IMC 2020: Strands
IMC 2020: Sessions in strand Borders 26: Manuscripts
- Borders Created by Metadata Standards for Digital Manuscript Studies Research (828)
- Bridging Borders, I: Reaching out to Angels and Saints (1033)
- Bridging Borders, II: Cultural Interactions through Written Artefacts (1133)
- Bridging Borders, III: Frames and Margins in Written Artefacts (1233)
- Bridging Borders, IV: Natural Sciences and Humanities (1333)
- Challenging Manuscript Boundaries, I: Re-Centring the Edges of Manuscript Production (233)
- Challenging Manuscript Boundaries, II: New Approaches to Manuscripts and Technology (333)
- Coloring Outside the Lines: New Perspectives on the Borders of Manuscripts (133)
- Crossing Borders in the Production of Illuminated Manuscripts: The Case of Illuminated Legal Manuscripts in Medieval Europe, 13th-15th Centuries (1735)
- Crossing Borders through Manuscript Networks: The Case of Flemish and Scandinavian Connections in the Middle Ages (335)
- Early Medieval Manuscripts between the Genres, I (1535)
- Early Medieval Manuscripts between the Genres, II (1635)
- Illuminating Borders, I: Immaterial/Material Borders (533)
- Illuminating Borders, II: Centre and Periphery (633)
- Illuminating Borders, III: Commentary Frameworks (733)
- Illuminating Borders, IV: Refraining Content - Recontextualising Frames (833)
- Manuscripts without Borders, I: Expanding the Borders between Visual Culture and Discipline (1533)
- Manuscripts without Borders, II: Beyond the Borders of Medicine and Science (1633)
- Manuscripts without Borders, III: New Explorations in Manuscript Audience (1733)
- On the Borders of Manuscripts and Incunables, Preliminary and Final Additions to the Original Text, I (135)
- On the Borders of Manuscripts and Incunables, Preliminary and Final Additions to the Original Text, II (235)