IMC 2023: Sessions
Session 517: Cultural and Religious Networks in Medieval Iberia, I: Authoring Ascetics
Tuesday 4 July 2023, 09.00-10.30
Sponsor: | University of Bristol / Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen |
Organiser: | Kati Ihnat, Afdeling Geschiedenis, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen |
Moderator/Chair: | Molly Lester, Department of History, United States Naval Academy, Maryland |
Paper 517-a | Situating Sanctity: Braulio's Life of Aemilian in Context (Language: English) Index terms: Hagiography, Monasticism |
Paper 517-b | Visions of the Desert in Suevic Gallaecia: The Enigma of Paschasius' Liber geronticon (Language: English) Index terms: Language and Literature - Latin, Monasticism, Religious Life |
Paper 517-c | The Articulation of Confessorship in the Old Hispanic Rite: St Martin of Tours (Language: English) Index terms: Hagiography, Liturgy, Monasticism |
Abstract | Late Antiquity witnessed important changes in notions of sanctity and what it meant to lead a good Christian life, changes that have not been explored in as much detail for Iberia as for other areas of the Christian world. In this session, three papers will tackle the production and transmission of literature related to the development of new ascetic ideals in late antique Iberia: the Vita Emiliani by Braulio of Zaragoza (Wood), Paschasius of Dumio's Liber geronticon (Addison), and the anonymous liturgy produced for the famous ascetic saint, Martin of Tours (Maloy). Exploring ascetic ideals and the construction of ascetic, confessor saints in a variety of different source types - from the theoretical apothegmata to the music of the liturgy - will allow us to reach a nuanced and balanced picture of what these new Christian values meant to late antique Iberians, how they were communicated, and what were the interests of their producers. |