Christendom, 8th-15th Centuries, IV (840)
- Beyond Borders, Beyond Walls: Publishing and Sharing Research in Medieval Studies - A Round Table Discussion (416)
- Beyond Borders: The Role of Portugal in Building a New Europe at the End of the Middle Ages (614)
- Beyond Borders in Middle Britain, c. 400-1200 (624)
- Beyond the Borders of Chivalry: Martial Skills, Knightly Disbelief, and Gender Transformations in Medieval French Literature (1246)
- Beyond the Borders of Time: Medieval Art from an Early Modern Perspective (1248)
- Bishops Pushing the Borders (729)
- Blending the Boundaries: The Four Elements in the Middle Ages, I - Earth and Water (218)
- Blending the Boundaries: The Four Elements in the Middle Ages, II - Air and Fire (318)
- Bloodletting within the Borders of Media, Medicine, and Species (1721)
- Blurred Boundaries between the Sacred and the Secular, I: Manuscripts' Decorations (1520)
- Blurred Boundaries between the Sacred and the Secular, II: Representations of Religious and Profane Power (1620)
- Blurred Boundaries between the Sacred and the Secular, III: Folklore and Myth (1720)
- Bodily Dimensions: Sensual and Supernatural Borders, I (1010)
- Bodily Dimensions: Sensual and Supernatural Borders, II (1110)
- Bodily Dimensions: Sensual and Supernatural Borders, III (1210)
- Bodily Dimensions: Sensual and Supernatural Borders, IV (1310)
- Books Mediating Borders in Early England (832)
- Border Crossing in Medieval Short Narratives, I: Body (110)
- Border Crossing in Medieval Short Narratives, II: Spirit (210)
- Border Crossings in Medieval and Renaissance Drama (109)
- Bordering the Islands, I: Maritime Networks, Economic Spaces, and Political Powers in the Middle Ages - Maritime Eurasia (518)
- Bordering the Islands, II: Maritime Networks, Economic Spaces, and Political Powers in the Middle Ages - The Japanese Archipelago (618)
- Borderless Sainthood, I: Female Saints in the Nordic Region (747)
- Borderless Sainthood, II: Thomas Becket in the Nordic Region (847)
- Borderline History?: Reading Liturgical Commentaries as Historical Sources, I (120)
- Borderline History?: Reading Liturgical Commentaries as Historical Sources, II (220)
- Borderlines: Navigating the Medieval through History, I (736)
- Borderlines: Navigating the Medieval through History, II (836)
- Borders, Border-Crossings, and the Works of the Pearl-Poet (1232)
- Borders, Community, and Identity in Medieval North Africa (514)
- Borders and Borderlands in Medieval Scandinavia (145)
- Borders and Boundaries, Real and Imagined, in Late Medieval Italy (330)
- Borders and Boundaries in and around the Medieval Tower of London (808)
- Borders and Boundaries in the Archaeology of the Medieval Horse (708)
- Borders and Connections between Europe and Asia (314)
- Borders and Frontiers of the Kingdom of Sicily, 11th-15th Centuries, I: Political Borders and the State Building-Process (1526)
- Borders and Frontiers of the Kingdom of Sicily, 11th-15th Centuries, II: Trades and Political Patterns towards the Maritime Borders (1626)
- Borders and Frontiers of the Kingdom of Sicily, 11th-15th Centuries, III: Local Examples and New Methodologies (1726)
- Borders and Limits: Changing Views of the World in Old English and Anglo-Latin Writings, I (1532)
- Borders and Limits: Changing Views of the World in Old English and Anglo-Latin Writings, II (1632)
- Borders and Limits: Changing Views of the World in Old English and Anglo-Latin Writings, III (1732)
- Borders and Limits in the Environmental History of Pre-Modern England (1718)
- Borders and Margins in Medieval Literature (332)
- Borders and Otherness in Architecture and Space: Malta, Spain, and Portugal (1125)
- Borders and the Norman World, I: Borders within the Norman World (539)
- Borders and the Norman World, II: Crossing the Borders of the Norman World (639)
- Borders and the Norman World, III: Legal Borders, Law, and Iura in the Norman World (739)
- Borders and the Norman World, IV: Spatial and Temporal Boundaries in Norman Sicily (839)
- Borders between Heresy and Orthodoxy in Early Christian Theology (1242)
- Borders beyond Borders, I: Byzantium (1516)
- Borders beyond Borders, II: Asia (1616)
- Borders beyond Borders, III: Gender (1716)
- Borders Created by Metadata Standards for Digital Manuscript Studies Research (828)
- Borders in Arabic Literature and Historiography (1014)
- Borders in Medieval Britain: A Round Table Discussion (943)
- Borders in Medievalism and Historiography in the North? (622)
- Borders in Music and Liturgy (720)
- Borders in Time, Borders in Imagination, Borders in Thought (1748)
- Borders in Tolkien's Medievalism, I (1536)
- Borders in Tolkien's Medievalism, II (1636)
- Borders in Tolkien's Medievalism, III (1736)
- Borders of Reception, I: Place-Making and Old Norse Literature (144)
- Borders of Reception, II: Old Norse and Antiquarianism (245)
- Borders of the Law in Medieval Norway and Iceland (130)
- Borders of the Possible: Exploring Conceptual Boundaries in Old Norse-Icelandic Literature, I - Gendered Boundaries (1045)
- Borders of the Possible: Exploring Conceptual Boundaries in Old Norse-Icelandic Literature, II - Translation and Transformation (1145)
- Borders of the Possible: Exploring Conceptual Boundaries in Old Norse-Icelandic Literature, III - Alterity and Identity (1245)
- Borders of the Possible: Exploring Conceptual Boundaries in Old Norse-Icelandic Literature, IV - Geography and the Natural World (1345)
