IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Special Thematic Strand: Borders
- Aesthetic Categories and the Boundaries of Art in the Middle Ages: A Round Table Discussion (912)
- Africa and the Atlantic: Contact, Exploration, Self-Perception (130)
- Alfredian Voices, I: Time and Space in Alfredian Writing (1010)
- An Ever-Growing Relationship: Diplomatic Practice, Increase of Circulation, and Fluidity of Borders - The Portuguese Medieval Example (726)
- A New(ish) World: Medieval Influences in American Literature (1633)
- Annual Early Medieval Europe Lecture: Seeing Others in Hell in the Early Middle Ages (Language: English) (401)
- Annual Medieval Academy of America Lecture: Médiévistes Sans Frontières - Shifting Medieval Boundaries at Multiple Scales (Language: English) (901)
- At the Border of Popular and Monastic Religion in Late Medieval England (1030)
- At the Frontiers of Great Powers (222)
- Between the Earthly and the Ideal (714)
- Between the Living and the Dead: Devotion, Miracles, and Transcending Death in Religious Communities (531)
- Beyond the Borders: The Transfer of Forms, Functions, and Ideas on the Early Medieval Eastern Adriatic (1227)
- Beyond the Borders of Time: Medieval Art from an Early Modern Perspective (1312)
- Beyond Translation: Early Modern European Adaptations of Sebastian Brant's Ship of Fools (819)
- Blurred Boundaries and Religious Dissent, I: Contradictions, Grey Areas, and Ambiguity in the Construction of Religious 'Otherness' (1028)
- Blurred Boundaries and Religious Dissent, II: Between Gendering Spirituality and a Gendered Spirituality (1128)
- Blurred Boundaries and Religious Dissent, III: Intellectual and Textual Contexts (1228)
- Blurred Boundaries and Religious Dissent, IV: Fluid Beliefs and Dissent among the Laity (1328)
- Books Mediating Borders in Early Medieval England (303)
- Border(line) Cities: The Changing Faces of Medieval Border Cities (116)
- Border-Crossing Stories between East and West (115)
- Border Crossings in the Hispanic World (1004)
- Bordering Adulthood: Adolescence and Youth in Times of Change, I (137)
- Bordering Adulthood: Adolescence and Youth in Times of Change, II (237)
- Bordering Adulthood: Adolescence and Youth in Times of Change, III (337)
- Bordering Adulthood: Adolescence and Youth in Times of Change, IV - A Round Table Discussion (437)
- Bordering the Crusades, I: Writing in the Margins (1523)
- Bordering the Crusades, II: Conceptual Borders (1623)
- Bordering the Crusades, III: Historical Writing on the Frontier (1723)
- Bordering the Magical and the Miraculous (103)
- Borderland Architecture as the Site of Cultural Exchange (122)
- Borderlands, I: Transitions, Transformations, and Fluidities - Allegiances and Gender (232)
- Borderlands, II: Transitions, Transformations, and Fluidities - Agency, Memory, and Identity (332)
- Borderlands, III: Dowers and Dowries - Holding Lands, Moving People, and Exchanging Resources across Borders, A Round Table Discussion (432)
- Borderlands of Empire (316)
- Borderless Sainthood in Medieval Nordic Hagiography, I: Reception and Adaptation (1029)
- Borderless Sainthood in Medieval Nordic Hagiography, II: Sources (1129)
- Borderless Tales?: The Politics of Storytelling (1018)
- Borders, Governance, and Maritime Networks in the Global Middle Ages through the Eyes of Japanese and European Medievalists, I: European Islands (134)
- Borders, Governance, and Maritime Networks in the Global Middle Ages through the Eyes of Japanese and European Medievalists, II: The Indian Ocean to Japan (234)
- Borders, Place-Names, and Inscriptions (1634)
- Borders, Worlds, Systems: Commercial and Literary Exchange in 15th-Century England (1626)
- Borders and Bodies in Early Medieval Riddles and Beyond (806)
- Borders and Textiles: Iconographic Meanings and Realities of Eastern Textiles and Clothing in the Middle Ages (811)
- Borders and the Construction of Identity in the Central and Late Middle Ages (722)
- Borders and the Formation of Tribal Societies in Roman, Arabic, and Ottoman North Africa, 1st-16th Centuries (1130)
- Borders and Transgression in Late Medieval Southeast Europe (1728)
