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Session Room Set Up

IMC staff set up a session

To ensure the smooth running of your session, it is important to check the room is set up correctly before the session starts.

Speakers and moderators should arrive 30 minutes before the start of their session to prepare.

When you enter the session room, you should:

  • Check the room has any additional equipment you have requested
  • Add all speakers’ PowerPoints to the desktop of the in-room PC
  • Click the ‘Join Now’ button on the virtual platform, which will appear 30 minutes before the session is due to start (This will open the Zoom room for your session)
  • In Zoom, click ‘Share Screen’ and check that the ‘Entire Screen’ option is selected
  • In Zoom, check that your microphone and camera are working, and do not mute them (The set up period will not be included in the recording)

An in-person and virtual Session Room Organiser will be on hand to help you set up. Please do not alter the settings once they have been set.

They will check:

  • The microphone/camera to ensure the virtual audience can see/hear the speakers
  • That ‘Share Entire Screen’ is selected in Zoom
  • If any speakers do not have PowerPoint presentations
  • How you would like to be contacted if there is a problem

Full instructions will be available at your session room PC during IMC. Speakers and moderators should read these before the session begins.