IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Theology & Biblical Studies
- Alfredian Voices, II: Alfredian Mentalities (1110)
- Blurred Boundaries and Religious Dissent, I: Contradictions, Grey Areas, and Ambiguity in the Construction of Religious 'Otherness' (1028)
- Blurred Boundaries and Religious Dissent, II: Between Gendering Spirituality and a Gendered Spirituality (1128)
- Blurred Boundaries and Religious Dissent, III: Intellectual and Textual Contexts (1228)
- Blurred Boundaries and Religious Dissent, IV: Fluid Beliefs and Dissent among the Laity (1328)
- Borders of Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in Late Medieval Sermons and Tracts (619)
- Borders of Touch and Time in Art, Hagiography, and Visionary Writing (1031)
- Breaking Borders between the Human and the Divine (1235)
- Constructing Borders between Christians and Jews (624)
- Dichotomies of Religious Experience in the Late Medieval Low Countries (539)
- How to Talk to God, How to Talk about God: Late Medieval Sermons on the Boundary of Spiritual Experience, Orality, and Literacy (639)
- Indecent Theologies, I: Perverting Grand Narratives (139)
- Indecent Theologies, II: Phalluses, Virgins, Saints, and Other Average Indecencies (239)
- Indecent Theologies, III: No Gods, No Masters (339)
- Indecent Theologies, IV: A Round Table Discussion (439)
- Lay Teaching in the Late Middle Ages: Breaking Intellectual and Spiritual Boundaries, I (230)
- Lay Teaching in the Late Middle Ages: Breaking Intellectual and Spiritual Boundaries, II (330)
- Love Know No Bounds: Mysticism and Borders, I - Gender, Rhetoric, and Spiritual Anthropology (129)
- Love Know No Bounds: Mysticism and Borders, II - Transmissions, Translations, and Constructions (229)
- Love Know No Bounds: Mysticism and Borders, III - Philosophical and Theological Receptions (329)
- Love Know No Bounds: Mysticism and Borders, IV - A Round Table Discussion (429)
- New Readings in Old English Biblical Poetry (1519)
- Nicholas of Cusa, I: Cusa's De visione Dei in Perspective (1539)
- Nicholas of Cusa, II: Peace and Politics in the Cusan Tradition (1639)
- Nicholas of Cusa, III: Cusan Christology and Mariology (1739)
- Nicholas of Lyra in the Age of Wyclif and Hus: New Perspectives on the Commentaries (839)
- Patristic Authority in the Early Middle Ages, I: Between Dissemination and Manipulation, c. 500-800 (507)
- Patristic Authority in the Early Middle Ages, II: From Manipulation to Interpretation, c. 800-900 (607)
- Patristics and Cognitive Sciences: Moving the Borders of Research (1616)
- Political Activism and the Later Wycliffites (739)
- Social Belief and Dissidence, I: Transmitting Heretical Belief (1540)
- Social Belief and Dissidence, II: Constructing Heretical Belief in Inquisition Trial Records (1640)
- Social Belief and Dissidence, III: Constructing Heretical Belief in Sermons and Polemics (1740)
- Steps on the Understanding of the Legatus Divinae Pietatis: The Leipzig Manuscript (Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, MS 827) (1504)
- The Not-So-Secret Lives of Mystics: Lived Experience in Mystical Texts, I (1139)
- The Not-So-Secret Lives of Mystics: Lived Experience in Mystical Texts, II (1239)
- The Not-So-Secret Lives of Mystics: Lived Experience in Mystical Texts, III (1339)
- The Not-So-Secret Lives of Mystics: Lived Experience in Mystical Texts, IV - A Round Table Discussion (1439)
- Transcending Language Boundaries: The Reception of Greek Christian Texts in the 12th-Century Latin West, I (1231)
- Transcending Language Boundaries: The Reception of Greek Christian Texts in the 12th-Century Latin West, II (1331)
- Unsettled Boundaries: Jews, Christians, and the Messiness of Purity, I (1624)
- Visions of Authority, II: Latin Sermons - Laying the Foundation for Long-Lasting Authority (1343)
- Visual Exegesis across Boundaries (712)
- Writing and Knowing about the Divine (1541)