- Borders as Areas of Control (1527)
- Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in Medieval Italy, I (1203)
- Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in Medieval Italy, II (1303)
- Borders as Markers of Space, Culture, and Identity in Medieval Italy: A Round Table Discussion (1403)
- Borders between Life and Death in Tolkien's Legendarium (1033)
- Borders between Muslims and Christians (723)
- Borders in / and Multi-Text Manuscripts, I: Producing Boundaries (1211)
- Borders in/and Multi-Text Manuscripts, II: Negotiating and Transgressing Boundaries (1311)
- Borders in and of Medieval Towns (519)
- Borders in Breach: Morals of Conquest in the Middle Ages (827)
- Borders in Heroic Epics (1038)
- Borders in Medieval Islam, I: Social Boundaries in the Islamic West (1223)
- Borders in Medieval Islam, II: The Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean (1323)
- Borders in Old Germanic Realities (1534)
- Borders in Treaties and Diplomacy (124)
- Borders of Form, Land, People, and Water in Old English and Anglo-Latin Literature (1619)
- Borders of Human Nature, Boundaries of the Imagination (1309)
- Borders of Orders: Articulating Perceptions of the Past as Frames of Society around 1000 (731)
- Borders of Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy in Late Medieval Sermons and Tracts (619)
- Borders of Sound, I: Aural Experiences of Otherness (1518)
- Borders of Sound, II: Recreating the Musical Gestures and the Artistic Heritage Space (1618)
- Borders of Sound, III: Aural Experiences of Ritual (1718)
- Borders of Touch and Time in Art, Hagiography, and Visionary Writing (1031)
- Borders of Unfreedom and Dependency in Medieval Europe, I: The Imposition of Unfreedom (737)
- Borders of Unfreedom and Dependency in Medieval Europe, II: Escaping Unfreedom (837)
- Borders of Violence: A Round Table Discussion (914)
- Borders on Land and Sea (1326)
- Border Warfare in the Middle Ages (1627)
- Boundaries between Life and Death in the North Adriatic (631)
- Boundaries of Governance, I: Borders and Authority in the Hundred Years War (1016)
- Boundaries of Governance, II: The Limits of Power in Colonial Ireland (1116)
- Boundaries of Governance, III: Legitimacy and the Ideals of Rule (1216)
- Boundaries of Governance, IV: Language and Literature in the Limits of Power (1316)
- Boundary-Breaking in the Theatrical Robin Hood Tradition (518)
- Boundary Work from East to West (1230)
- Breaking Borders between the Human and the Divine (1235)
- Breaking Down Disciplinary Borders: Connecting Historical and Archaeological Research, I - Parasites in Medieval Societies (516)
- Breaking Down Disciplinary Borders: Connecting Historical and Archaeological Research, II - Analysing Animal Skins, from Parchment to Leather (616)
- Breaking Down Disciplinary Borders: Connecting Historical and Archaeological Research, III - Medieval Dental Calculus, A Treasure Trove of Information (716)
- Breaking Down Disciplinary Borders: Connecting Historical and Archaeological Research, IV - Investigations into Medieval Ivory (816)
- Breaking Down Disciplinary Borders: Connecting Historical and Archaeological Research, V - How to Keep the Momentum Going, A Round Table Discussion (916)
- Breaking the Boundary: Forces and Counter-Forces in Medieval Italian Art (1112)
- Breaking the Fourth Wall in Medieval Theatre (618)
- Bridging Borders, I: Natural Sciences and Humanities (1511)
- Bridging Borders, II: Frames and Margins in Written Artefacts (1611)
- Bridging Borders, III: Layers in Written Artefacts (1711)
- Britain's Border Geographies, I: Topographies of Romance (1509)
- Britain's Border Geographies, II: Mobilities (1609)
- British Archaeological Association, I: Borders in the Secular Landscape (111)
- British Archaeological Association, II: Borders of Definition (211)
- British Archaeological Association, III: Borders of Meaning (311)
- British Archaeological Association, IV: Artefacts and Special Finds (611)
- Byzantine Borders, I: Islands, Cultural Exchange, and the Present as a Distorting Mirror (1013)
- Byzantine Borders, II: The Problem with Borders (1113)