- Borders or Boundaries: A Journey through Old Germanic Internal Borders (815)
- Borders that Bind, I: Power and Peripheries in the Later Medieval Holy Roman Empire (1043)
- Borders that Bind, II: Connected Cities in the Later Medieval Holy Roman Empire (1143)
- Borders that Bind, III: Networked Religious Communities in the Later Medieval Holy Roman Empire (1243)
- Borders that Bind, IV: Territories in the Later Medieval Holy Roman Empire (1343)
- Border Warfare in the Late Middle Ages (737)
- Boundaries between Life and Death in the North Adriatic (1741)
- Boundaries in Document Preservation: Archives, Libraries, and Their Custodians (222)
- Boundaries of Acceptability: Physical, Moral, and Political Corruption in the Middle Ages, I (513)
- Boundaries of Acceptability: Physical, Moral, and Political Corruption in the Middle Ages, II (613)
- Boundaries of Community in the 11th and 12th Centuries (838)
- Boundaries of Devotion (1042)
- Boundaries of Holiness, Frontiers of Sanctity, I (1547)
- Boundaries of Holiness, Frontiers of Sanctity, II (1647)
- Boundaries of Holiness, Frontiers of Sanctity, III (1747)
- Boundaries of the Jewish Body (1610)
- Boundary Un/Making in the Medieval Mediterranean, I: Communication (1215)
- Boundary Un/Making in the Medieval Mediterranean, II: Practices (1315)
- Boundless Devotion: Female Spirituality across Borders (1047)
- Breaching Borders and Crossing Boundaries, I: Royal Spouses sans frontières - Investigating Cross-Cultural Encounters, Affective Political Networks, and Dynastic Transfer (244)
- Breaching Borders and Crossing Boundaries, II: Transcending Cultural, Societal, and Spiritual Borders of Containment - Towards a Better Understanding of Medieval Gendered Agency and Influence (344)
- Breaking Down the Borders between Academics and Reenactors: Putting Modern Medievalism to Use (816)
- Breaking Temporal Boundaries: Communicating Medieval Objects, Visions, and Theories in the 21st Century (1348)
- Breast Borders: Motherhood and Breastfeeding in the Middle Ages, I - Mothers and Wet Nurses (1019)
- Breast Borders: Motherhood and Breastfeeding in the Middle Ages, II - Motherhood, Breastfeeding, and Religion (1119)
- Breast Borders: Motherhood and Breastfeeding in the Middle Ages, III - Milk and Blood (1219)
- Breast Borders: Motherhood and Breastfeeding in the Middle Ages, IV - Breastfeeding in Art and Literature (1319)
- Bridging Borders, I: Reaching out to Angels and Saints (1033)
- Bridging Borders, II: Cultural Interactions through Written Artefacts (1133)
- Bridging Borders, III: Frames and Margins in Written Artefacts (1233)
- Bridging Borders, IV: Natural Sciences and Humanities (1333)
- British Archaeological Association, II: Putting Their Foot in It - Boundaries of Authority (208)
- British Archaeological Association, III: Confusion and Conversion - Borders of Prayer (308)
- Burgesses and Gentlemen: Material Culture at the Boundaries of Status (346)
- Buried at the Borders: Four Case Studies in Space, Place, and Mortality (608)
- Byzantine Borders, I (1011)
- Byzantine Borders, II (1111)
- Byzantine Borders, III (1211)
- Byzantine Borders, IV (1311)
- Carolingian Poetic Borders, I (112)
- Carolingian Poetic Borders, II (212)
- Carolingian Poetic Borders, III (312)
- Carthusians Over the Borderline, I: Deserts, Limits, Enclosure (238)
- Carthusians Over the Borderline, II: Life, Death, Imagination (338)
- Castles in Care: New Research on Castles around the Anglo-Scottish Border (1139)
- Centres, Peripheries, Temporalities: New Textual and Cultural Studies (748)
- Challenging Manuscript Boundaries, I: Re-Centring the Edges of Manuscript Production (233)
- Challenging Manuscript Boundaries, II: New Approaches to Manuscripts and Technology (333)
- Challenging Nationalism(s) and the Medieval Border: Ludlow, Arras, Inchcolm, Tournai (236)
- Changing Climates, Shifting Borders, I (1218)
- Changing Climates, Shifting Borders, II (1318)
- Channelling Relations in Medieval England and France: A Round Table Discussion (1416)
- Chronicling on the Northern Frontier of Christendom: Saxo Grammaticus and the Gesta Danorum (522)
- Cistercians Crossing Borders (138)
- City Walls, City Spaces: Defining Urban Boundaries across Medieval Europe (1049)
- Claiming the Land, Redrawing the Borders: The Discursive Dimension of Landnahme (1513)
- Coexistence, Cooperation, and Rivalry in Medieval Towns: Borders and Alliances within the City Walls of Salzburg (849)
- Coloring Outside the Lines: New Perspectives on the Borders of Manuscripts (133)
- Coming Out of My Cage: Lives on the Borders in the Old Norse World (345)
- Communal Identity at the Borders of Faith (625)
- Comparative Approaches to Medieval Governance in Border Zones, I (730)
- Comparative Approaches to Medieval Governance in Border Zones, II (830)
- Comparative Perspectives on the Nobility of the Later Medieval Balkans and England, I: The Nobility and the Centre (746)
- Comparative Perspectives on the Nobility of the Later Medieval Balkans and England, II: The Nobility and the Regions (846)
- Conceptualising Borders in the Middle Ages, I: Kinship, Culture, and Kingdom (113)
- Conceptualising Borders in the Middle Ages, II: Creating and Crossing Community Boundaries (213)
- Conceptualising the Boundaries between Humans and the Natural World (842)
- Conflicts within Christendom: Understanding Borders between Secular and Religious Authorities (1538)
