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IMC 2019: Sessions

Session 1032: Monasticism and Materiality, I: Sources

Wednesday 3 July 2019, 09.00-10.30

Sponsor:Monastic Ireland & Monastic Wales
Organisers:Janet Burton, School of Archaeology, History & Anthropology, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Annejulie Lafaye, Monastic Ireland Project, Discovery Programme, Dublin
Moderator/Chair:Janet Burton, School of Archaeology, History & Anthropology, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Paper 1032-a'Many goods to the friars': Patronage of Athenry Dominican Priory
(Language: English)
Yvonne McDermott, Department of Business, Humanities & Technology, Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
Index terms: Architecture - Religious, Ecclesiastical History, Lay Piety, Monasticism
Paper 1032-bContinuity or Change: The Strata Florida Estate before and after the Dissolution
(Language: English)
Heather Para, Faculty of Humanities & Performing Arts, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Lampeter
Index terms: Archives and Sources, Ecclesiastical History, Monasticism
Paper 1032-cMaterial Sources in Early Modern Historical Writing: The Case of the Order of Preachers
(Language: English)
Haude Morvan, Institut Ausonius, Université Bordeaux Montaigne
Index terms: Archives and Sources, Art History - General, Historiography - Modern Scholarship, Monasticism

In this session speakers will explore what sources can reveal about the material culture of monastic and mendicant orders. The first paper will use insights gleaned from the examination of the register of Athenry Dominican priory in Ireland; in the second paper the pre-and post- Dissolution records for one of the granges of Strata Florida Cistercian abbey will be used to investigate change and continuity on the monastic estate; the final paper will discuss the use of monuments, tombs, painted panels and other objects as sources by the Dominican order to write the history of their own order.