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IMC 2023: Sessions

Session 444: Podcasts, Blogs, and Video Essays: Digital Medieval Studies for the Masses? - A Round Table Discussion

Monday 3 July 2023, 19.00-20.00

Sponsor:Coding Codices
Organiser:Hannah Busch, Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences, Amsterdam
Moderator/Chair:Hannah Busch, Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts & Sciences, Amsterdam

Digital medieval studies as a subfield of digital humanities is characterised by various disciplines as well as a high number of international collaborations, and is populated by scholars with different educational backgrounds: from scholars trained as medievalists who implemented digital components only during their postgrad studies to scholars that approached medieval studies through their technical skills. This development in medieval studies inspires different approaches of communication between scholars and towards the public, such as podcasts, blog posts, and video essays.
This round table discussion brings together scholars from this domain to discuss their own experiences with the above mentioned formats. How has this changed their own views on scholarship and scientific outreach? How can scholars benefit from participating in those formats in terms of public outreach and network building? Does the digital turn in medieval studies result in an emerging importance of public outreach and science communication for both traditional scholarship and digital humanities?

Participants include Sebastian Dows-Miller (University of Oxford), Ségolène Gence (University of Kent), Tessa Gengnagel (Universität zu Köln), Estelle Guéville (Yale University), and Catrin Haberfield (Stanford University).