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IMC 2023: Sessions

Session 403: Islands of the Next Atlantic: A Forum on Futures for North Atlantic Early Medieval Studies - A Round Table Discussion

Monday 3 July 2023, 19.00-20.00

Sponsor:Islands of the North Atlantic (IONA)
Organisers:Georgia Henley, Department of English / Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis, Stanford University
Matthew Hussey, Department of English, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia
Moderator/Chair:Josh Davies, Department of English Language & Literature, King's College London

In 2016, the 'Seafaring: Islands of the North Atlantic' (IONA) conference in Denver tried out an experimental model for an academic gathering, with workshops, labs, and seminars designed to break down the institutional barriers between disciplines and fields. IONA expanded in Vancouver in 2019, with focuses on Indigenous critical challenges to old assumptions and on antiracist scholarship and teaching. The pandemic put IONA in hibernation, but this open forum discussion, run by Josh Davies and Matt Hussey (of the IONA steering committee), on its future will explore questions of the role of a creative and scholarly organisation in medieval studies, and more importantly, what forms that organisation should take and what it should offer.

All IONA members and those interested are invited to discuss the future of early medieval studies as a field and the best role for a small grassroots group like IONA in that future.