- Constructing and Deconstructing Medieval Boundaries (619)
- Constructing Borders: Emphasising Difference in Islamic Societies (725)
- Courts, Careers, and Migrations (1146)
- Critical Questions and Future Directions: Research on Medieval Southern Italy - A Round Table Discussion (1326)
- Cross-Border Archaeological Approaches to Early Medieval Stone Sculpture (508)
- (Crossing) Borders between Laity and Clergy, I: Blurry Borders in the High Middle Ages (1038)
- (Crossing) Borders between Laity and Clergy, II: Monastic Traditions (1138)
- (Crossing) Borders between Laity and Clergy, III: Late Medieval Church Reform (1238)
- (Crossing) Borders between Laity and Clergy, IV: On the Eve of the Reformation (1338)
- Crossing Borders: Early Medieval Receptions of Augustine (1342)
- Crossing Borders: Emigration, Encounters, and Emotions (515)
- Crossing Borders between Domestic and Agriculture Buildings (334)
- Crossing Borders in Episcopal Hagiography: How Borders and Their Transgression Defined Episcopal Authority and Activity (517)
- Crossing Borders in the Medieval Mystical Tradition, I: Philosophical Perspectives (1542)
- Crossing Borders in the Medieval Mystical Tradition, II: Friendship, Affectus, Union (1642)
- Crossing Borders in the Medieval Mystical Tradition, III: Manuscript Transmissions and Texts in Translation (1742)
- Crossing Borders in the Production of Illuminated Manuscripts: The Case of Illuminated Legal Manuscripts in Medieval Europe, 13th-15th Centuries (1735)
- Crossing Borders through Manuscript Networks: The Case of Flemish and Scandinavian Connections in the Middle Ages (335)
- Crossing Historiographical Borders? (122)
- Crossing Linguistic Borders: Names in Contact, I (228)
- Crossing Linguistic Borders: Names in Contact, II (328)
- Crossing Perilous Borders: Preaching the Temporal and the Eternal Life (341)
- Crossing Spiritual Boundaries: Change, Conversion, and Conflict (1527)
- Crossing the Border: Movement and Stasis in Old English Texts (115)
- Crossing the Rubicon, I: The Medieval Julius Caesar, Conqueror, or Peace-Bringer? (1548)
- Crossing the Rubicon, II: The Medieval Julius Caesar, Just Ruler, or Tyrant? (1648)
- Crossing Urban Legal Boundaries in Northern Europe, I: Belonging and Otherness (505)
- Crossing Urban Legal Boundaries in Northern Europe, II: The Town and Beyond (605)
- Crossing Urban Legal Boundaries in Northern Europe, III: Across the Sea (705)
- Crusading in the 11th and 15th Centuries: Defining, Defending, and Crossing Borders (1037)
- Defending and Restoring the Borders of the Realm (137)
- Defending the Frontier(s) in the German Empire (237)
- Defining the Boundaries of Female Rulership, I: Diplomatic Networks (1544)
- Defining the Boundaries of Female Rulership, II: Representing Power (1644)
- Defining the Boundaries of Female Rulership, III: Challenging Definitions (1744)
- Delimiting Territories: Case Studies of Imagined Frontiers (524)
- Depicting the New Borders: Between Myth and Reality (809)
- Developments in Artillery (535)
- Digital Medieval Studies: News from the Borders of Medieval Studies (716)
- Disputed Boundaries: Claiming Land and Shaping the Landscape in the Middle Ages, I (1534)
- Disputed Boundaries: Claiming Land and Shaping the Landscape in the Middle Ages, II (1634)
- DISTAFF, II: Textiles Crossing Borders (709)
- Early Byzantine Cities and Their Many Borders (319)
- Early Medieval Manuscripts between the Genres, I (1535)
- Early Medieval Manuscripts between the Genres, II (1635)
- Emerging National Identities on the Frontiers (523)
- Emissaries, Enemies, and Exemptions: Exploring Political and Diplomatic Borders in the Middle Ages (526)
- Enclosed for Life: The Rigidity (or Permeability) of Anchoritic Borders, I - Borders in the Landscape (529)
- Enclosed for Life: The Rigidity (or Permeability) of Anchoritic Borders, II - Borders in Literature (629)
- Enclosures: Women's Religious Art and the Boundaries of Method (1519)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War in the Later Middle Ages, I (139)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War in the Later Middle Ages, II (239)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War in the Later Middle Ages, III (339)
- Erasure of Boundaries between Theatre and Rite in Religious Plays (1120)
- Ethnonymic Borders: A Round Table Discussion (423)
- Exceeding the Imagination: Tales from the Borders between Fabula and Historia (1116)
- Experiencing Death and Resurrection: Late Antique Initiation as a Spiritual and Embodied Frontier, I (1541)
- Experiencing Death and Resurrection: Late Antique Initiation as a Spiritual and Embodied Frontier, II (1641)
- Exploring Semantic Borders: Aesthetic Concepts in Middle High German (628)
- Exploring the Blurred Boundaries between History and Fantasy across Medieval Eurasian Cultures (1040)
- Expressing Boundaries in Art and Architecture (1509)
- Fluid Boundaries in Monastic Life, I: Ideals and Representations from Late Antiquity up to 800 (1517)
- Fluid Boundaries in Monastic Life, II: Ideals and Representations, c. 800-1150 (1617)
- Fluid Boundaries in Monastic Life, III: Ideals and Representations, c. 1150-1300 (1717)
- Food and Boundaries: Food as a Religious, Gender, and Social Marker in Late Medieval Times (146)
- From a Bishop on the Border to a Pope Without: Debating the Importance of Leo IX, 1026-1054 (817)
- From Old English to Middle English, I: New Studies of the Major Changes (1528)
