IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Mediterranean World
- An Ever-Growing Relationship: Diplomatic Practice, Increase of Circulation, and Fluidity of Borders - The Portuguese Medieval Example (726)
- Borders and the Formation of Tribal Societies in Roman, Arabic, and Ottoman North Africa, 1st-16th Centuries (1130)
- Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in Medieval Italy, I (1203)
- Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in Medieval Italy, II (1303)
- Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in Medieval Italy: A Round Table Discussion (1403)
- Borders in Treaties and Diplomacy (124)
- Boundaries between Life and Death in the North Adriatic (631)
- Building and Breaking Cultural Barriers on Medieval Mount Athos (840)
- Byzantine Borders, I: Islands, Cultural Exchange, and the Present as a Distorting Mirror (1013)
- Byzantine Borders, II: The Problem with Borders (1113)
- Conflict and Integration: Crossing Medieval Borders, I - Permeable Borders (515)
- Conflict and Peace in Border Zones (727)
- Conflicts on Medieval Atlantic Borders: The Castilian Experience (730)
- Conquest and Cultural Change in Border Areas: Islamic Burial Patterns in the Iberian Peninsula in the High Middle Ages (123)
- Crossing Borders: Correlations of Mobility and Identity in Medieval Societies (1530)
- Crossing Borders and International Networks in the Production of Illuminated Manuscripts: The Case of Illuminated Legal Manuscripts in Medieval Europe, 12th-15th Centuries (1111)
- Crossing Medieval Borders: Multicultural and Contested Spaces, I - Contested Sites at the Nexus of Dynamic Border Zones (1015)
- Cultural and Textual Transmission in Italy and the Alps: Theology, Rhetoric, Medicine (1601)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, I: Sales in the Kingdom of Castile in the 13th Century (136)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, II: Agrarian Contracts in the Kingdoms of Portugal and Castile in the 14th Century (236)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, III: Agrarian Contracts in the Kingdom of Castile, 15th-16th Centuries (336)
- Fluid Borders in the Late Medieval Adriatic: Mobility, Trade, and Social Interaction in a Shared Maritime Space, 14th-15th Centuries (326)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, I: Elements and Concepts (1021)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, II: In-Between or on the Margins? (1121)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, III: Cults and Cultures on the Edges? (1221)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, IV: Borders, Rivers, and Rulers (1321)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, V: A Round Table Discussion - Reflections, Outlook, and Interaction with the IMC (1421)
- Frontier Warfare in Late Medieval Iberia (1735)
- Imagining Frontiers in Early Medieval Italy: Discourses and Identities (325)
- Investments and Survival in Late Medieval Cities, II: Wealthy and Poor Public Institutions and Individuals in Italy (1140)
- Languages as Barriers, Languages as Bridges: Intra- and Inter-Lingual Negotiations across Boundaries in the Late Antique and Medieval Mediterranean, I - The Eastern Fringes (1520)
- Languages as Barriers, Languages as Bridges: Intra- and Inter-Lingual Negotiations across Boundaries in the Late Antique and Medieval Mediterranean, II - The Language and Religion (1620)
- Languages as Barriers, Languages as Bridges: Intra- and Inter-Lingual Negotiations across Boundaries in the Late Antique and Medieval Mediterranean, III - The City and Its Hinterland (1720)
- Metaimages, I: Threshold Effects and Micro-Architectures (212)
- Metaimages, II: Beyond the Frame of the Enshrined Icon (312)
- Military Borders of Castile: Granada and Portugal (1327)
- Moving Byzantium, II: Beyond the Borders of Byzantium - New Rome and Its Near and Far East (613)
- Negotiating Iberian Borderlands, I: Common Themes, Uncommon Borders (1535)
- Negotiating Iberian Borderlands, II: Ethnic and Religious Boundaries in Iberian Cities (1635)
- Salvaging Crete: Preserving the Legacy of the Artist Ioannis Pagomenos (1612)
- Self and Other on the Frontier (1538)
- Southern France and the Mediterranean, I: Faith and Locality (1536)
- Southern France and the Mediterranean, II: Women (1636)
- Southern France and the Mediterranean, III: A Round Table Discussion (1736)
- The Bishops' Borders, II: Agents and Codices in Medieval Iberia (836)
- The Frontier in Medieval Iberia: Conflicts and Promotions (536)
- The Mediterranean and Southern France, I: Sex and Morality (1136)
- The Mediterranean and Southern France, II: Beyond Braudel - The State of Medieval Environmental History (1236)
- The Mediterranean and Southern France, III: Lordship and Rule (1336)
- Translation and Transmission through the Medieval Spanish Kingdoms (636)
- Women and Gender in the Post-Roman Kingdoms, III: Italy (817)
- Women and Gender in the Post-Roman Successor States, III: Spain (1206)
- Women and Gender in the Post-Roman Successor States, IV: North Africa & Conclusion (1306)