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IMC 2022: Sessions

Session 218: Murals and Banners Crossing Borders in Medieval Drama

Monday 4 July 2022, 14.15-15.45

Sponsor:Société internationale pour l'étude du théâtre médiéval
Organiser:Cora Dietl, Institut für Germanistik, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen
Moderator/Chair:Cora Dietl, Institut für Germanistik, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen
Paper 218-a'Performance' in Mural Wall Paintings: The Seven Works of Mercy in Paintings and Plays
(Language: English)
Therese Novotny, Department of English Modern Languages & Philosophy Carroll University Wisconsin
Index terms: Art History - Painting, Language and Literature - Middle English, Lay Piety, Performance Arts - Dance
Paper 218-bBetween History and Myth: Staging the Christian Conquest of the Balearic Islands
(Language: English)
Lenke Kovács, Departament de Filologia Catalana i Lingüística General, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma
Index terms: Language and Literature - Spanish or Portuguese, Performance Arts - General, Performance Arts - Drama, Politics and Diplomacy

Possible interferences of paintings and dramatic art in the late Middle Ages have often been discussed regarding questions of influence and inspiration between the arts. The papers in this session go one step further and ask about the power of images (especially murals) animating narrative texts and linking them to drama, and their power to structure spaces and move the audience in a semi-theatrical way. They ask about a visual and cognitive blending between theatre and murals, and about the role given to paintings (here: banners) within theatrical performances. The scope of the papers ranges from Britain and France to Majorca, and combines religious and political theatre.