- From Old English to Middle English, II: Reconsidering the Uses of Old English Texts in the Long 12th Century (1628)
- From Old English to Middle English, III: Rethinking 'Transitional' English (1728)
- From the Border to the Centre: Digital Images in Medieval Studies Research (646)
- Frontiers, Borders, and Jewish Communities (1627)
- Frontiers and Colonialism in Medieval Iberian Societies, I: 8th-12th Century (1525)
- Frontiers and Colonialism in Medieval Iberian Societies, II: 12th and 13th Centuries (1625)
- Frontiers and Colonialism in Medieval Iberian Societies, III: 14th-16th Centuries (1725)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, I: Central Italy, Borders, and the Elements (142)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, II: The Italian South In-Between (242)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, III: Cults and Cultures on the Edges (342)
- Frontiers in Dispute (837)
- Frontiers of Late Antiquity, I: The Frontiers of Roman and Barbarian Identity (1029)
- Frontiers of Late Antiquity, II: Shifting Definitions and Perceptions of Frontiers (1129)
- Frontiers of Late Antiquity, III: Bureaucratic Frontiers (1229)
- Frontiers of Late Antiquity, IV: Frontiers of Religious Identity (1329)
- Frontier Zones in the Mediterranean, I: Material and Immaterial Frontiers in Lombard Italy (521)
- Frontier Zones in the Mediterranean, II: Political Frontiers in the Po Valley towards the Adriatic Sea (621)
- Frontier Zones in the Mediterranean, III: Italy and the North (721)
- Gender, Elite Culture, and the Borderlands (637)
- Generic Borders, I: Articulating Perceptions of the Past in Carolingian and Post-Carolingian Iberia and Southern France (1012)
- Generic Borders, II: Articulating Perceptions of the Past in the Carolingian and Post-Carolingian World - Southern Germany (1112)
- Generic Borders, III: Articulating Perceptions of the Past in the Carolingian and Post-Carolingian World - England and the Continent (1212)
- Generic Borders, IV: Articulating Perceptions of the Past in Carolingian and Post-Carolingian Italy (1312)
- Going beyond Borders: Dimensions of a Medieval Concept - Perception of Borders from the Ottonian to Staufian Era, I (1023)
- Going beyond Borders: Dimensions of a Medieval Concept - Perception of Borders from the Ottonian to Staufian Era, II (1123)
- Hagiography without Borders: Fragmentary Saints' Lives across Medieval Europe (848)
- Health Identities across and within Borders (1621)
- Hebrew Manuscripts and Their Margins, I: Visualising Science (527)
- Hebrew Manuscripts and Their Margins, II: Paratext, Metatext, and Ornament in the Margins of Sephardi Manuscripts (627)
- Hebrew Manuscripts and Their Margins, III: After Writing (Binders, Censors, Fragments) (727)
- Hebrew Manuscripts and Their Margins, IV: Cultural Encounters in the Margins (827)
- Here and There: Borders in the Middle Ages (841)
- Holy Politics!: Borders between the Sacred and the Political in Medieval German Literature (519)
- Horsemanship and Cavalry in Border Zones: A Round Table Discussion (935)
- How Borders Influenced Equestrian Equipment and Its Use (835)
- Iceland: The Long Medieval Period, I (1545)
- Iceland: The Long Medieval Period, II (1645)
- Identities in the Borderlands: Symbols and Interpretations (623)
- Illuminating Borders, I: Immaterial/Material Borders (533)
- Illuminating Borders, II: Centre and Periphery (633)
- Illuminating Borders, III: Commentary Frameworks (733)
- Illuminating Borders, IV: Refraining Content - Recontextualising Frames (833)
- Imaginary Borders and Their Psychological Significance (224)
- Inbetweenness in Medieval Religious Literature (1020)
- Industries of Warfare in the Middle Ages (735)
- Initiatory Journeys and Heuristic Traversals (and Backwards) From Antiquity to the Middle Ages, I: Rituals and Transitions (1515)
- Initiatory Journeys and Heuristic Traversals (and Backwards) From Antiquity to the Middle Ages, II: Crossing Borders to Access Knowledge (1615)
- Initiatory Journeys and Heuristic Traversals (and Backwards) From Antiquity to the Middle Ages, III: The Reception of Borders as Crossed Spaces (1715)
- Internal and External Borders of Medieval Urban Communities (1349)
- Internal Borders of Kingdoms and Principalities (542)
- Interpreting Ecclesiastical Networks (717)
- Iranian Frontiers: Women and Borders in the Late Antique Sasanian Empire (525)
- It's a Queer Time: Trespassing the Boundaries of Chrononormativity, I - Bodies that Matter (148)
- It's a Queer Time: Trespassing the Boundaries of Chrononormativity, II - Trans-Figurations (248)
- It's a Queer Time: Trespassing the Boundaries of Chrononormativity, III - Erase / Rewind (348)
- It's a Queer Time: Trespassing the Boundaries of Chrononormativity - A Round Table Discussion (448)
- 'It's either funny or it's not', I: The Boundaries of Humour and Laughter in the Middle Ages (1220)
- 'It's either funny or it's not', II: The Boundaries of Humour and Laughter in the Middle Ages (1320)
- Jewish Borders: Physical, Social, Religious, and Economic Aspects (327)
- Jews in Border Regions, I (1250)
- Jews in Border Regions, II (1350)
- Keynote Lecture 2020: Grenzräume - Medieval Maps and the Perception of Border Zones and Boundaries (Language: English) (1199)
- Keynote Lecture 2020: Cohabitation in Iberian Medieval Towns: Between Convivencia and the Frontier (Language: English) (699)
