IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Borders, 15: Jewish
- Constructing Borders between Christians and Jews (624)
- Hebrew Manuscripts and Their Margins, I: Paratext and Ornament in Iberia (1124)
- Hebrew Manuscripts and Their Margins, II: Cultural Encounters in the Margins (1324)
- Jewish Life at the Fringe: Individuals and Communities in the Border Regions of Europe (724)
- Jewish Life on and across Borders (824)
- On the Borders of Jewish Identity: Cultural Encounters between Christians and the Betä Ǝsra'el (Ethiopian Jews) (524)
- Unsettled Boundaries: Jews, Christians, and the Messiness of Purity, I (1624)
- Unsettled Boundaries: Jews, Christians, and the Messiness of Purity, II (1724)