IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Geography & Settlement Studies
- Borderlands of Empire (316)
- Borders, Place-Names, and Inscriptions (1634)
- Borders as Areas of Control (1527)
- Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in Medieval Italy, I (1203)
- Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in Medieval Italy, II (1303)
- Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in Medieval Italy: A Round Table Discussion (1403)
- Borders on Land and Sea (1326)
- Britain's Border Geographies, I: Topographies of Romance (1509)
- Britain's Border Geographies, II: Mobilities (1609)
- Changing Borders in Central and Eastern Pre-Modern Europe (1320)
- Conflict and Integration: Crossing Medieval Borders, II - Multilingual and Multicultural Borders (615)
- Conflict and Integration: Crossing Medieval Borders, IV - Geographical Borders, the Medieval British Isles, and the 'Other' (815)
- Crossing Medieval Borders: Multicultural and Contested Spaces, I - Contested Sites at the Nexus of Dynamic Border Zones (1015)
- Crossing Medieval Borders: Multicultural and Contested Spaces, II - Navigating the Multiculturalism of Borders (1115)
- Depicting the New Atlantic Borders: Between Myth and Reality (830)
- Environmental History of the Middle Ages, I: Borders between Wild and Tame (117)
- Environmental History of the Middle Ages, II: Borders between Human and Non-Human (217)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, IV: Borders, Rivers, and Rulers (1321)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, V: A Round Table Discussion - Reflections, Outlook, and Interaction with the IMC (1421)
- Integrating Genetic, Archaeological, and Historical Perspectives on Eastern Central Europe, 400-900 (HistoGenes), I: Families, Peoples, and Mobility (501)
- Integrating Genetic, Archaeological, and Historical Perspectives on Eastern Central Europe, 400-900 (HistoGenes), II: Steppe Peoples between the Local and the Global (601)
- Managing the Medieval Workforce: Three Examples from England (1240)
- Mapping Borders and Cultural Heritage beyond the Eye, I (1034)
- Mapping Borders and Cultural Heritage beyond the Eye, II (1134)
- Mapping Borders and Cultural Heritage beyond the Eye, III (1234)
- Mapping Borders and Cultural Heritage beyond the Eye, IV (1334)
- Mapping Medieval Peoples, I: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Ethnic Identity and Geography in the Medieval World (1522)
- Mapping Medieval Peoples, II: Shifting Religious and Political Landscapes in Europe's North (1622)
- Mapping Medieval Peoples, III: Medieval Landscapes, Communities, and Origin Myths (1722)
- Mappings, I: Mapping Medieval Cities (534)
- Mappings, II: Material Borders of Maps (634)
- Mappings, III: Mental Borders on Maps - Human Difference, Sanctity, and Salvific Energy (734)
- Mappings, IV: Dispute Maps (834)
- Military Borders of Castile: Granada and Portugal (1327)
- Moving into Late Antique Rome (125)
- Spatial Organisation in Towns (1340)
- The Archaeology and Significance of Frontier Zones (511)
- The March of Wales, I (527)
- The March of Wales, II (627)
- The Mediterranean and Southern France, II: Beyond Braudel - The State of Medieval Environmental History (1236)
- Topographies of Economic and Social Production and Exchange in the Early and High Middle Ages (637)