IMC 2019: Strands
IMC 2019: Sessions in strand Philosophy and Political Thought
- A Material Consideration of Berechaiah Ha-Nakdan (1617)
- Immateriality and Scholastic Thought (1234)
- Interpretations, Appropriations, Conceptions: Reading the Old Testament as Political Narrative, 13th-15th Centuries (348)
- Marsilius of Padua in Context (148)
- Materialities at Birkbeck, II: Materialities and Temporalities - Interrogating the Medieval/Early Modern Divide (731)
- Materializing Scholastic Natural Philosophy (1334)
- Matter in the Natural Philosophy of Albertus Magnus (1134)
- Matter Matters: Albertus Magnus on the Subject Matter of Natural Philosophy (1034)
- Matters of Mind (1734)
- Middle English Poets on the Mind (248)
- Minds and Matter, I: Landscapes of the Medieval Mind - Beyond Metaphor (1534)
- Minds and Matter, II: Medieval Minds and Materialities - New Approaches (1634)
- Nicholas of Cusa, I: Conflicts and Controversies (1543)
- Nicholas of Cusa, II: Reality and Materiality (1643)
- Nicholas of Cusa, III: Philosophical Questions (1743)
- Ordered Universe, I: Robert Grosseteste's Cosmology - The Physics of Light and the Dimensions of Materiality (534)
- Ordered Universe, II: Seeing is Believing?: Robert Grosseteste's Theories of Vision (634)
- Ordered Universe, III: What Did the Planets Ever Do For Us? - Robert Grosseteste and the Appliance of Science (734)
- Ordered Universe, IV: The Medieval Science of Sound as You've Never Heard It Before (834)
- Ordered Universe: The Human Being as Microcosm - The Sciences and Humanities in Collaboration - A Round Table Discussion (934)
- Power and Money (752)
- Time and History in Medieval Text and Imagery, I: The Anglo-Norman World (1505)
- Time and History in Medieval Text and Imagery, II: The Wider World (1605)
- Visual Perspectives in Painting and Sculpture (305)
- What Is the Matter of/with Medieval Philosophy?, I: The Matter of Logic (1035)
- What Is the Matter of/with Medieval Philosophy?, II: The Matter of Metaphysics (1135)
- What Is the Matter of/with Medieval Philosophy?, III: The Reception, Transmission, and Teaching of Medieval Philosophy (1335)