- Keynote Lecture 2020: Open Space and Flexible Borders - Theorizing Maritime Space through Pre-Modern Sino-Islamic Connections (Language: English) (1699)
- Keynote Lectures 2020: Borders in a Borderless Empire? - Political, Ecological, and Cultural Borders in Mongol Eurasia (Language: English) / Right Time, Wrong Place? - Navigating the 'Territorial Trap' in the Study of Medieval Religion (Language: English) (1)
- Language without Borders: Multilingualism and Literary Culture in Late Medieval Flanders (128)
- Late Antique Frontiers, I: Authors and Texts (1529)
- Late Antique Frontiers, II: Frontiers on the Periphery of the Roman World (1629)
- Late Antique Frontiers, III: Urban and Suburban (1729)
- Later Medieval Urban Hinterlands and Economies (1334)
- Learning and Languages across Frontiers (728)
- Legal Borders: Rights, Authority, and Jurisdiction (1630)
- Lesbian Epistemologies and Their Conceptual Borders, I (713)
- Lesbian Epistemologies and their Conceptual Borders, II (813)
- Lines in the Sand: Ecotones and Polity in Medieval Literature (718)
- Linguistic Borderlands, Speaking about Boundaries, I: Distance, Proximity, and Adjacent Languages (1028)
- Linguistic Borderlands, Speaking about Boundaries, II: Grammar, Syntax, and Foreign Influence (1128)
- Linguistic Borderlands, Speaking about Boundaries, III: Scripts, Semantics, and Understanding (1228)
- Linguistic Borderlands, Speaking about Boundaries, IV: Manuscripts, Scribes, and Authority (1328)
- Literary Approaches to Old English Boundary Clauses (732)
- Literary Linguistic Approaches to Old and Middle English Texts (528)
- Living Borders: Jewish Everyday Life across Medieval Europe (1327)
- Living in the Carolingian World, I: Intersections between Popular and Elite (1512)
- Living in the Carolingian World, II: Peasants and Boundaries of Power (1612)
- Living in the Carolingian World, III: Testing the Limits of the Carolingian World (1712)
- Living on the Borders: The Boundaries of Class, Identity, and Language in the Late Middle Ages (1323)
- Magical Borders and How to Cross Them: Borders between the Mundane and Marvellous (641)
- Manuscript Heritage of Parshanut Literature in Western Europe (1127)
- Manuscripts without Borders, I: Expanding the Borders between Visual Culture and Discipline (1533)
- Manuscripts without Borders, II: Beyond the Borders of Medicine and Science (1633)
- Manuscripts without Borders, III: New Explorations in Manuscript Audience (1733)
- Mapping Cultural Geographies between Past and Present: Burials in Early Irish Literature (234)
- Mappings, II: What Can a Map Show? (634)
- Mappings, III: Borders between Text and Map (734)
- Mappings, IV: Continental Borders on Maps and in Texts (834)
- Maritime Conflicts in the Borders of the Medieval Iberian Atlantic (626)
- Marking Rural Boundaries in the Early Middle Ages (134)
- Martial Culture through the Middle Ages, I: Arms, Armour, and Fighting across Borders (1035)
- Martial Culture through the Middle Ages, II: Within the Walls of the Medieval Town (1135)
- Mary's Borders: The Virgin between Heaven and Earth in Literature and Material Culture (1347)
- Mary-Anne, II: Iconographies and Layers of Meaning - Motifs beyond Borders (1247)
- Medical Borders (121)
- Medical Knowledge Crossing Boundaries, I: Reappropriating Medical Knowledge (221)
- Medical Knowledge Crossing Boundaries, II: The Movement and Transmission of Medical Knowledge (321)
- Medical Knowledge Crossing Boundaries: A Round Table Discussion (421)
- Medieval Academy of America Lecture: Beyond Textual Bounds - Rediscovering the Mediation of Medieval Sources (Language: English) (901)
- Medieval Catastrophe and Community (818)
- Medieval Crossovers: Literary Figures between Different Spheres and Times, between Social Classes and Cultures in (Post-)Modern Media (1036)
- Medieval Ecocriticisms, I: Borders of Reality, Medieval Ecologies, and Ecosystems (1018)
- Medieval Ecocriticisms, II: Crafting and Defining Nature (1118)
- Medieval Ethiopian Frontiers (1214)
- Medieval Generalship: Leadership, Authority, and Command (635)
- Medieval Irish Borders: European Connections, I (215)
- Medieval Irish Borders: European Connections, II (315)
- Medieval Knowledge Cultures: Intellectual Boundaries and Conceptual Borders (1510)
- Medieval Landscapes / Seascapes: New Perspectives on Borders (1734)
- Medieval Papacy, c. 500-1500, II: Extra Urbem, the Papacy, and the World Elsewhere (1657)
- Metaimages, I: Threshold Effects and Microarchitecture (509)
- Metaimages, II: Beyond the Frame of the Enshrined Icon (609)
- Metal Medievalism, II: Metal Studies, Medieval Studies, and the Resurgence of the Far Right (1134)
- Meteorology, Miracles, and Medicine: Traversing the Borders of Magic in Medieval Europe (1521)
- Mighty Pillars for Bridging Borders: Networks and Cooperation in the Hanseatic World (749)
- Military Leadership on the Frontiers (537)
- Minority and Marginalised Experiences (546)
- Modern / Medieval Borders and Archives: New to Old, I (1048)
- Modern / Medieval Borders and Archives: New to Old, II (1148)
- Modern Interpretations of the Medieval (136)
- Money without Borders? (108)
- Monsters on the Margins: Perspectives on the Monstrous in Medieval Texts (741)
- Mountain and Otherness: Mystery, Misunderstandings, and Diplomacy on a Geographical Border in the Byzantine Early Middle Ages (1611)
- Moving Byzantium, I: Frontiers on the Move across Sea and Land (511)
