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International Medieval Research

International Medieval Research (IMR) is a series of volumes produced by the Institute for Medieval Studies in partnership with Brepols Publishers.

Although the IMC does not publish its full proceedings, IMR seeks to showcase research that has been shared and developed by the IMC.

Proposing a volume

Anyone is eligible to propose a volume in the IMR series. The person who makes the proposal should either be willing to edit the volume themselves, or nominate an editor.

The Editorial Board will consider an informal proposal first, before deciding whether to invite you to submit a formal proposal for consideration by Brepols.

A volume should consist of 10-20 selected, edited papers with a coherent organising principle. Papers should be 5,000-8,000 words. Articles have been published in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.

If you would like to propose a future volume or receive further information on the process, contact

Editorial Board

  • Axel E. W. Müller, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds- Executive Editor
  • John B. Dillon, Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  • Richard K. Emmerson, School of Arts, Manhattan College, New York
  • Christian Krötzl, Department of History & Philosophy, University of Tampere
  • Chris P. Lewis, Department of History, King's College London / Institute of Historical Research, University of London
  • Pauline Stafford, School of History, University of Liverpool / Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds

IMR volumes

So far, 26 volumes have been published in the series: