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Session Room Support

An IMC staff member assisting delegates in the virtual cluster.

A team of Session Room Organisers (SROs) will be available to assist speakers and moderators throughout the Congress, both virtually and in-person. In-person SROs can be found outside your session room. Virtual SROs can be contacted by typing into the Zoom chat.

SROs will be available to ensure that session rooms are set up correctly and water is replenished. You should raise any issues with the SROs, who will endeavour to resolve them or escalate if necessary.

Virtual SROs will be monitoring your session through Zoom to ensure that sessions are accessible for our virtual delegates. They proactively contact sessions experiencing audio/visual difficulties.
Both in-person and virtual SROs will be able to provide basic technical support.

Please make sure you are familiar with the basic functions of the equipment, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Zoom before you arrive. SROs will be assigned to more than one session room, so they will not have time to help every speaker during their presentation.