IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Social & Economic History
- Border(line) Cities: The Changing Faces of Medieval Border Cities (116)
- Borders, Worlds, Systems: Commercial and Literary Exchange in 15th-Century England (1626)
- Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in Medieval Italy, II (1303)
- Borders in and of Medieval Towns (519)
- Borders of Unfreedom and Dependency in Medieval Europe, I: The Imposition of Unfreedom (737)
- Borders of Unfreedom and Dependency in Medieval Europe, II: Escaping Unfreedom (837)
- Breaking Down Disciplinary Borders: Connecting Historical and Archaeological Research, IV - Investigations into Medieval Ivory (816)
- Coexistence, Co-Operation, and Rivalry in Medieval Towns: Borders and Alliances within the City Walls of Salzburg (1126)
- Crossing the Borders of Strife and Subsistence in the Low Countries (1315)
- Defining Community and Agency in the Medieval Built Environment (216)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, I: Sales in the Kingdom of Castile in the 13th Century (136)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, II: Agrarian Contracts in the Kingdoms of Portugal and Castile in the 14th Century (236)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, III: Agrarian Contracts in the Kingdom of Castile, 15th-16th Centuries (336)
- Economies of Early Medieval Monasticism, I: Rethinking the Frankish Model (1007)
- Economies of Early Medieval Monasticism, II: New Perspectives (1107)
- Education across Borders (1131)
- Expanding and Representing the Boundaries of Social Discipline in Late Medieval Central European Cities (1516)
- Fine Lines and Trying Times: Crossing Societal and Geographical Borders in Medieval Sermons and Literary Texts (1215)
- Fluid Borders in the Late Medieval Adriatic: Mobility, Trade, and Social Interaction in a Shared Maritime Space, 14th-15th Centuries (326)
- From Leinster to the Levant: Mortimers, Marshals, and Ireland's New Economic Frontiers (1526)
- Gender, Nobility, Agency, and Power (1508)
- Inclusion and Exclusion: Visible and Invisible Boundaries of Late Medieval Communities (537)
- Information and Trust between Jews and Christians (309)
- Inheritance, Intercession, and Imagination: Crossing the Border between Life and Death, I - Inheritance (1531)
- Investments and Survival in Late Medieval Cities, I: Private Funding and Public Bodies in German-Speaking Lands (1040)
- Investments and Survival in Late Medieval Cities, II: Wealthy and Poor Public Institutions and Individuals in Italy (1140)
- Invisible and Imaginary Barriers and Their Crossing: Cases of Scholars, Merchants, and Women in Medieval Europe, II (1615)
- Jurisdiction, Legal Community, and Political Discourse, 900-1200, II: Borders of Jurisdiction in Towns - Regulation between Canon and Secular Law (635)
- Legal Boundaries (324)
- Loyalty in the Central Middle Ages, I: The Loyalties of Women and Their Menfolk (705)
- Managing the Medieval Workforce: Three Examples from England (1240)
- Medieval Coins and Seals: Ideas of Identity and Power - Iconography and Representation (1202)
- Network Analysis for Medievalists, III: Exploring Network Methodologies (709)
- Network Analysis for Medievalists, IV: Networks of Trade and Learning in Late Medieval Europe (809)
- Political Liturgies in the High Middle Ages: Beyond the Legacy of Ernst H. Kantorowicz - A Round Table Discussion (1438)
- Quo vadis Medieval Economic History?: A Round Table Discussion (1242)
- Reconnecting a Peripheric Polity: Crossing the Portuguese Border from the 12th to the 15th Centuries (826)
- Social Belief and Dissidence, I: Transmitting Heretical Belief (1540)
- Social Belief and Dissidence, II: Constructing Heretical Belief in Inquisition Trial Records (1640)
- Social Belief and Dissidence, III: Constructing Heretical Belief in Sermons and Polemics (1740)
- Social Bonds, Kinship, and Networks: Studies from Medieval People (105)
- Southern France and the Mediterranean, I: Faith and Locality (1536)
- Southern France and the Mediterranean, II: Women (1636)
- Southern France and the Mediterranean, III: A Round Table Discussion (1736)
- Spatial Organisation in Towns (1340)
- The Many Borders of Medieval English Elites (1138)
- The Mediterranean and Southern France, I: Sex and Morality (1136)
- The People of 1381 (1341)
- The Wheat and the Chaff: Anarchist Methodologies for Medieval Sources (308)
- Topographies of Economic and Social Production and Exchange in the Early and High Middle Ages (637)
- Transitions on an Islamic Frontier in Southwestern Iberia, 12th-13th Centuries (323)
- Trust across Borders, I (1630)
- Trust across Borders, II (1730)