- Byzantine Borders, III: Dissolving Frontiers (1213)
- Byzantine Borders, IV: Byzantium, Post-Colonialism, and the Making of Modern Borders (1313)
- Byzantine Border Warfare (142)
- Changing Borders in Central and Eastern Pre-Modern Europe (1320)
- Channelling Relations in Medieval England and France: A Round Table Discussion (927)
- Chaucer: Blurring and Creating Borders (1119)
- Coexistence, Co-Operation, and Rivalry in Medieval Towns: Borders and Alliances within the City Walls of Salzburg (1126)
- Comparative Studies of Medieval England and Iceland, I: Histories (1035)
- Comparative Studies of Medieval England and Iceland, II: Literature (1135)
- Conflict and Integration: Crossing Medieval Borders, I - Permeable Borders (515)
- Conflict and Integration: Crossing Medieval Borders, II - Multilingual and Multicultural Borders (615)
- Conflict and Integration: Crossing Medieval Borders, III - Religious and Intellectual Borders (715)
- Conflict and Integration: Crossing Medieval Borders, IV - Geographical Borders, the Medieval British Isles, and the 'Other' (815)
- Conflict and Peace in Border Zones (727)
- Conflicts on Medieval Atlantic Borders: The Castilian Experience (730)
- Conquest and Cultural Change in Border Areas: Islamic Burial Patterns in the Iberian Peninsula in the High Middle Ages (123)
- Constructing Borders: Emphasising Difference in the Medieval Islamic West (223)
- Constructing Borders between Christians and Jews (624)
- Contemporary Uses of the Medieval (1533)
- Creating Communities (522)
- Crossing Borders: Correlations of Mobility and Identity in Medieval Societies (1530)
- Crossing Borders: Methodological, Material, and Linguistic (1716)
- Crossing Borders and International Networks in the Production of Illuminated Manuscripts: The Case of Illuminated Legal Manuscripts in Medieval Europe, 12th-15th Centuries (1111)
- Crossing Borders and More (814)
- Crossing Borders in Medieval Times: Comparative Approaches to Pilgrimage Practices in the Christian, Islamic, and Buddhist Traditions (526)
- Crossing Borders in Middle-Earth (1641)
- Crossing Borders in the Medieval Western Balkans: What Can Funerary Material Culture Tell Us? (711)
- Crossing Borders through Prayer, I: Instruction and Practice (529)
- Crossing Borders through Prayer, II: Imagination and Intermediality (629)
- Crossing Borders through Prayer, III: Textual Varieties (729)
- Crossing Borders through Prayer, IV: Interdisciplinary Approaches (829)
- Crossing Boundaries and Building Identities in Dante's Works, I (521)
- Crossing Boundaries and Building Identities in Dante's Works, II (621)
- Crossing Boundaries and Building Identities in Dante's Works, III (721)
- Crossing Boundaries and Building Identities in Dante's Works, IV (821)
- Crossing Boundaries in Late Antique Monasticism (225)
- Crossing Lines?: Manifestations of Blurred Gender Boundaries in Medieval Culture (632)
- Crossing Medieval Borders: Multicultural and Contested Spaces, I - Contested Sites at the Nexus of Dynamic Border Zones (1015)
- Crossing Medieval Borders: Multicultural and Contested Spaces, II - Navigating the Multiculturalism of Borders (1115)
- Crossing Religious Borders: Conversion, Syncretism, and Apostasy in the Medieval Period (1335)
- Crossing the Borders of Language: The Dissemination of Medieval Short Stories across Europe (1118)
- Crossing the Borders of Strife and Subsistence in the Low Countries (1315)
- Cultural Crossover in Francophone Flanders (1305)
- Danes Transcending Borders in the Long 14th Century (135)
- Defining Borders and Borders that Define: Examples from Slavonia in the High and Late Middle Ages (1734)
- Defining Community and Agency in the Medieval Built Environment (216)
- Defining the Boundaries of Female Rulership, I: Representing Power (1032)
- Defining the Boundaries of Female Rulership, II: Diplomatic Networks (1132)
- Depicting the New Atlantic Borders: Between Myth and Reality (830)
- Design at the Border: Liminality in Medieval and Postmodern Contexts (1238)
