IMC 2022: Strands
IMC 2022: Sessions in strand Virtual Session
- Beneath the Surface: Can Data Mining Help Us Estimate Manuscript Production and Loss? (102)
- Bordering the Crusades, I: Writing in the Margins (1523)
- Bordering the Crusades, III: Historical Writing on the Frontier (1723)
- Borders of Touch and Time in Art, Hagiography, and Visionary Writing (1031)
- Breaking Down Disciplinary Borders: Connecting Historical and Archaeological Research, I - Parasites in Medieval Societies (516)
- Britain's Border Geographies, II: Mobilities (1609)
- Cistercians, II: How Were the Sites of Cistercian Abbeys in the British Isles Determined? (540)
- Conflict and Peace in Border Zones (727)
- Crossing Borders: Correlations of Mobility and Identity in Medieval Societies (1530)
- Crossing Borders: Methodological, Material, and Linguistic (1716)
- Crossing Borders in the Medieval Western Balkans: What Can Funerary Material Culture Tell Us? (711)
- Crossing Lines?: Manifestations of Blurred Gender Boundaries in Medieval Culture (632)
- Crossing Religious Borders: Conversion, Syncretism, and Apostasy in the Medieval Period (1335)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, I: Sales in the Kingdom of Castile in the 13th Century (136)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, II: Agrarian Contracts in the Kingdoms of Portugal and Castile in the 14th Century (236)
- Diplomatic Clauses and Political Borders in Medieval Iberia, III: Agrarian Contracts in the Kingdom of Castile, 15th-16th Centuries (336)
- Early Medieval Riddles, III: Making and Placing Riddles (310)
- Gatekeeping the Middle Ages: Accessing, Controlling, and Disseminating the Medieval Past in a Modern World - A Round Table Discussion (414)
- Lay Teaching in the Late Middle Ages: Breaking Intellectual and Spiritual Boundaries, I (230)
- Lay Teaching in the Late Middle Ages: Breaking Intellectual and Spiritual Boundaries, II (330)
- Mapping Cultural Geographies between Past and Present: Burials in Early Irish Literature (719)
- Materiality of Manuscripts, II: New Technologies (603)
- Medical Knowledge Crossing Boundaries, I: Reappropriating Medical Knowledge (831)
- Medical Knowledge Crossing Boundaries, II: A Round Table Discussion (931)
- Medieval Sacred Spaces, II: Disruptions (1329)
- Medieval Vernacular Song at the Borders: Gender, Genre, and Geography (818)
- Memory and Imagination in Literary Encounters with the Divine (1709)
- Patristics and Cognitive Sciences: Moving the Borders of Research (1616)
- Playing the Middle Ages, I: Crossing Borders in and around Games (133)
- Reusing and Showing: Boundaries between Re-Employment and Collecting of Medieval Sculpture during the Modern Age, 15th-18th Centuries (1733)
- Steps on the Understanding of the Legatus Divinae Pietatis: The Leipzig Manuscript (Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, MS 827) (1504)
- Symbolism, Silence, and Monstrosity in Medieval Romance (1204)
- Teaching about the Medieval Frontier (321)
- Textual Borders: Selection, Appropriation and Re-Writing in the Medieval Hispanic Area (1218)
- The Pearl Poet and the New World: New Critical Work, Translations, and Mediums of Interpretation - A Round Table Discussion (902)
- The Baltic and Iberian Crusades: Visual Propaganda in the Borderlands (1123)
- The Bishops' Borders, I: Agents and Territories in Medieval Iberia (736)
- The Bishops' Borders, II: Agents and Codices in Medieval Iberia (836)
- The Byzantine Virgin Mary beyond Byzantium in the 14th and 15th Centuries (801)
- The Symbolic Language of Animals in Art and Text (101)
- The Twilight Zone: Negotiating the Liminal in the Early Medieval Imagination (1026)
- Transcending Language Boundaries: The Reception of Greek Christian Texts in the 12th-Century Latin West, I (1231)
- Transcending Language Boundaries: The Reception of Greek Christian Texts in the 12th-Century Latin West, II (1331)
- Women, Nature, and the Environment (1738)