IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Government, Law & Institutions
- An Ever-Growing Relationship: Diplomatic Practice, Increase of Circulation, and Fluidity of Borders - The Portuguese Medieval Example (726)
- Aspects of Late Medieval Power (341)
- Balancing on the Rope of Conflict, I: Peace-Shaping and War-Boosting Strategies in Long Term Controversies of Latter Luxemburg Central Europe, c. 1378-1437 (242)
- Balancing on the Rope of Conflict, II: Peace-Shaping and War-Boosting Strategies in Long Term Controversies of Latter Luxemburg Central Europe, c. 1378-1437 (342)
- Borderlands of Empire (316)
- Borders in Treaties and Diplomacy (124)
- Boundaries of Governance, I: Borders and Authority in the Hundred Years War (1016)
- Boundaries of Governance, II: The Limits of Power in Colonial Ireland (1116)
- Boundaries of Governance, III: Legitimacy and the Ideals of Rule (1216)
- Boundaries of Governance, IV: Language and Literature in the Limits of Power (1316)
- Crossing Borders and International Networks in the Production of Illuminated Manuscripts: The Case of Illuminated Legal Manuscripts in Medieval Europe, 12th-15th Centuries (1111)
- Crossing the Borders of Strife and Subsistence in the Low Countries (1315)
- Defining the Boundaries of Female Rulership, I: Representing Power (1032)
- Defining the Boundaries of Female Rulership, II: Diplomatic Networks (1132)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, I: Sales in the Kingdom of Castile in the 13th Century (136)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, III: Agrarian Contracts in the Kingdom of Castile, 15th-16th Centuries (336)
- Editing Medieval Records: Past, Present, Future (1701)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War, I (1521)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War, II (1621)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War, III (1721)
- Exile in the Global Middle Ages, I: Penal Concepts and Legal Practices (505)
- Exile in the Global Middle Ages, II: Amnesty and Reconciliation (605)
- Fine Lines and Trying Times: Crossing Societal and Geographical Borders in Medieval Sermons and Literary Texts (1215)
- Going beyond Borders: Dimensions of a Medieval Concept - Perception of Borders from the Ottonian to Staufian Era, II (1614)
- Jurisdiction, Legal Community, and Political Discourse, 900-1200, I (535)
- Jurisdiction, Legal Community, and Political Discourse, 900-1200, II: Borders of Jurisdiction in Towns - Regulation between Canon and Secular Law (635)
- Kingship and Nobility in the 14th Century (1642)
- Legal Boundaries (324)
- Mappings, IV: Dispute Maps (834)
- Meanings of Love in the 12th Century (1542)
- Political Authority in Late Antiquity, III: Political Authority - Rome and After (1209)
- Queenship, Agency, and Power (517)
- Queenship across the Borders of Space and Time (1232)
- Regarding Henries?: Representing Kingship in Medieval and Modern Sources (208)
- Royal Absence: Royal Control (1104)
- Royal Women in the Reign of Edward III (1014)
- Social and Literary Authority in Late Antiquity, III: Inscribing Authority (319)
- Southern France and the Mediterranean, II: Women (1636)
- Status, Rank, or Office?: Social Boundaries in England, 900-1200, I (1537)
- Status, Rank, or Office?: Social Boundaries in England, 900-1200, II (1637)
- 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly': The Judicial, Financial, and Political Roles of the 13th-Century Sheriff (224)
- The Invasion of England by Louis of France in 1216: A Round Table Discussion (442)
- The March of Wales, I (527)
- The March of Wales, II (627)
- The Mediterranean and Southern France, I: Sex and Morality (1136)
- The Mediterranean and Southern France, III: Lordship and Rule (1336)
- The People of 1381 (1341)
- The People of 1381: A Round Table Discussion (1441)
- The Plantagenet Dominions in the Early 14th Century (620)
- The Reign of Richard II: Papers in Honour of Nigel Saul (808)
- The Rhetoric of Authority in Late Medieval England (1304)
- Thirty Years of Early Medieval Europe: Anniversary Session, II (307)
- What Can Coins Tell Us about Medieval Borders? (1011)
- Writing and Rewriting Medieval History, II: Adapting Reputation (1108)