- Deviancy, Transgression, and Queer Desires (1332)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, I: Sales in the Kingdom of Castile in the 13th Century (136)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, II: Agrarian Contracts in the Kingdoms of Portugal and Castile in the 14th Century (236)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, III: Agrarian Contracts in the Kingdom of Castile, 15th-16th Centuries (336)
- Doors, Screens, and Stalls: Liminal Spaces in the Medieval Church (514)
- Double Monasteries as Places of Inclusive and Exclusive Borders, I (1528)
- Double Monasteries as Places of Inclusive and Exclusive Borders, II (1628)
- Early Medieval Societies on the Edges: From Britain to the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond, I (1222)
- Early Medieval Societies on the Edges: From Britain to the Iberian Peninsula and Beyond, II (1322)
- Education across Borders (1131)
- Elite Legitimacy on the Borders of Latin Christendom: Poland and Norway, 1000-1300, I - Stories of Legitimation (127)
- Elite Legitimacy on the Borders of Latin Christendom: Poland and Norway, 1000-1300, II - Spaces of Legitimation (227)
- Elite Legitimacy on the Borders of Latin Christendom: Poland and Norway, 1000-1300, III - Struggles for Legitimation (327)
- Elite Legitimacy on the Borders of Latin Christendom: Poland and Norway, 1000-1300, IV - A Round Table Discussion (427)
- Emotions on the Fringes, I: Marginalised Social Groups in and Working with Literature (502)
- Emotions on the Fringes, II: Emotions of Supernatural Beings and Divinities in Literature (602)
- Emperor and Patriarch: Questions of Authority in Byzantium (813)
- Empires without Borders: Collaboration and Rivalry between the Roman and Sasanian Empires, I - Politics and Warfare along the Mesopotamian Frontier (525)
- Empires without Borders: Collaboration and Rivalry between the Roman and Sasanian Empires, II - Exploring Political-Cultural Interaction through Identity and Exchange (625)
- Empires without Borders: Collaboration and Rivalry between the Roman and Sasanian Empires, III - Movement and Economic Interconnectivity along the Frontier (725)
- Empires without Borders: Collaboration and Rivalry between the Roman and Sasanian Empires, IV - Political Interactions in, and around, Armenia and the Caucasus Region (825)
- Encounters beyond the Border Zones: Material and Cultural Practices across the Frontier of the Long Middle Ages, 8th-15th Centuries (1512)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War, I (1521)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War, II (1621)
- England and Scotland at Peace and War, III (1721)
- Environmental History of the Middle Ages, I: Borders between Wild and Tame (117)
- Environmental History of the Middle Ages, II: Borders between Human and Non-Human (217)
- Expanding and Representing the Boundaries of Social Discipline in Late Medieval Central European Cities (1516)
- Exploring 'Boundaries' of Medieval English Monasteries (728)
- Exploring Semantic Borders: Aesthetic Concepts in Middle High German (720)
- Family, Orientation, Transgression, and Crossing Borders of Middle-Earth (1133)
- Fine Lines and Trying Times: Crossing Societal and Geographical Borders in Medieval Sermons and Literary Texts (1215)
- Fluid Borders in the Late Medieval Adriatic: Mobility, Trade, and Social Interaction in a Shared Maritime Space, 14th-15th Centuries (326)
- Fringe Expertise?: Occult Practices and Authority in Pre-Modern Eurasia, I - Practice and Context (530)
- Fringe Expertise?: Occult Practices and Authority in Pre-Modern Eurasia, II - Narration and Representation (630)
- From Leinster to the Levant: Mortimers, Marshals, and Ireland's New Economic Frontiers (1526)
- From Majorca to Italy: Domestic Images that Transcend Borders (1212)
- From the Border to the Table: Peripheral Manuscript Elements and Their Uses (1012)
- Frontier Relationships in Outremer (1023)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, I: Elements and Concepts (1021)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, II: In-Between or on the Margins? (1121)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, III: Cults and Cultures on the Edges? (1221)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, IV: Borders, Rivers, and Rulers (1321)
