IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Art & Architecture
- Aesthetic Categories and the Boundaries of Art in the Middle Ages: A Round Table Discussion (912)
- Architectural Sculpture as Cultural Informant (1301)
- Beyond the Borders of Time: Medieval Art from an Early Modern Perspective (1312)
- Borderland Architecture as the Site of Cultural Exchange (122)
- Borders and Textiles: Iconographic Meanings and Realities of Eastern Textiles and Clothing in the Middle Ages (811)
- Borders of Sound, III: Aural Experiences of Ritual (1718)
- Boundaries between Life and Death in the North Adriatic (631)
- Breaking the Boundary: Forces and Counter-Forces in Medieval Italian Art (1112)
- British Archaeological Association, II: Borders of Definition (211)
- British Archaeological Association, III: Borders of Meaning (311)
- Conflict and Integration: Crossing Medieval Borders, I - Permeable Borders (515)
- Crossing Borders and More (814)
- Design at the Border: Liminality in Medieval and Postmodern Contexts (1238)
- Doors, Screens, and Stalls: Liminal Spaces in the Medieval Church (514)
- Emotions on the Fringes, III: Artistic Expression of Emotions (702)
- Emotions on the Fringes, IV: Religious Representation and Rites of Passage (802)
- Encounters beyond the Border Zones: Material and Cultural Practices across the Frontier of the Long Middle Ages, 8th-15th Centuries (1512)
- Fieldwork and Analysis: Ongoing work of the Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in Britain and Ireland (701)
- From Majorca to Italy: Domestic Images that Transcend Borders (1212)
- From the Border to the Table: Peripheral Manuscript Elements and Their Uses (1012)
- Limits of Time, Space, and Meaning: Borders and Transgression in the Medieval Art (612)
- Making Meaning through Religious Painting and Ecclesiastical Interiors (112)
- Medieval Coins and Seals: Ideas of Identity and Power - Iconography and Representation (1202)
- Medieval Sacred Spaces, I: Theories (1229)
- Metaimages, I: Threshold Effects and Micro-Architectures (212)
- Metaimages, II: Beyond the Frame of the Enshrined Icon (312)
- Mourning and Remembrance, I: Tombs and Epitaphs (1503)
- Murals and Banners Crossing Borders in Medieval Drama (218)
- Painting and Pedigree: Portraits and Heraldry in Later Medieval Europe (1726)
- Patrons and Politics in Architectural History (1101)
- Physical and Spiritual Borders within Buildings (1712)
- Rethinking 'Texts' on Textiles and Tapestries (641)
- Reusing and Showing: Boundaries between Re-Employment and Collecting of Medieval Sculpture during the Modern Age, 15th-18th Centuries (1733)
- Salvaging Crete: Preserving the Legacy of the Artist Ioannis Pagomenos (1612)
- Spiritual Space and Physical Place: Defining and Transcending Boundaries in the Medieval World (512)
- The Baltic and Iberian Crusades: Visual Propaganda in the Borderlands (1123)
- The Body in Medieval Art, I (201)
- The Body in Medieval Art, II (301)
- The Borders of Heaven and Earth (812)
- The Byzantine Virgin Mary beyond Byzantium in the 14th and 15th Centuries (801)
- The Rich Lives of Medieval Rings (1302)
- The Symbolic Language of Animals in Art and Text (101)
- Transcending and Constructing Religious Spaces: Pilgrimage in Medieval Japan and Europe (318)
- Visual Exegesis across Boundaries (712)