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IMC 2004: Sessions

Session 821: 'Sapientia-Eloquentia' (From Wisdom to Eloquence?): Studies of the Function of Poetry in Monastic and Scholastic Milieus in Medieval Europe

Tuesday 13 July 2004, 16.30-18.00

Sponsor:'Sapientia'-Project, Stockholm University
Organiser:Gunilla Iversen, Romanska och klassiska institutionen, Stockholms Universitet
Moderator/Chair:Susan Boynton, Department of Music, Columbia University

This round table presents and discusses the ongoing work of the research project Sapientia - eloquencia: textual and musical interpretations of poetic form and function in a monastic and in an emerging scholastic culture in medieval Europe.
Members of the Sapientia-project will present and discuss parts of the project, forming the basis of a collective Sapientia-volume. The aim of the project is to study changes in function, in textual and musical forms of liturgical poetry, and in interpretatative genres, as well as changes in the relation between poetry and music in the confrontation between traditional 'monastic' culture and a new, scholastic culture in 12th-century Europe. Important questions concern the relation between the poetic genres studied and poetics, between musical theory and praxis. These general questions comprise different basic notions and experiences which also require hermeneutic study, covering questions of poetics, the poetic word, the explanatory word, practice, theory, metrics, rhythm and music.
In a series of case studies the members of the project from their different disciplines investigate examples of text and music, and edit and analyze the medieval interpretations given in commentaries as well as in theoretical texts. The project includes manuscript inventories and text editions of sequence commentaries and glosses, and of commentaries and glosses to Lamentations, as well as comparative studies on text and music of liturgical poetry and liturgical drama from different parts of the period investigated.
The research project is based at the Institute of Classical Languages, Stockholm University, and is carried out by researchers from Stockholm, Paris, London, Leeds and Copenhagen. Participants in the round table include Nicolas Bell (The British Library, London), Marie-Noël Colette (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris), William T. Flynn (University of Leeds), Gunilla Iversen (Stockholms Universitet), and Nils-Holger Petersen (Københavns Universitet).