- Frontiers and Crossroads in Italy, V: A Round Table Discussion - Reflections, Outlook, and Interaction with the IMC (1421)
- Frontier Warfare in Late Medieval Iberia (1735)
- Gendered Borders: Transgressive and Transformational Medieval Bodies (322)
- Gender Roles and Sexual Transgression (532)
- Going beyond Borders: Dimensions of a Medieval Concept - Perception of Borders from the Ottonian to Staufian Era, I (1514)
- Going beyond Borders: Dimensions of a Medieval Concept - Perception of Borders from the Ottonian to Staufian Era, II (1614)
- Hebrew Manuscripts and Their Margins, I: Paratext and Ornament in Iberia (1124)
- Hebrew Manuscripts and Their Margins, II: Cultural Encounters in the Margins (1324)
- Hermit-Monks over the Borderline: Deserts, Limits, Enclosure, and Death (828)
- Holy Politics!: Borders between the Sacred and the Political in Medieval German Literature (1027)
- Imagining Frontiers in Early Medieval Italy: Discourses and Identities (325)
- Imagining the Edge: Negotiating Ecofacts and Fictions of the Middle Ages (1137)
- Imperial Perceptions of Frontier People: Identity Formation on the Eastern and Western Borders of the Roman World (1025)
- Inclusion and Exclusion: Visible and Invisible Boundaries of Late Medieval Communities (537)
- Inheritance, Intercession, and Imagination: Crossing the Border between Life and Death, I - Inheritance (1531)
- Inheritance, Intercession, and Imagination: Crossing the Border between Life and Death, II - Intercession (1631)
- Inheritance, Intercession, and Imagination: Crossing the Border between Life and Death, III - Imagination (1731)
- Intellectual and Political Borders of Time Reckoning in Early Medieval Europe (1330)
- Interactions across Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, I: Byzantine / Christian Interactions with the Muslim World (113)
- Interactions across Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, II: Crossing and Defending Sea Borders (213)
- Interactions across Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, III: Migration and the Spatial Context of Urban Borders in Late Antiquity (313)
- Internal Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, I: Imperial Power and Politics in Late Antiquity (1513)
- Internal Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, II: Borders in Western Court Politics - Examined through Presence, Power, and Intellectualism (1613)
- Internal Borders in the Late Antique, Early Medieval, and Byzantine World, III: Crossing Borders of Religion, Body, and Legality (1713)
- In the Middle of What?: Period Boundaries in Medieval Studies, I (214)
- In the Middle of What?: Period Boundaries in Medieval Studies, II (314)
- Invisible and Imaginary Barriers and Their Crossing: Cases of Scholars, Merchants, and Women in Medieval Europe, I (1515)
- Invisible and Imaginary Barriers and Their Crossing: Cases of Scholars, Merchants, and Women in Medieval Europe, II (1615)
- Invisible and Imaginary Barriers and Their Crossing: Cases of Scholars, Merchants, and Women in Medieval Europe, III (1715)
- Jewish Life at the Fringe: Individuals and Communities in the Border Regions of Europe (724)
- Jewish Life on and across Borders (824)
- Jurisdiction, Legal Community, and Political Discourse, 900-1200, I (535)
- Jurisdiction, Legal Community, and Political Discourse, 900-1200, II: Borders of Jurisdiction in Towns - Regulation between Canon and Secular Law (635)
- Keynote Lecture 2022: Frontier Monasticism (Language: English) (699)
- Keynote Lecture 2022: Open Space and Flexible Borders - Knowledge Transfers through Premodern Afro-Eurasian Maritime Connections (Language: English) (1699)
- Keynote Lecture 2022: Territorial and Social Borders in Medieval Scandinavia (Language: English) (199)
- Keynote Lectures 2022: Borders in a Borderless Empire? - Political, Ecological, and Cultural Borders in Mongol Eurasia (Language: English) / Right Time, Wrong Place? - Navigating the 'Territorial Trap' in the Study of Medieval Religion (Language: English) (1)
