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IMC 2014: Sessions

Session 1014: Poverty and Discord: Monasticism and Medieval Literature

Wednesday 9 July 2014, 09.00-10.30

Organiser:Isabella Bolognese, School of Modern Languages and Cultures- University of Leeds
Moderator/Chair:René Hernández Vera, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds
Paper 1014-a‘‘Francesco e Povertà’ per questi amanti': Dante's Defence of the Franciscans
(Language: English)
Rory D. Sellgren, Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds
Index terms: Language and Literature - Italian, Monasticism, Social History
Paper 1014-bConflict and Discord in 12th-Century Italian Monastic Communities
(Language: English)
Isabella Bolognese, School of Modern Languages and Cultures- University of Leeds
Index terms: Monasticism, Social History

This session explores monasticism through different medieval literary sources. How were monks seen and portrayed by the authors of the Middle Ages? What motives and agendas did medieval authors have to write about monks and monasticism? In what way did medieval literature forward, aid, or hinder monastic communities and ideals? The first paper will look at Dante's view of the Franciscans, and his use and incorporation of Franciscan ideals in his Commedia, in which he condemned the papacy for its hostility towards the Spiritual Franciscans. The second paper will investigate the theme of conflict and dissent in medieval communities through a number of hagiographical writings of the 12th century.