IMC 2013: Strands
IMC 2013: Sessions in strand Government and Institutions
- 14th-Century Studies, I: Crime, Punishment, and Pardoning (1028)
- 14th-Century Studies, II: 14th-Century Court and Culture (1128)
- 14th-Century Studies, III: Treason and Civil Discord in the Reign of Edward II (1531)
- 14th-Century Studies, IV: Politics and Law in Late Medieval England (1631)
- Chronicles and Legal Texts in 13th-Century England: Problems of Composition and the Construction of the Past (211)
- Communicating Legal Narratives between Court and Society (1330)
- Converting the Isles, I: Reconsidering Conversion (505)
- Defining Kingdoms in 10th-Century Europe (803)
- Definition and Choice in Medieval Law, Order, and Conflict Resolution: European Perspectives (306)
- It's Good To Be the Queen!: The Pleasures and Pitfalls of Exercising Power in the Middle Ages (319)
- Law, Violence, and Social Bonds, I: Power, Conflict, and Dispute Settlement (506)
- Law, Violence, and Social Bonds, II: The Imposition and Maintenance of Authority (606)
- Law, Violence, and Social Bonds, III: 'Princeps legibus solutus est'? - Rules and Dynastic Authority (706)
- Law, Violence, and Social Bonds, IV: Places of Power: Location and the Exercise of Authority (806)
- Medieval Heraldry Revisited, I: Creating Ties of Visuality - Heraldry and the Display of Social Relationships (107)
- Medieval Heraldry Revisited, II: Between City and Nobility - Heraldry and the Question of Status (207)
- Medieval Heraldry Revisited, III: Beyond Worldly Bonds - The Spiritual Capacity of Heraldry in the Visual World of the Late Middle Ages (307)
- Medieval Hostages and Hostageship, I: The Anglo-Saxon Hostage (1505)
- Medieval Hostages and Hostageship, II: The High Middle Ages (1605)
- Medieval Hostages and Hostageship, III: The Later Middle Ages (1705)
- Names, Name-Calling, and Power in the 11th and 12th Centuries (106)
- Negotiation and Transformation: Medieval Southern Italy, 12th-13th Century, I (1524)
- Negotiation and Transformation: Medieval Southern Italy, 12th-13th Century, II (1624)
- Negotiation and Transformation: Medieval Southern Italy, 12th-13th Century, III (1724)
- Peripheral Territories in Early Medieval Europe, 9th-11th Centuries (1207)
- Pleasure and Care, II: Medicine and Devotion (220)
- Pleasure in Everyday Life of German Noblemen and Noblewomen in the Late Middle Ages (1619)
- Political Communication in the Carolingian World (1111)
- Political Networks and Landscapes in the Late Middle Ages: Southern Germany and the Swiss Confederation (206)
- Rewriting History in the Central Middle Ages, III: Redefining Rulership (1221)
- Social, Political, and Cultural Exchanges: Ireland, Britain, and the Wider World in the Later Middle Ages, I - Regionalism and English Lordship: Distinctions and Parallels (1005)
- Social, Political, and Cultural Exchanges: Ireland, Britain, and the Wider World in the Later Middle Ages, II - English Ireland?: Administration and Procedure (1105)
- Social, Political, and Cultural Exchanges: Ireland, Britain, and the Wider World in the Later Middle Ages, III - Community and Status in the English Lordship of Ireland (1205)
- Social, Political, and Cultural Exchanges: Ireland, Britain, and the Wider World in the Later Middle Ages, IV - Political Relationships on the Fringes of English Polity (1305)
- The Growth of Religious Reform Movements in Late Medieval Central and Eastern Europe: Contexts and Comparisons (824)
- The Pleasure of Archives: Uncovering England in the 13th Century (111)