- Languages as Barriers, Languages as Bridges: Intra- and Inter-Lingual Negotiations across Boundaries in the Late Antique and Medieval Mediterranean, I - The Eastern Fringes (1520)
- Languages as Barriers, Languages as Bridges: Intra- and Inter-Lingual Negotiations across Boundaries in the Late Antique and Medieval Mediterranean, II - The Language and Religion (1620)
- Languages as Barriers, Languages as Bridges: Intra- and Inter-Lingual Negotiations across Boundaries in the Late Antique and Medieval Mediterranean, III - The City and Its Hinterland (1720)
- Late Antique Noblewomen between Two Worlds (221)
- Lay Teaching in the Late Middle Ages: Breaking Intellectual and Spiritual Boundaries, I (230)
- Lay Teaching in the Late Middle Ages: Breaking Intellectual and Spiritual Boundaries, II (330)
- Learning at the Boundary of Body and Mind: Embodied Knowledge in Late Medieval Manuals (1337)
- Legal Boundaries (324)
- Liminal Spaces: Evolution of Borders and Boundaries in Late Byzantium (713)
- Limits of Time, Space, and Meaning: Borders and Transgression in the Medieval Art (612)
- Lines in the Sand: Ecotones and Polity in Medieval Literature (317)
- Linguistic Boundaries, Speaking of Borders, I: Text / Orality / Semantics (220)
- Linguistic Boundaries, Speaking of Borders, II: Close Language Contact (320)
- Literature Crossing Borders (835)
- Love Know No Bounds: Mysticism and Borders, I - Gender, Rhetoric, and Spiritual Anthropology (129)
- Love Know No Bounds: Mysticism and Borders, II - Transmissions, Translations, and Constructions (229)
- Love Know No Bounds: Mysticism and Borders, III - Philosophical and Theological Receptions (329)
- Love Know No Bounds: Mysticism and Borders, IV - A Round Table Discussion (429)
- Mapping Borders and Cultural Heritage beyond the Eye, I (1034)
- Mapping Borders and Cultural Heritage beyond the Eye, II (1134)
- Mapping Borders and Cultural Heritage beyond the Eye, III (1234)
- Mapping Borders and Cultural Heritage beyond the Eye, IV (1334)
- Mapping Cultural Geographies between Past and Present: Burials in Early Irish Literature (719)
- Mapping Medieval Peoples, I: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Ethnic Identity and Geography in the Medieval World (1522)
- Mapping Medieval Peoples, II: Shifting Religious and Political Landscapes in Europe's North (1622)
- Mapping Medieval Peoples, III: Medieval Landscapes, Communities, and Origin Myths (1722)
- Mappings, I: Mapping Medieval Cities (534)
- Mappings, II: Material Borders of Maps (634)
- Mappings, III: Mental Borders on Maps - Human Difference, Sanctity, and Salvific Energy (734)
- Mappings, IV: Dispute Maps (834)
- Medical Knowledge Crossing Boundaries, I: Reappropriating Medical Knowledge (831)
- Medical Knowledge Crossing Boundaries, II: A Round Table Discussion (931)
- Medieval Animals in Conflict and Aggression, I (1217)
- Medieval Animals in Conflict and Aggression, II (1317)
- Medieval Environments Sourcebook, I: Borders of the Natural, the Natural as Border (1517)
- Medieval Environments Sourcebook, II: Borders of Identities and the Imagination (1617)
- Medieval Environments Sourcebook, III: Borders of Elements and Extractions (1717)
- Medieval Literary Crossovers: Characters between Different Spheres and Times, between Social Classes and Cultures in (Post-) Modern Media (1219)
- Medieval Sacred Spaces, I: Theories (1229)
- Medieval Sacred Spaces, II: Disruptions (1329)
- Medieval Vernacular Song at the Borders: Gender, Genre, and Geography (818)
- Memory and Imagination in Literary Encounters with the Divine (1709)
- Memory in Conflict: The Use of Historical Narratives in Later Medieval (Border) Conflicts (114)
- Metaimages, I: Threshold Effects and Micro-Architectures (212)
- Metaimages, II: Beyond the Frame of the Enshrined Icon (312)
- Military Borders of Castile: Granada and Portugal (1327)
- Minorities in the Late Middle Ages: Crossing Ethnic, Linguistic, and Religious Borders (622)
- Monastic Strategies around Borders (120)
- Mothers, Motherhood, and Borders in the Medieval World, I: Mothers and Medieval Literature (1532)
- Mothers, Motherhood, and Borders in the Medieval World, II: Constructing Mothers throughout Christendom (1632)
