IMC 2020: Sessions
Session 1227: Transcending Borders in Female Convents from the Late Middle Ages to the Early Modern Age
Wednesday 8 July 2020, 14.15-15.45
Organisers: | Meret Wuethrich, Lehrstuhl für Mittelalterliche Geschichte Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg Lea von Berg, Deutsches Seminar - Germanistische Mediävistik Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
Moderator/Chair: | Minjie Su, Faculty of English Language & Literature, University of Oxford |
Paper 1227-a | Overcoming Monastic Boundaries: The 'Wonnental Gradual' between Cistercian Spirituality and Lay Society (Language: English) Index terms: Liturgy, Local History, Mentalities, Monasticism |
Paper 1227-b | Texts without Boundaries: Compiled Nuns' Lives beyond the Adelhausen Sister-Book (Language: English) Index terms: Language and Literature - German, Literacy and Orality, Monasticism, Women's Studies |
Paper 1227-c | The Boundaries of Research: Rethinking the Classification of the So-Called 'Denkwürdigkeiten' by Caritas Pirckheimer (Language: English) Index terms: Hagiography, Language and Literature - German, Monasticism, Women's Studies |
Abstract | This session focuses on the interaction of different sides within and beyond the monastic enclosure, revealed in its manuscripts. Female convents of three orders in south Germany from the late Middle Ages to the early modern period will be discussed. Paper A demonstrates the monastic interior and the lay society represented in a Gradual of the Cistercian monastery of Wonnental around the 14th century. Paper B illustrates the copying, collecting and rewriting of sister-books across the boundaries of two Dominican women’s convents in its textual history. Paper C discusses the classification of texts in the environment of Caritas Pirckheimer in the Nuremberg Poor Clares around 1500. |