IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Islamic World
- Borders and the Formation of Tribal Societies in Roman, Arabic, and Ottoman North Africa, 1st-16th Centuries (1130)
- Borders between Muslims and Christians (723)
- Borders in Medieval Islam, I: Social Boundaries in the Islamic West (1223)
- Borders in Medieval Islam, II: The Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean (1323)
- Conflict and Integration: Crossing Medieval Borders, III - Religious and Intellectual Borders (715)
- Conquest and Cultural Change in Border Areas: Islamic Burial Patterns in the Iberian Peninsula in the High Middle Ages (123)
- Constructing Borders: Emphasising Difference in the Medieval Islamic West (223)
- Crossing Medieval Borders: Multicultural and Contested Spaces, I - Contested Sites at the Nexus of Dynamic Border Zones (1015)
- Crossing Medieval Borders: Multicultural and Contested Spaces, II - Navigating the Multiculturalism of Borders (1115)
- Crossing Religious Borders: Conversion, Syncretism, and Apostasy in the Medieval Period (1335)
- Early Medieval Societies on the Edges: From Britain to the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond, II (1322)
- Fringe Expertise?: Occult Practices and Authority in Pre-Modern Eurasia, I - Practice and Context (530)
- Fringe Expertise?: Occult Practices and Authority in Pre-Modern Eurasia, II - Narration and Representation (630)
- Frontier Relationships in Outremer (1023)
- Interactions across Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, I: Byzantine / Christian Interactions with the Muslim World (113)
- Military Borders of Castile: Granada and Portugal (1327)
- Moving Saints, II: Transmitting and Re-Negotiating Saint Veneration in Religious Contact Zones (1629)
- Negotiating Iberian Borderlands, I: Common Themes, Uncommon Borders (1535)
- Negotiating Iberian Borderlands, II: Ethnic and Religious Boundaries in Iberian Cities (1635)
- Nicholas of Cusa, II: Peace and Politics in the Cusan Tradition (1639)
- Rethinking the Medieval Frontier, II: Making (Up) the Frontier (315)
- Self and Other on the Frontier (1538)
- The Fluid Boundary between Christianity and Islam (823)
- Transitions on an Islamic Frontier in Southwestern Iberia, 12th-13th Centuries (323)
- Translation and Transmission through the Medieval Spanish Kingdoms (636)
- Traversing the Language Border: Cross-Communal Exchange between Jews, Muslims, and Christians (1226)