- Mothers, Motherhood, and Borders in the Medieval World, III: Medicine and the Maternal Body (1732)
- Moving Byzantium, I: Layers, Institutions, and Terminologies of Mobility in the Medieval Roman Empire (513)
- Moving Byzantium, II: Beyond the Borders of Byzantium - New Rome and Its Near and Far East (613)
- Moving into Late Antique Rome (125)
- Moving Saints, I: Local and Trans-Local Religious Devotion in Britain and France (1529)
- Moving Saints, II: Transmitting and Re-Negotiating Saint Veneration in Religious Contact Zones (1629)
- Murals and Banners Crossing Borders in Medieval Drama (218)
- Negotiating Iberian Borderlands, I: Common Themes, Uncommon Borders (1535)
- Negotiating Iberian Borderlands, II: Ethnic and Religious Boundaries in Iberian Cities (1635)
- Negotiating the Other: Spatial and Mental Borders in the Middle Ages (1114)
- New Readings in Old English Biblical Poetry (1519)
- Old Norse-Icelandic Sagas: Marking and Crossing Borders of Genre (735)
- On the Borders of Jewish Identity: Cultural Encounters between Christians and the Betä Ǝsra'el (Ethiopian Jews) (524)
- Orders at Borders: Mendicants and Border Societies in Medieval Europe (328)
- Overcoming and Creating Social and Political Boundaries with Classical Education (Paideia): The Role of Knowledge and Its Bearers at Princely Courts during Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (1125)
- Painting and Pedigree: Portraits and Heraldry in Later Medieval Europe (1726)
- Patristics and Cognitive Sciences: Moving the Borders of Research (1616)
- Performing Narrative on the Borders between Sacred and Secular (1318)
- Physical and Spiritual Borders within Buildings (1712)
- Pilgrimage to Jerusalem (626)
- Playing the Middle Ages, I: Crossing Borders in and around Games (133)
- Playing the Middle Ages, II: Medieval Boundaries in Modern Settings (233)
- Playing the Middle Ages, III: Building Game Worlds and Borders (333)
- Playing the Middle Ages, IV: Borders - A Round Table Discussion (433)
- Queenship across the Borders of Space and Time (1232)
- Reconnecting a Peripheric Polity: Crossing the Portuguese Border from the 12th to the 15th Centuries (826)
- Remembering the Ends of the World: The Geography of Memory, Monsters, and the Apocalypse (614)
- Rethinking the Medieval Frontier, I: Living in the Frontier (215)
- Rethinking the Medieval Frontier, II: Making (Up) the Frontier (315)
- Rethinking the Medieval Frontier, III: Considering Frontiers - A Round Table Discussion (415)
- Reusing and Showing: Boundaries between Re-Employment and Collecting of Medieval Sculpture during the Modern Age, 15th-18th Centuries (1733)
- Saints, Pilgrims, Badges, and Souvenirs Crossing Borders (1729)
- Salvaging Crete: Preserving the Legacy of the Artist Ioannis Pagomenos (1612)
- Self and Other on the Frontier (1538)
- Selves, Communities, Others: Borders and Boundaries in Early Medieval Religious Texts (706)
- Southern France and the Mediterranean, I: Faith and Locality (1536)
- Southern France and the Mediterranean, II: Women (1636)
- Southern France and the Mediterranean, III: A Round Table Discussion (1736)
- Space, Landscape, and the Natural World in Romance (1037)
- Spiritual Space and Physical Place: Defining and Transcending Boundaries in the Medieval World (512)
- Status, Rank, or Office?: Social Boundaries in England, 900-1200, I (1537)
- Status, Rank, or Office?: Social Boundaries in England, 900-1200, II (1637)
- Symbolism, Silence, and Monstrosity in Medieval Romance (1204)
- Teaching about the Medieval Frontier (321)
- Temporal and Spiritual Frontiers in the Three Crusading Contexts (623)
- Temporal and Textual Borders in Female Convents from the Late Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period (132)
- Temporal Borders in Middle English Literature (1019)
- Textual Borders (1719)
- Textual Borders: Selection, Appropriation and Re-Writing in the Medieval Hispanic Area (1218)
- The Archaeology and Significance of Frontier Zones (511)
- The Baltic and Iberian Crusades: Visual Propaganda in the Borderlands (1123)
- The Bishops' Borders, I: Agents and Territories in Medieval Iberia (736)