- Moving Byzantium, II: Trade and Arts on the Move across Borders and Routes (611)
- Moving Byzantium, III: Writing on the Move across Genres and Materials (711)
- Moving Byzantium, IV: Identities on the Move across Gender and Language (811)
- Mysticism beyond Borders, I: Spanish Spirituality in a European Context, 13th-16th Centuries (547)
- Mysticism beyond Borders, II: Spanish Spirituality in a European Context, 13th-16th Centuries (647)
- Mystics without Borders: Texts, Transmission, and Transgression (742)
- Naming Frontiers and Crossing Them: Space, Place, and Meaning (715)
- Narratives of Migration (322)
- Natural Borders, Cultural Frontiers, Symbolical Boundaries: Byzantium and Its Neighbours in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (211)
- Nature or Nurture?: Creating and Contesting Political Borders in Medieval Europe (642)
- Negotiating Boundaries between Jews and Christians in the Urban Space of Medieval Germany (1727)
- Negotiating Medieval Iberian Borderlands (1614)
- New Frontiers in Research on the Aristocracy in France in the Central Middle Ages, I: Capetians and Aristocrats (1546)
- New Frontiers in Research on the Aristocracy in France in the Central Middle Ages, II: Aristocratic Networks (1646)
- New Frontiers in Research on the Aristocracy in France in the Central Middle Ages, III: Aristocrats Crossing Frontiers (1746)
- New Voices in Medieval Irish Studies: Investigating Political, Linguistic, and Sexual Boundaries (124)
- Noblewomen Pushing the Boundaries, I: Marriage and Familial Identity (1044)
- Noblewomen Pushing the Boundaries, II: Female Agency and Legal Identities (1144)
- Noblewomen Pushing the Boundaries, III: Royal Women (1244)
- Noblewomen Pushing the Boundaries, IV: Literary Approaches to Agency and Gender (1344)
- Noblewomen Pushing the Boundaries: A Round Table Discussion (1444)
- Non-Royal Rulership in 10th-Century Western Europe (1046)
- North and South: Military and Spiritual Defence of Borders in Medieval England (1039)
- Northern Borders: Seeing across the Pagan-Christian Divide (1340)
- Observant Reform across Borders (1640)
- Observants on the Borders: Religious and Political Challenges in Central and Eastern Europe in the Quattrocento (1740)
- Old English Ecotheologies (118)
- On the Borders?: Recentring Eunuchs in Byzantium (1511)
- On the Borders of Christendom: Missionary Activity and Memory in Viking and Medieval Denmark (1540)
- On the Borders of Manuscripts and Incunables, Preliminary and Final Additions to the Original Text, I (135)
- On the Borders of Manuscripts and Incunables, Preliminary and Final Additions to the Original Text, II (235)
- On the Edge of the dār al-Islam: The Emergence of al-Andalus as an Islamic and Arab Society (325)
- Orders at Borders: Monasteries, Convents, and the Organisation of Society at the Borders of the Crown of Aragon (1025)
- Otherworlds, Afterlifes, and Their Denizens (1141)
- Overcoming Borders between Disciplines, I: Space, Conquest, and Migration Interpreted through Digital Means (1216)
- Overcoming Borders between Disciplines, II: Connecting History, Archaeology, and Biology by Means of Digital Tools (1316)
- Performing Narrative on the Borders between Sacred and Secular (620)
- Performing Well in War: Military Expansion and the Values of Violence (337)
- Philosophical Boundaries (1142)
- Pilgrimage: Crossing Real and Imagined Borders (724)
- Pilgrims, Scholars, and Missionaries?: Ireland, Britain, and the Continent, 600-900 (1117)
- Poetic Borders: Encounters and Exchanges in Verse (1032)
- Political, Military, and Religious Borders in Medieval East Central and Eastern Europe (1337)
- Political Uses of Medieval Iberia (1236)
- Porous Borders: Music and Poetry in 14th-Century Polyphony (820)
- Praying at the Border: Women's Voices in Prayers (132)
- Public Medievalism: Responsibility and Cultural Heritage Management (336)
- Purgatory: The Medieval Border between Death and the Day of Final Judgment (1041)
- Pushing the Boundaries: Normans across the Sea, I - Crossing the Channel (1539)
- Pushing the Boundaries: Normans across the Sea, II: Mediterranean Exchanges (1639)
- Pushing the Boundaries: Normans across the Sea, III: Networking in the North Sea World (1739)
- Queenly Thresholds, I: Physical and Religious Borders (544)
- Queenly Thresholds, II: Navigating Paradigms in Textual Sources (644)
- Queenly Thresholds, III: Queenship on the Borders of Life (744)
- Queenly Thresholds, IV: Wandering Queens (844)
- Queenly Thresholds: A Round Table Discussion (944)
- Raised from the Dust: Social Mobility in 12th- and 13th-Century Europe (246)
- Reading without Borders: Comparative Reflections on Reading Practices and Strategies in Medieval Manuscripts through Time, Place, and Genre (719)
- Reassessing the Boundaries of Kinship in the Late Middle Ages, I: Genoa, a Peculiar Case Study (143)
- Reassessing the Boundaries of Kinship in the Late Middle Ages, II: Gendered Confines (243)
- Reassessing the Boundaries of Kinship in the Late Middle Ages, III: Making and Describing Family Boundaries (343)
- Recognition across Borders, I: Aspiring to Separate, but Interacting (1013)
- Recognition across Borders, II: The Manipulation of Ideas (1113)
- Recognition across Borders, III: Instruments of Recognition (1213)
- Recognition across Borders, IV: Boundaries between Selves and Others (1313)
