IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Daily Life
- Aspects of Late Medieval Power (341)
- Borders in and of Medieval Towns (519)
- Borders of Unfreedom and Dependency in Medieval Europe, I: The Imposition of Unfreedom (737)
- Borders of Unfreedom and Dependency in Medieval Europe, II: Escaping Unfreedom (837)
- Breaking Down Disciplinary Borders: Connecting Historical and Archaeological Research, I - Parasites in Medieval Societies (516)
- Breeds, Types, or Functions?: Horse Terms in Medieval Documents (1706)
- Coexistence, Co-Operation, and Rivalry in Medieval Towns: Borders and Alliances within the City Walls of Salzburg (1126)
- Cologne's Medieval Jewish Quarter, I: Daily Life, Topography, and Archaeological Findings (109)
- Cologne's Medieval Jewish Quarter, II: Daily Life and Written Sources (209)
- Cripping Normative Time: Being and Becoming Disabled in Medieval Europe (1205)
- Epigraphies of Pious Travel: Pilgrims' Inscriptions, Movement, and Devotion between Byzantium and Rus' (1307)
- Feeling Legality: Emotions in Medieval Canon and Common Law (1117)
- I Know You by the Bit You Wear: The Role of Equestrian Equipment in Medieval Society (1041)
- Making People: Animals and the Luxurious Life (1506)
- Managing the Medieval Workforce: Three Examples from England (1240)
- Medieval Animals in Conflict and Aggression, I (1217)
- Medieval Animals in Conflict and Aggression, II (1317)
- Medieval Coins and Seals: Ideas of Identity and Power - Iconography and Representation (1202)
- Medieval Mounted Games: A Round Table Discussion (909)
- Mourning and Remembrance, I: Tombs and Epitaphs (1503)
- Mourning and Remembrance, II: Grief and Memory in Medieval Literature (1603)
- Mourning and Remembrance, III: Constructing a Memorial (1703)
- Performing Authority in Quotidian Settings, I (1003)
- Performing Authority in Quotidian Settings, II (1103)
- Pilgrimage to Jerusalem (626)
- Saints and Common Creatures (107)
- Social Experiences of Disability (1005)
- Social Lives of Humans and Animals in the Early Medieval Period, I: Multispecies Communities (1505)
- Social Lives of Humans and Animals in the Early Medieval Period, II: Human-Bird Relations (1605)
- Social Lives of Humans and Animals in the Early Medieval Period, III: Laws and Language (1705)
- The People of 1381: A Round Table Discussion (1441)
- The Wheat and the Chaff: Anarchist Methodologies for Medieval Sources (308)
- This is the End, or Is It?: Borders and Boundaries of Dying in the Middle Ages (131)
- Women and Gender in the Post-Roman Kingdoms, I: Sex, Violence, and Crisis (617)
- Women and Gender in the Post-Roman Kingdoms, II: Elite Women Defying Expectations (717)
- Women and Gender in the Post-Roman Kingdoms, III: Italy (817)
- Women and Gender in the Post-Roman Successor States, I: Gaul (i) (1006)
- Women and Gender in the Post-Roman Successor States, II: Gaul (i) (1106)
- Women and Gender in the Post-Roman Successor States, III: Spain (1206)
- Women and Gender in the Post-Roman Successor States, IV: North Africa & Conclusion (1306)