- The Bishops' Borders, II: Agents and Codices in Medieval Iberia (836)
- The Borders of Blasphemy (718)
- The Borders of Bodily Experience (1237)
- The Borders of Heaven and Earth (812)
- The Borders of Intimacy in the Frankish World, 6th-9th Century: Ideas, Practices, Materialities (1017)
- The Borders of Life and Death, I: Preparing for Death (231)
- The Borders of Life and Death, II: Death and Beyond (331)
- The Boundaries of Monastic Institutions, I (128)
- The Boundaries of Monastic Institutions, II (228)
- The Caucasus: A Region of Borders?, I - The Caucasus as Political Borderland (1214)
- The Caucasus: A Region of Borders?, II - The Caucasus as a Zone of Cultural Interaction (1314)
- The Construction and Imagery of Borders (1727)
- The Fluid Boundary between Christianity and Islam (823)
- The Frontier in Medieval Iberia: Conflicts and Promotions (536)
- 'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly': The Judicial, Financial, and Political Roles of the 13th-Century Sheriff (224)
- The Many Borders of Medieval English Elites (1138)
- The March of Wales, I (527)
- The March of Wales, II (627)
- The Medieval Papacy, c. 500-1500, I: The Periphery Sees the Centre - The Centre Sees the Periphery (528)
- The Medieval Papacy, c. 500-1500, II: The Struggle for Right Order in the World - Popes, Antipopes, Clergy, and Power (628)
- The Mediterranean and Southern France, I: Sex and Morality (1136)
- The Mediterranean and Southern France, II: Beyond Braudel - The State of Medieval Environmental History (1236)
- The Mediterranean and Southern France, III: Lordship and Rule (1336)
- The Middle Ages in Modern Games, I: Chivalric and Orientalist Borders (533)
- The Middle Ages in Modern Games, II: Moral Boundaries (633)
- The Middle Ages in Modern Games, III: Religious and Social Divisions (733)
- The North in Transition, I: Opportunities and Conflicts in the Disputed Arctic in the Nordic Late Middle Ages (235)
- The North in Transition, II: Circulating and Re-Narrating Ideas of Demons, Infidels, and True Believers across Northern Borders (335)
- The Plantagenet Dominions in the Early 14th Century (620)
- The Queerness of Early English Drama (118)
- The Sacred and the Obscure: Intersections between Language and Identity in Early Insular Intellectual Culture (820)
- The Twilight Zone: Negotiating the Liminal in the Early Medieval Imagination (1026)
- This is the End, or Is It?: Borders and Boundaries of Dying in the Middle Ages (131)
- Topographies of Economic and Social Production and Exchange in the Early and High Middle Ages (637)
- Transcending Language Boundaries: The Reception of Greek Christian Texts in the 12th-Century Latin West, I (1231)
- Transcending Language Boundaries: The Reception of Greek Christian Texts in the 12th-Century Latin West, II (1331)
- Transforming Borders in Late Antiquity: A Panoramic View, I - Central, Western, and Northern Provinces (1225)
- Transforming Borders in Late Antiquity: A Panoramic View, II - Middle and Lower Danube Provinces (1325)
- Transforming Borders in Late Antiquity: A Panoramic View, III - Eastern Provinces (1525)
- Transforming Borders in Late Antiquity: A Panoramic View, IV - North Africa & Conclusion (1625)
- Transgressing Boundaries, I: Women's Agency in Medieval Literature (732)
- Transgressing Boundaries, II: Women's Agency in Medieval Literature (832)
- Transitions on an Islamic Frontier in Southwestern Iberia, 12th-13th Centuries (323)
- Translation and Transmission through the Medieval Spanish Kingdoms (636)
- Traversing the Language Border: Cross-Communal Exchange between Jews, Muslims, and Christians (1226)
- Trust across Borders, I (1630)
- Trust across Borders, II (1730)
- Unsettled Boundaries: Jews, Christians, and the Messiness of Purity, I (1624)
- Unsettled Boundaries: Jews, Christians, and the Messiness of Purity, II (1724)
- Visual Exegesis across Boundaries (712)
- What Can Coins Tell Us about Medieval Borders? (1011)
- Women without Borders: Medieval Germany and Beyond (1233)
- Working in Translation (520)
- Writing across Borders: Scribal Practices in Galicia and Portugal during the 12th Century (1338)