- Recognition across Conceptual and Physical Borders: Perspectives across Periods and Fields - A Round Table Discussion (1413)
- Reconsidering the Boundaries of Religious Dissent in the Long 12th Century, I (1638)
- Reconsidering the Boundaries of Religious Dissent in the Long 12th Century, II (1738)
- Remembering Monastic Boundaries (353)
- Remembering the Ends of the World: The Geography of Memory, Monsters, and the Apocalypse (824)
- Representing the Ineffable (1309)
- Reshaping Barbarian and Byzantine Boundaries (723)
- Rethinking the Medieval Frontier: Comparing Our Borders - A Round Table Discussion (413)
- Revisiting Borders: Identity, Trust, and Transgression in Commercial and Religious Practices in Latin Europe, South Asia, and East Asia during the 'Medieval' Period (714)
- Rhetoric of Exclusion: Medieval and Modern (1136)
- Rivers in the Middle Ages: Borders, Highways, and Networks (1518)
- Robin Hood on the Boundaries of Scholarship and Law (1016)
- Royal Tombs: Breaching Boundaries (1209)
- Rímur: On the Borders of Orality and Literacy (1745)
- Sacred Time and the Time Framework of Religious Life in the Baltic Region in the Late Middle Ages (1240)
- Saints Crossing Borders (548)
- Seeing across Religious and Cultural Divides (313)
- Sheppard Lecture: There Was an Old Man on the Border (Language: English) (1801)
- Shifting Borders between 'Jewish' and 'Christian' in Byzantium (111)
- Signifying Bodies in 14th- and 15th-Century English Writing (1356)
- Signifying Borders in Medieval Wales (1551)
- Social Boundaries in a Medieval Town: Setting and Retention (1249)
- Social Boundaries in Language and Literature: Gender and Religion (119)
- Social Boundaries in Scandinavia and Iceland, I: Spatial Boundaries (545)
- Social Boundaries in Scandinavia and Iceland, II: Transgressing Boundaries (645)
- Social Boundaries in Scandinavia and Iceland, III: Hierarchical Boundaries (745)
- Social Boundaries in Scandinavia and Iceland, IV: Narrative Boundaries (845)
- Social Boundaries in Scandinavia and Iceland, V: The Limits of Law in the Medieval North - A Round Table Discussion (945)
- Social Groups and Their Boundaries (1346)
- Somewhere, Someday, Somehow: Imagined Borders in Narratives of Community, I (1524)
- Somewhere, Someday, Somehow: Imagined Borders in Narratives of Community, II (1624)
- Somewhere, Someday, Somehow: Imagined Borders in Narratives of Community, III (1724)
- Spheres of Activity and Their Limits in Medieval Theatre (209)
- Status, Rank, or Office?: Social Boundaries in England, 900-1100, I - Royal Agents and Secular Elites (1550)
- Status, Rank, or Office?: Social Boundaries in England, 900-1100, II - Minor Officials (1650)
- Status, Rank, or Office?: Social Boundaries in England, 900-1100, III - Clerics, Women, and Status (1750)
- Terminological Tensions: Reconsidering Key Categories of Late Antique and Early Medieval Research, I (116)
- Terminological Tensions: Reconsidering Key Categories of Late Antique and Early Medieval Research, II - Disciplined Bodies (216)
- Terminological Tensions: Reconsidering Key Categories of Late Antique and Early Medieval Research, III - Parsing Minds (316)
- Text and Identity in Byzantine Literature (823)
- Textual Borders: Applying Textual Criticism to the Variance of Medieval Literary Works (1132)
- Textual Boundaries: Translation, Writing, and Narrative Voice in Old and Middle English (232)
- The Art of Borders, I: Examining the Meaning and Function of Borders, Edges, and Thresholds in Early Medieval Art (1609)
- The Art of Borders, II: Examining the Meaning and Function of Borders, Edges, and Thresholds in Early Medieval Art (1709)
- The Borders between Myth and History: Comparative Reflections on Medieval Historiography (822)
- The Borders of Early Medieval Ecclesiastical Power (1017)
- The Borders of European-Asian / Asian-European Medieval Travels, I (114)
- The Borders of European-Asian / Asian-European Medieval Travels, II (214)
- The Borders of Hagiography, I: Text and Genre (147)
- The Borders of Hagiography, II: Women and Borders (247)
- The Borders of Life and Death: The Natural World, I - Bodily Care (1241)
- The Borders of Life and Death: The Natural World, II - Spiritual Care (1341)
- The Borders of Life and Death: The Supernatural World, I - The Medieval Undead (141)
- The Borders of Life and Death: The Supernatural World, II - Communicating with the Dead (241)
- The Borders of Religion, I: Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (1217)
- The Borders of Religion, II: The Later Middle Ages (1317)
- The Borders of Universal History (722)
- The Boundaries of Monastic Institutions, I (538)
- The Boundaries of Monastic Institutions, II (638)
- 'The boundaries of the whole world': Using Source Studies to Rethink Borders in Early Medieval English Homilies (632)
- The Caucasus as Borderland, I: Forming North Caucasian Identities in the Shadow of the Empires (140)
- The Caucasus as Borderland, II: Empires and Borders in the South Caucasus (240)
- The Caucasus as Borderland, III: Crossing Borders in South Caucasian Christianity (340)
- The Concepts That Confine Us, or, How is Research Framing Borders in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages? - A Round Table Discussion (916)
- The Defence and Expansion of 'Borders' in Three Different 12th-Century Mediterranean Contexts (1237)
- The Different Shapes of Burgundy, I (1543)
- The Different Shapes of Burgundy, II (1643)
- The Dynamics of Fixed Boundaries: City Walls and Diocesan Boundaries (1149)
- The Limits of Gregory of Tours, I: Authorship and Narrative (1522)
- The Limits of Gregory of Tours, II: Culture and Society (1622)
- The Limits of Gregory of Tours, III: Space (1722)
- The Limits of Lyric in Medieval France (320)
- The Marches of Britain and Ireland, 1100-1400, I: Landscape and Geography (543)
- The Marches of Britain and Ireland, 1100-1400, II: Conflict and Conquest (643)
- The Marches of Britain and Ireland, 1100-1400, III: Networks and Cultural Exchange (743)
- The Marches of Britain and Ireland, 1100-1400, IV: Identity (843)
- The Material Manifestations of Symbolic Borders (324)
- The Middle Ages in the New World (814)
- The Northern and Iberian Crusades: Visual Propaganda in the Borderlands (1137)
- The Northern Way, I: (Arch)Bishops and the Anglo-Scottish Borders in the 14th Century (1239)
- The Northern Way, II: (Arch)Bishops and the Anglo-Scottish Borders in the 14th Century (1339)
- The Sacred Space: Power on the Borders (829)
- The Thresholds of Death (541)
- The Western European Masoretic Tradition of the Hebrew Bible: Margins and Borders - The Figurative Masorah and Its Marginalised Knowledge (1027)
- To Europe and Back: The Portuguese Circulation of People, Goods, and Culture in the Late Middle Ages (1015)
- To Italy... and Beyond: Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in the Italian Peninsula and Its Near Neighbours, I (726)
- To Italy... and Beyond: Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in the Italian Peninsula and Its Near Neighbours, II (826)
- To Italy... and Beyond: Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in the Italian Peninsula and Its Near Neighbours, III - A Round Table Discussion (926)
- Transcending Borders: Art in the Early Centuries of Islam (225)
- Transcending Borders in Female Convents from the Late Middle Ages to the Early Modern Age (1227)
- Transforming Borders: Constructing Identities in Late Antiquity, I (1523)
- Transforming Borders: Constructing Identities in Late Antiquity, II (1623)
- Transgressing the Artistic Borders of Late Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe, I: Exported Altarpieces to Scandinavia (1009)
- Transgressing the Artistic Borders of Late Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe, II: Mobility at the Court and City (1109)
- Transitions in an Islamic Frontier: South-Western Iberia, 11th-13th Centuries (1225)
- Umayyad Borders: Frontiers in the First Islamic Empire (125)
- (Un)Bound Bodies: Consolidating and Fragmenting Borders, I (510)
- (Un)Bound Bodies: Consolidating and Fragmenting Borders, II (610)
- (Un)Bound Bodies: Consolidating and Fragmenting Borders, III (710)
- (Un)Bound Bodies: Consolidating and Fragmenting Borders, IV (810)
- (Un)Bound Bodies: New Approaches - A Round Table Discussion (910)
- Urban and Provincial Boundaries in the Wider Medieval World (1114)
- Urban Spaces, Places, and Power, I: Monastic and Funerary Contexts (549)
- Urban Spaces, Places, and Power, II: Corporate Contexts (649)
- Verging on Poetry (520)
- Violating Sacred Space in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, I: Speaking and Writing about Violence (117)
- Violating Sacred Space in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, II: How to Get Away with Murder in the Church? (217)
- Violating Sacred Space in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, III: A Broader Perspective (317)
- Virtues and Vices: Social Norms, Emotions, and Their Uses in Medieval Texts (310)
- Visualising the World in Islam and Christendom (1234)
- War, Peace, and Diplomacy, I: Altered Borders (1537)
- War, Peace, and Diplomacy, II: Interfaith Diplomacy in the Crusades and Beyond (1637)
- West African Borders: Reading through External Accounts (656)
- What After Crossing the Borders?: Urbanisation on the Cultural Frontier (1556)
- What Divided the Peoples?: Forming the Borders of Slavic States in the 10th and 14th Centuries (532)
- What Really Was a Castle?: Tightening the Borders of Elusive Interpretation, I (1235)
- What Really Was a Castle?: Tightening the Borders of Elusive Interpretation, II (1335)
- Where are the Borders?: Performers and Audiences in Religious Plays (309)
- Where West Meets East: The Contact Zones of Medieval Eurasian Studies (1514)
- Women and Artistic Production beyond the Borders of Byzantium (1711)
- Women and Gender in Medieval Literature (219)
- Women between Worlds?: Vowesses, Beguines, and Anchoresses at Home and in the Community (1719)
- Women Religious and the Boundaries of the Late Medieval Convent (1619)
- Women versus Borders in Medieval Towns, I : Among Men or Together with Them (149)
- Women versus Borders in Medieval Towns, II: Among Men or Together with Them (249)
- Women versus Borders in Medieval Towns, III: Among Men or Together with Them (349)
- Working across Borders in Byzantium: Byzantine Borrowings from Pagans, Muslims, and Latin Christians (311)
- World Medievalism?: Exploring Medievalism's Geographical and Cultural Limits - A Round Table Discussion (914)
- Writing Borders: Correspondence, Exchange, and Identity (825)
- Writing Identity in Liminal Spaces, I: Crafting Religious Identities through Textual Encounters (129)
- Writing Identity in Liminal Spaces, II: Hybridity, Multilingualism, and the Politics of Location in Late Medieval Britain (229)
- Writing Identity in Liminal Spaces, III: The Geography of Cultural Encounters (329)